
ASP.NET URL Rewriting

How do I rewrite URL's in ASP.NET? I would like users to be able to goto http://www.website.com/users/smith instead of http://www.website.com/?user=smith ...

ASP.NET UrlRewriting and Constructing Page Links

So this post talked about how to actually implement url rewriting in an ASP.NET application to get "friendly urls". That works perfect and it is great for sending a user to a specific page, but does anyone know of a good solution for creating "Friendly" URLs inside your code when using one of the tools referenced? For example listing a...

What is the best method to achieve dynamic URL Rewriting in ASP.Net?

I'm currently using Intelligencia.UrlRewriter does anyone have better suggestions? ...

How do configure optional or "extraneous" URLs?

How would you configure/handle extraneous/optional URLs entities (aliases, maybe)? SO is a good example: stackoverflow.com/questions/99999999/ stackoverflow.com/questions/99999999/question-goes-here (bad example, but I couldn't think of better) Amazon URLs are even more confusing (e.g., the Kindle) amazon.com/gp/product/B000FI73MA...

Can I use commas in a URL?

I typically use URL rewriting to pass content IDs to my website, so this Foo.1.aspx rewrites to Foo.aspx?id=1 For a specific application I need to pass in multiple IDs to a single page, so I've rewritten things to accept this: Foo.1,2,3,4,5.aspx This works fine in Cassini (the built-in ad hoc web server for Visual Studio) but...

Is there an IIS setting to get rid of extra '/' characters in a requested URL?

The general problem: We have urls coming to our IIS web servers formatted like: http://www.server.com/page.aspx We are also seeing that urls like this are coming in: http://www.server.com//page.aspx We would like to get rid of that extra path character because when the user agent is Internet Explorer, this is resolving as ...

javascript window.open() and # symbol

I am trying to link to a file that has the '#' character in via a window.open() call. The file does exist and can be linked to just fine using a normal anchor tag. I have tried escaping the '#' character with '%23' but when the window.open(myurl) gets processed, the '%23' becomes '%2523'. This tells me that my url string is being esca...

Besides URL rewriting, what options are available for maintaining sessions without using cookies?

I've seen various options for URL rewriting here on Stack Overflow, and other places on the web, but was curious to see if there were other options. ...

How do I determine if an asp.net url has been "rewritten"?

I'm using http://urlrewriter.net/ to rewrite urls at my website. For example, I'm rewriting: http://www.example.com/schedule.aspx?state=ca to http://www.example.com/california.aspx What I'm trying to do (for SEO purposes) to to dynamically add the meta tag: <meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow" /> only to the page t...

Apache modrewrite .htaccess question

I want to be able to rewrite a URL from: // examples http://example.com/location/New York, NY --> http://example.com/location/index.html?location=New York, NY http://example.com/location/90210 --> http://example.com/location/index.html?location=90210 http://example.com/location/Texas --> http://example.com/location/index.html?locat...

Override getContextPath in an HttpServletRequest (for URL rewriting)

I have a web-app that I would like to extend to support multiple languages with new URLs. For example, www.example.com/home.do stays English, but www.example.com/es/home.do is Spanish. My first thought was to create a Filter which rewrites incoming urls like /es/home.do to /home.do (and sets the Locale in the Request); this works fine....

How to create friendly url's in asp.net 2

I tried using the IHttpModule and managed to convert the urls just fine, but all of my images returned path error (all going through the new url directory). whats the solution? ...

IIS7: URL rewrite http://web1.com/web1/def.aspx to http://web1.com/def.aspx

I have to have my website stored in a subfolder of my domain root. Is there a way to rewrite the URLs so that it doesn't appear to be stored in a subfolder? It doesn't matter to me if this is done at the IIS level or in the web.config. ...

Multi-lingual websites with ASP.NET MVC

When building a multi-lingual website (with ASP.NET web forms), I'll use an HTTP module to rewrite the URLs to end up with something friendly (for humans & search engines) like: uk/products/product_category_one/sub_category_one/index.aspx uk/products/product_category_one/sub_category_one/widget_mk5.aspx es/productos/categoría_de_product...

Route www link to non-www link in .net mvc

It seems with the built in friendly routing library in .NET MVC, it would allow us to do something like this. In case it's not obvious what I want to with the built in stuff in .NET MVC, I want to a url starting with www to be automatically redirected to a non-www url using the MVC framework. ...

ISAPI_Rewrite In IIS 7

I've been using ISAPI_Rewrite from Helicon (http://www.helicontech.com/isapi_rewrite/) on a Server 2003 box for years and have always had good luck with it. I'm migrating all the sites on the 2003 box to a new shiny Server 2008 box. I would prefer to not purchase a new license and I have heard that IIS 7 will have capability built in. ...

Rewritepath and IIS Integrated Mode

I have big issue with url-rewriting for IIS 7.0. I've written simple module for rewriting for my NET3.5/IIS7 web application. Here is a part of the code. public void Init(HttpApplication context) { context.BeginRequest += new EventHandler(context_BeginRequest); } void context_BeginRequest(object sender, EventAr...

websites urls without file extension?

When I look at Amazon.com and I see their URL for pages, it does not have .htm, .html or .php at the end of the URL. It is like: http://www.amazon.com/books-used-books-textbooks/b/ref=topnav_storetab_b?ie=UTF8&amp;node=283155 Why and how? What kind of extension is that? ...

ASP MVC Routing with > 1 parameter

I have the following route defined routes.MapRoute( "ItemName", "{controller}/{action}/{projectName}/{name}", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", name = "", projectName = "" } ); This route actually works, so if I type in the browser /Milestone/Edit/Co-Driver/Featur...

Using Application_BeginRequest for url rewriting

Up till now we've been rewriting URL's using a custon 404 page: the url would not map to any file in the site, and we configured the IIS to send 404 error to a aspx page which redirected those url's to the correct URL. Now we want to stop using redirects, so after reading Scott Guthrie's article on Url Rewriting, I want to use the Applic...