
Resolve this error

Hi, I have a WPF UserControl that i am using in a Windows Form using ElementHost. I am passing data from my Winform to my UserControl using a ListCollectionView. In my UserControl i have a method setdataSource where i am setting the datasource. But i keep getting this message in the output window when i debug my program "System.Wind...

Grabbing a user_group in MODx

Currently I have a Client login area. In this login area I was going to create a snippet that shows certain information for 'Admin' users. I had a feeling I could use <?php if ($modx->getLoginUserType()) { echo 'hi'; } else {} ?> However, all User Types are web. I was also looking around and found a script that prints out web-use...

User control default rendering in Silverlight

I'm continuing to learn Silverlight and dependency properties by recreating controls. In this case, it's a scrollbar. My scrollbar works, which is amazing, but with one problem. I have the slider width based on the LargeChange value and control width. The properties themselves correctly reflect the default values, but the slider widt...

WPF Focus Animation not working properly

Hi, I have a WPF usercontrol set up in XAML with the following Triggers: <UserControl.Triggers> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="GotFocus"> <BeginStoryboard> <Storyboard> <DoubleAnimation To="1.5" Storyboard.TargetName="ImageContent" Storyboard.TargetProperty="RenderTransform.Childre...

ASP.NET usercontrol, is it possible to have a design time comment?

Hi, Im making a small user control, i was wondering if it was possible to make some sort of comment, that is only visible design time. For example i would like to write in the top of my control that it requires a querystring parameter named userid. This way other developers can quickly see the requirements? cheers, ...

accessing web user controls (their id's) from code behind of a user control item

I created a user control in Asp.Net which I populate with <asp:Table id = "...." /> this table has columns that contain dropdownlists, textfields and other web controls... In the code behind I am not able to access these web controls, is there a way I can access them.......or I shouldn't be doing that in the code behind of the user cont...

ASP.NET recreating cached control

Hi, I solved most of the issues I had with caching. But still there is one thing. I have a UserControl for which I use output caching. Just like this: <%@ OutputCache Duration="1200" VaryByParam="none" %> However, as you can see, the control is recreated every 12 minutes, because it takes from 5 to 10 seconds to generate it. Now, t...

Create UserControl dynamically (WPF).

How can I create an instance of my UserControl dynamically (in code behind) and display it on the Canvas? ...

clearing all usercontrol in the wpf window

How to clear all usercontrols in the wpf window. in runtime i added dynamic usercontrols in my wpf window, when i refresh, i want to clear all those and need to load again. so how i can clear all usercontrols in my page.?? ...

.NET LicenseManager license embedding for redistributable components

Hi all, We are trying to use the .NET LicenseManger/Provider for our own custom component. However, it seems that this can't really be used if the licensed control will be wrapped in a 3rd party user control itself, since the saved license is always embedded in the control assembly in that case, which would force the consumer of that co...

ASP.NET AJAX UpdateProgress in User Control for UpdatePanel in parent page

(solved, see below) Hi all I'm working on an ASP.NET web forms application. In my Page I have an UpdatePanel and a user control with an UpdateProgress and a bunch of buttons. When the user clicks one of the buttons, I'd like to perform an asynchronous postback and show the UpdateProgress. Can anyone help me with making the postback as...

Gridview inline editing in nested usercontrols...rowediting event not fired

Hi I have a gridview which is placed in an Usercontrol. the gridview was created dynamically. when I place this usercontrol directly in an ASP - Webpage, every events (rowediting, rowupdating, etc.) works perfectly. when I place this usercontrol in another usercontrol, then the rowediting doesn't fire. I use a "asp:commandfield" with ...

ASP.NET HttpModule for page controls loading

Hi. I have some problem to be solved. There're directories in web service which will construct my webpage's menu and controls. Example of paths: \\*Country\\*Division\\*Part\\*Item\\*Control *some_root_path\USA\LADivision\ReportsPart\EditReportItem\LoadItemsControl *some_root_path\USA\LADivision\ReportsPart\EditReportItem\ClearItem...

Making control with attached property in code behind (WPF).

I have UserControl1 and I want to create it's instance and set attached property for it in the code behind of the other UserControl2. The other words, I have in the UserControl2: <UserControl2> <Canvas> </Canvas> </UserControl2> And I want to do: <UserControl2> <Canvas> <UserControl1 Canvas.Left="100" ... /> </Canvas> </...

C# user controls

How to add controls in parent control I am using C# windows application I have a user control including group box and checkbox group box, controls gets enabled or disabled on the basis of checked property of check box now when using this control in other application how can i add controls in group box?? so that they can get enabled o ...

Detecting the form move event from within a child control

I am creating a user control where when a user clicks a button a popup window will show up with information. The popup window is driven by a toolStripDropDown so when it shows up it does 2 things Does not move the other controls on the form around but displays over them That it can show the details outside the bounds of the user cont...

UserControl, PlaceHolder and UpdatePanel

I dynamically load a UserControl, with an updatepanel inside, into a placeHolder. When I click an button into UserControl, should refresh the updatepanel that there are in it, but refresh entire page and the user control disappears because the aspx page's Page_Load don't load anything if it's a postback. How I can fix it? PD: sorry for ...

ElementName not working when assigning DataTemplate from code behind?

I am trying to access Control using ElementName from DataTemplate that is used in different UserControl (Resources) than defined (in xaml). Imagine this situation: MyUserControl.xaml with following DataTemplate in resources: <UserControl.Resources> <DataTemplate x:Key="SomeTemplate"> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Text, ElementNam...

XAML inline data binding doesn't work; code behind binding works

Greetings folks! I'm running into a problem with WPF databinding that I hope you can help out with. I'm new to WPF but an expereienced developer (VB 3.0-6.0, C#). Here's the scenario: I have a C# project called MasterPartsData which contains a number of classes which reprsent different types of parts (capacitor, diode, etc). They inhe...

UserControl doesn't appear on page if dynamically added in Page.Load

I have a custom ASP.NET user control that is added to a panel on a web page in the Page.Load method. The control contains some Labels and a GridView. I'm adding it to the page with this code: ReportingControl rc = new ReportingControl(this.Username, this.SoaContext, transactionId, p.PaymentTypeRequestKey); this.pnlPB.Controls.Add(rc);...