
Does the user control test container in Visual Studio work on 64-bit OS?

I recently moved to a machine with 64-bit Windows. When I try to debug a winforms user control with the test container that's included in Visual Studio Team System 2008, I just get an empty test container and the user control does not load. Nothing even shows up in the list of controls that can be loaded. I hope that there is something o...

What is the easiest way to break up large XAML files in my application?

I recently discovered that I could make use of user controls to reduce the size of my main application's .xaml file. I am new to WPF and realized that my app's XAML is getting very long, very fast and is cumbersome to scroll through. Are user controls the best way to address this issue (i.e. have lots of user controls and their template...

When writing the xaml for my user controls should I remove grid and use dock panel or something else?

I am adding user controls in my solution. The main page of my project will have a dock panel. When writing the xaml for my user controls should I remove grid and use dock panel or what? Iam using visual studio express and WPF. ...

Passing parameters to UserControl constructor in c# 2.0

Is there a way to pass the parameters to the LoadControl function when loading the user control dynamically? ...

.NET Winform Keyboard control

Is there a winform keyboard control out there? I am looking for a control which I can drag and drop. This is for a warehouse application which have touchscreen capability, like the ones found in the resturant applications. ...

Silverlight UserControl and MVVM

I have a very similar issue as described in this post. I have a UserControl to encapsulate an address. This contains a number of basic controls, mostly textboxes. I then have backing dependecy properties in the code-behind for each property... #region Line1 /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the Line1. /// </summary> pub...

(WPF) How do you bind to IsMouseOver on a usercontrol

Edit: The original premise of the question was incorrect so revised the question: Basically I want a button to be visible only when the mouse is over the containing user control. Here is the simplified versin of what I have: <UserControl xmlns="" xmlns:x="http://schemas....

Alternative of ASP.NET's UserControls in PHP?

I have developed many web applications in ASP.NET in which I have make use of UserControls to manage header footer and any other common part of a web page. Now I am developing an app in PHP, is there anything which I can use as an alternative of UserControls?? How I can implement the similar concept in PHP? Thanks? ...

Difference between setting control Parent property and using Controls.Add()?

more specifically, are these statements ownerControl.GroupBox1.Controls.Remove(childControl); ownerControl.Controls.Add(childControl); an equivalent to childControl.Parent = ownerControl; ...

Reuse usercontrol in mail in mvc

Hi After a user purchases a product, a receipt is displayed. I need to also email this receipt to the customer (as html), and would like to reuse the view I already created. What is the best way to do that - and how? ...

How to pass an ASP server control as parameter to a usercontrol?

I have a gridview and usercontrol on the page, I want to alter gridview from usercontrol. how can i do that? And also how can I call functions in usercontrol's "host" page from the usercontrol? UPDATE: I have a dropdownlist inside this usercontrol, when the it's SelectedIndexChanged event is triggered i want the gridview on the host ...

User Control Docking Attribute

I am trying to make my own user control and have almost finished it, just trying to add some polish. I would like the option in the designer to "Dock in parent container". Does anyone know how to do this I can't find an example. I think it has something to do with a Docking Attribute. ...

Can I throw a property changed event for items in a collection bound to my Listbox.ItemSource?

I have a user control that inherits from the ListBox class and displays a list of a custom class I have named DataSeries. Each DataSeries has several dependency properties, like LineColor for example. I can bind my DataSeries collection to the listbox itemsource with no problems, and it displays with the template I have defined (the te...

UserControl within txt file

I working on a small page content manager. I would like to create some variables like @contact@ that an user can add within some pages. the @contact@ is a userControl (a contact form). All the pages are stored as txt files. My question is : Is it possible to "translate" the @contact@ variable into the userControl when I "display" the ...

CF. NET Expandable properties and design-time attributes

Hello! I am authoring custom control derived from UserControl using Visual Studio 2005 and CF.NET 2.0. My problems are: 1) I can't get properties of my control grouped into specified category (although tag is specified for every property in .xmta file) 2) Descriptions for properties are not shown in property grid of Visual Studio ( ...

IIS not serving .net control (.dll)

I'm serving a .net user control in .dll form. It displays in IE7 fine when served from my external IIS 6 server. However when served from a IIS 5 the control is rendered as a Text Area control with a Scrollbar control on the side. I had a look at the http response - IIS5 is serving this: <html><head><title>Error</title></head><body>T...

C# User Control that can contain other Controls (when using it)

I found something about this issue for ASP, but it didn't help me much ... What I'd like to do is the following: I want to create a user control that has a collection as property and buttons to navigate through this collection. I want to be able to bind this user control to a collection and display different controls on it (containing ...

Eventhandler for UserControl with button onClick event

Hello, I've created a user control that contains a button and a few other controls. When declaring my user control in the html markup I'd like to do some sort of : <asp:CustomControl onclick="CustomControl_Click" ID="cc1" runat="server"> Where CustomControl_Click is obviously the action I want to call when my control's button is ...

WPF: Best way of adding "connectors" between items in different listboxes

I have a bunch of usercontrols, each with listboxes in them. I want to make it so that connections between items in these listboxes can be connected between the different controls, and show this visually by drawing lines between them (like in a diagram). That is, item1 in listbox1 is connected to item5 in listbox2 by drawing a line betwe...

Issues rendering UserControl using Server.Execute() in an ASMX web service

Can anyone explain to why Server.Execute() is requiring my rendered UserControls to contain <form> tags (or alternately, what I am doing wrong that is making Server.Execute() require form tags in my UserControls)? I have created an ASMX service to dynamically load UserControls via JQuery+JSON as follows: ControlService.asmx <%@ WebSer...