
dynamically displayed usercontrol not firing postback event on select

Hello everyone, i have a very strange issue with a user control we are dynamically loading on an web page(.net 2.0). the user control has 3 dropdowns, one of which has a selectedindexchanged event attached to it (which loads the third dropdown with a set of values). the weird thing is, if there are currently any invalid fields ...

WPF applications hanging in some scenarioes! But WHY?

Hi! Check out following scenario: A User control which contain two combo boxes... First combo box contain list of States and Second combo box contain list of Cities. When you select a state the second combo box will contain list of cities using a LINQ query. When you select another state in first combo box the second combo box's items ...

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found

I have some user controls in the project kept under a folder UserControls. I'm using one of the user control from that folder in my master page and one on Default.aspx. The default.aspx uses that master file. The problem is that everything was working fine until something happened and it seems user control is not getting compiled. The ...

Load 3 user controls (web application) on their own threads

I have 3 user controls that pull data from the database and display a gridview. I need all of these 3 gridviews to run at the same time. How can I use threading to accomplish this? I forgot to mention it is being developed in C# Also, trying to create a thread in the page that is calling the 3 user controls is shutting down my localh...

Roles, Permissions, Objects based access system

I am looking to build a good access control system. I need support for roles, permissions, access objects, etc. I am looking for ideas/existing schema which could guide me to design the system. These are the general basic features. Create users with multiple roles User level fine tuning permissions User access level to prevent users wi...

WebResources in an ASP.NET website

Hi all, I'm developing a website using SiteFinity in Visual Studio 2008. This is a web site project rather than a web application project. During development I am finding myself developing lots and lots of user controls. The problem with this is that each user control needs to use some javascript and css. Now i can either include the c...

Listview to Excel HTML markup issue

I'm using code similar to code mention at to export Listview to excel My listview <asp:ListView ID="lv" runat="server"> <LayoutTemplate> <table runat="server" id="table1" class="datatable" > <tr class="r...

asp.Net: UserControl and Javascript Objects

Hi, how can I access my UserControl as a JavaScript Object for calling some function declared into my control. I have create a UserControl, and I want in the page I'm using this control access it through javascript code. var myControl = $get('<%= myContro.ClientID %>'); myControl.someMethod(); ...

How do you expose a Panel as a property in a User Control?

I have a user control with a panel on it: CustomControl.ascx <%@ Control Language="vb" CodeBehind="CustomControl.ascx.vb" %> <asp:Panel ID="myPanel" runat="server"></asp:Panel> I'd lke to expose that panel as a property that I can use at design time. CustomControl.ascx.vb <ParseChildren(True), PersistChildren(False)> _ Partial Publ...

How to load a UserControl in WPF with reflection?

private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var assm = Assembly.LoadFrom("wpflib.dll"); foreach (var t in assm.GetTypes()) { var i = t.GetInterface("test.ILib"); if (i != null) { var tmp = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(UserControl)) as UserControl; this.stac...

Handling MasterPage event in User Control of Content page.

Hi On my master page , I have "Search textbox" and "Search Button". On My content page , I have a "User Control" which has a "GridView".It shows some data about Vendors. Also, on this User Control's Page Load, i have code written to display all vendors in GridView. Now, when user enters Vendor Number in "Search textbox" , and hits "S...

Please help me -- c# web application I need to load 3 user controls at the same time

I have a page that has 3 used controls that are dynamically added to the page. One of these use controls hits a class that pulls a record set from the database (a rather quick request) and the other 2 user controls hit a single class and return a dataset from the database. The 2 that share a single class take an average of 10 seconds t...

How can I set the default event to be edited for my custom control in Visual Studio?

I made a custom button by inheriting the Button class. When I double click the custom button in Designer, it makes the event handling function for MyButton.Click: Private Sub MyButton1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyButton1.Click End Sub How can I make it so that when you double click,...

Element 'X' is not a known element - Web Application

I converted a forms website into an application and everything has been working just fine until now. I keep getting the green squiggly lines and the error that Element 'X' is not a known element. This is on almost every element, Gridview, Label, Update Panel, Hyperlink Field, Bound Field, etc... my web.config contains <pages theme="...

User Control Displaying in Wrong Place

I'm trying to include a user control in an aspx page, it works fine, but my control does position itself where I want it and always appears at the very top of the page. Could it have something to do with the masterpage? I've tried registering the user control in the master page, but I don't know how to reference it in the content page. A...

Can I create a usercontrol that is available only inside a template?

Anyone have an idea how I can create a usercontrol that is only available inside the template of another user control? The best example I can think of is the PostBackTrigger and AsyncPostbackTrigger. These "controls" are only available inside the Triggers "template" of the UpdatePanel. Basically, I want to be able to include placeholder ... 2010 Usercontrol scrolling problem

Hi, I have a usercontrol that i am working with based on a project i downloaded that displays a calendar. I am trying to adapt it to show a week to view like in Outlook 2007 where the columns are the days and the rows are 30min segments. The problem i am having is that when i turn on autoscrolling and scroll down, it fails to correctl...

MultiBinding and IMultiValueConverter Convert() called only once

Q: Why does my custom TextBox UserControl using a MultiBinding and IMultiValueConverter gets its Convert() method called only once (during instanciation) ?? I have defined a UserControl that requires a MultiBinding and a IMultiValueConverter in order to change its behavior/presentation upon 2 indenpendant DependencyProperty. <proj:MyCo...

ASP.Net: ClientID not correct in code-behind of a user control

The following code does not work. The markup is in a User Control and I suppose that's why ClientID returns the wrong prefix for the TextBox id. Markup: <INPUT id="txtName" runat="server" maxlength="50" style="WIDTH:100px"> <INPUT type="button" value="Find Your Doctor" id="btnFind" runat="server" style="MARGIN-LEFT:10px;WIDTH:130...

C#: Set font for UserControl (WinForm)

Hi all, I got a UserControl and some comboboxes in it. When I set new font for the UserControl, the font in comboboxes were also changed (this is expected) but the texts in them were selected!! How can I prevent text selection in comboboxes? Hope to find some solution soon. Thanks in advance! ...