
WPF: Error getting UserControl into ToolBox

I can remember that some time ago when I created a UserControl in Visual Studio 2008 the USerControls automatically appeared in the ToolBox. Now they don't. If use "Choose Items.." on the ToolBox I get the error message "The given assembly name or codebase was invalid", after selecting my assembly. I have Windows XP SP3 and .NET Framew...

How to Pass Property Value to Usercontrol

Hello I have created one aspx Page from that i need to access the property of Usercontrol. Note : User control not registerd in a page, Its loaded Dynamically by using Loadcontrol. Even i am wondering while i am typing Excact Class Name of User control, it can not be resolved. Then how can i create Object for user control.. without a...

VB6, ActiveX: Cannot create reference to OCX

hello again i have a little problem with the creation of a user control. though i have made a control i want to use in another control. as soon as i want to add the reference (would like to use it as compiled OCX) in the Component's list, the message "Wechselseitiger Verweis zwischen Projekten nicht zulässig" which means something like...

Can I iterate a datasource?

Hi, I have a control, and I want to interate through its datasource, is that possible? The control is bound to a repeater, but I also want to loop through the items using inline code on the top of the .ascx control page. Is this possible? Update I am binding to a repeater, and the thing bound to the repeater is a List collection. I...

ASP.NET MVC: Passing a user control a list of 'something'

I'm wanting to have a strongly typed user control that accepts the class PaginatedList<T> What will my signature for this user control look like and how do I render it? At the moment I have this as my signature for the user control: <%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<Project.Models.PaginatedList<Project...

How to determine whether a C# control is being unloaded?

In my C# Windows Forms application, I have a user control that contains other controls and does its own logic. One of them is a delayed call (Timer-invoked) that does certain things after the user has finished a keyboard input (live filter text). It accesses the other controls for this, one of them is that text input control. This method...

access aspx page in application root from a page in subfolder

I have the following directory structure. Snowball -- User ----- UserControl I have a page ShoppingCart.aspx under User and it has a static property CartType.Now inside that userControl folder I have a user control OrderSummary.ascx.I want to access CartType property from this user control. I can only access classes that are ins...

WPF UserControl exposing inner listitems

I'm trying to write a UserControl to display a list of items where each of these items is a title and a group of checkboxes. This whole will represent a form of data where the person filling it in is answering a list of questions with a 1 to 4 value. This all works and binds nicely to the window's ViewModel. But I've currently got the a...

Access Method from a usercontrol in

Hello, I have a usercontrol in my page. I have a method ProcessData() in my page. How do I access ProcessData() method which is in the aspx page from my usercontrol? Please help ...

WPF: Problem with ItemsControl datatemplate as a user control

This works fine: <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Persons}"> <ItemsControl.ItemsPanel> <ItemsPanelTemplate> <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" /> </ItemsPanelTemplate> </ItemsControl.ItemsPanel> <ItemsControl.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <TextBlock ...

Button doesn't postback inside jQuery dialog inside UC

Hi,I am developing a user control and it has an button inside jQuery Dialog but when I press the button nothing happens I mean it doesn't call the button click event on the serverside, I have tried dlg.parent().appendTo(jQuery("form:first")); but it didnt help me too, is it possible to achive this inside UserControl ...

EventHandler is null

I am trying to raise a click event from User control and handle it on the containing page. The problem I have is, when I click the button 'imgstep1' on the user control, the code behind imgstep1_click event triggers and but the 'btnHandler' event is alway null. Hence it doesnt call the parent event. Any help on this will be much appreci...

Resources for developing Python and Google App Engine

Hi all, I would like to ask about some sources for developing applications with Python and Google App Engine. For example, some controls to generate automatically pages with the insert/update/delete of a database table, or any other useful resources are welcome. Thank you! ...

Two user models or just one?

I'm working on a new project and for some reason decided to create two separate user models/controllers/sessions using authologic. The users have completely different roles on the site but the models are basically the same. The only difference is the views. I'm now wondering if I should have just created one model and added a "role" f...

Accessing a UserControls methods from its object.

I have created a UserControl called AutorControl with a method to clear its textbox: public void LimpiarAutorTextbox() { textBox1.Text = ""; } Then my intention is from another form with a Panal, using a for loop add X ammount of the above user control. Then I want to call the UserControls method: "LimpiarA...

Passing Parameters to New Sub of a User Control

Hi, In ASP.Net, is it possible to pass parameters to the "New" constructor of a User Control class? In VB.Net: Public Sub New(ByVal pRequiredParam As String) 'Do something with required Param End Sub When I use this user control in a generic ASP.Net page, it doesn't prompt me for "pRequiredParam". Of course, if this was a "normal...

TemplateInstance.Single breaks aspx designer file

In Visual Studio 2008 I am trying to modify a UserControl to support TemplatInstance.Single. However, with that value the IDE no longer is able to update the designer file when new controls are added -- any controls, not just those inside the template of the UserControl. [PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] [Browsable(false)...

Can Asp.Net UserControls know if they're being added 'late' to the control hierarchy?

I have a user control that uses the standard if(!IsPostBack){//initialize myself} paradigm to avoid re-doing initialization during postbacks (so, trading fewer DB hits for increased ViewState usage). That approach serves me well most of the time but there's one place where I want to add this control to the control hierarchy 'late', duri...

How do you get the original control instance from a staticpartialcachingcontrol?

I'm output caching a usercontrol and it wraps it into a staticpartialcachingcontrol class. I somehow need some way to walk backwards and grab the original control instance, either through a strongly typed usercontrol or virtual name/path. Any ideas? ...

How to create a Setter/Getter of UserControl in VB6?

For an unknown reason, VB6 doesn't interact the same way with UserControl than other object. I have a class that require to hold a graphical interface, a user control and need to be set to be later used from the get method. I have try many thing like using the special class VBControlExtender but without any success. Here is what I have...