
Persisting/caching data between requests - common approach

I'm developing an (MVC but this doesn't really matter) application. I have a custom IHttpModule that's responsible for the PostAuthenticateRequest to change user principal & identity. I'm storing UserID and UserName in authentication cookie when user logs-in. I have an IUser (implemented by DAO and Business Objects layer, each w...

algorithm for checking addresses for matches?

I'm working on a survey program where people will be given promotional considerations the first time they fill out a survey. In a lot of scenarios, the only way we can stop people from cheating the system and getting a promotion they don't deserve is to check street address strings against each other. I was looking at using levenshtein...

[Drupal] Manipulating database data from front-end

Let's say a content-type user has a CCK field called friends. From the back-end (as admin) you can easily multiselect the friends of that user. But how can i change the value of this field by a button 'Add as friend' on the detailpage of this user on the front-end. Summary: How can i manipulate node data from the front of the webpage?...