
Mark-up Button Event Not Firing in ASP.NET (Details inside)

There is nothing fancy with the mark-up: <hr /> Add... <asp:Button ID="buttonTextSegment" runat="server" Text="Text Segment" onclick="buttonTextSegment_Click" /> <hr /> Or the code: protected void buttonTextSegment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //never is triggered } My guess is that it is due to the hierarchy/load or...

C# UserControl within one binary

I created two UserControls and a Windows.Form. UserControl #1 uses UserControl #2 and UserControl #1 is used in the Form. Is it possible to have all of those Controls in one binary instead of multiple control libraries and still have them available from the toolbox at design time? ...

Is it possible to save a user control to the database

Is it possible to save a WinForms user control(ex: button) to the database? Or the only thing that can be saved is the settings property. EDIT: Like what triggerX said. I tested the serializable idea. btnAttrib.cs [Serializable()] class btnAttrib { public Point LocationBTN { get; set; } public Size SizeBTN { get; set; } p...

How to draw on the Parent control from inside the UserControl

Hi all, The Graphics object in UserControl.Paint event makes sure that contents are drawn within the boundary of the user control. I guess the same graphics object is used to draw the entire window (by passing different clipping regions for different controls inside the form). My question is, is there a trick/hack with which, the Paren...

how to add an UserControl into another UserControl?

I have a UserControl called UC_Widget, it inheriting from System.Web.UI.UserControl and ITextControl and it also overide the function AddParsedSubObject.when i used it like below,it runs well. <uc1:UC_Widget ID="UC_Widget1" runat="server"> hello world </uc1:UC_Widget> but,it come out a problem: if i want to use this control to contai...

Datasource with parameter in ASPX page to move in user control

Hello, I have a page with some datasources in it. I am doing reenginering of the page itself and would like to split some parts of the page in several user controls. In my code I have an ObjectDataSource object with the following params <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server" TypeName="DataSetTableAdapters.Photos...

WPF MVVM - Custom Control won't bind to Visibility if I set the DataContext to the code behind.

I wanted to do a quick user control for my app, but to keep things in a MVVM style I thought I'd set the DataContext of the XAML to the code behind in my UserControl. i.e. DataContext="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}" This allows me to bind the XAML to properties in my code behind. Everything went well until I came to...

Find control in usercontrol from a Page ASP.NET

Hello, I am loading a control to a page dynamically with LoadControl("src to file"). In the usercontrol i have a validator and some other controls that i would like to access from my page. I canät get it to work, null pointer exception. Scenario is like this. I have a Edit.aspx page which loads the EditTemplate.ascx usercontroll. I wo...

About Load event of Windows Forms UserControl

Is there a guarantee that the Load event if an UserControl always occurs after the InitializeComponent() method and the constructor have been completed? ...

How to create highly themed Android applications?

I'm wondering how the UI of e.g. Opera Mini, Adobe Reader or the new Twitter application is made on Android. Both of them use very different looking controls than what the OS provide in default. Are they using the platform's theming method to create these or a canvas and draw everything byself on top of that or maybe completly "from scra...

Need a calendar control for iPhone app.

Does anyone know where I can find a ready to use calendar control (open source or library) that looks more or less like the calendar found in the built in iPhone app? ...

How to add child nodes to custom user control derived from System.Web.UI.Control

I would like to know how to add some additional child nodes to a custom user control class derived from System.Web.UI.Control. For example currently I have a control that contains no child nodes and on the design surface looks like the following. <cust:MyCustomControl id="ctlMyCustomControl" runat="server" attribute1="somevalue" att...

ASP.NET Button to update properties and show jQuery Modal

Hello, I have the following ASP.NET code: <div id="panelIssue" runat="server" style="width: 450px; height: 320px;"> <gsl:IssueUC ID="ucIssue" runat="server" OnItemSaved="ucIssue_ItemSaved" OnItemCancelled="ucIssue_ItemCancelled" /> </div> and then have an asp:Button on the page that simply call some methods and ...

Access WebUserControl DropDown Selected Value

Hi, I have a dropdown inside a webusercontrol which I want to use on 5 pages. I want to save the selected value of the dropdown from the page. I tried to access it using below method, but its not working on webPage its not don't show the me...

Simple and general Client-side Persistence solution?

Hi all: Have to say I wish I could implement server-side persistence (i.e., session-based and/or database-based user state persistence), but unfortunately my uni's server has limited resources provided and it is really hard to implemented a Perl based session solution (CGI::Session and Apache::Session not installed, dated Perl version, ...

Suggestions for synchronization of lists in Silverlight

Hi, We are creating a business application (Silverlight 4) at our company where we, in several of our views, use the functionality to synchronize two lists of some kind. More precise we are, at the moment, using two list boxes (one source and one target) and two buttons (one add and one remove). Both the source list and the target list...

GoToState not working on controltemplated usercontrol based on combobox

I'm trying to create a custom combobox that shows a loading animation when a bool property is set on it (e.g. IsLoading). I've created a control template in Blend based on the combobox, and added a textblock inside the togglebutton template. In the code behind I'm calling VisualStateManager.GoToState but it always returns false. I was t...

.NET/COM interoperability: user control

Hi, I create a .net custom usercontrol to be used in COM through Borland C++ Builder. 1) i implement an explicit interface and decorate it with some attributes (ComVisibleAttribute, GuidAttribute and InterfaceTypeAttribute). This interface has 3 properties just to try, each property has a DispIdAttribute. `namespace SimpleCOMServer{ [...

Binding is not updated as expected

Hello, I'm building a simple UserControl, DoubleDatePicker, which defines a DependencyProperty, SelectedDate : DoubleDatePicker.xaml : <UserControl x:Class="TestWpfDoubleDatePicker.DoubleDatePicker" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:toolkit="h...

C# WPF UserControl set a property

Hi i have made my own UserControl, its a little windows explorer. i defined a Property in the Control that sets the Path where the Explorer should start from listing the Directory: public string SetRootPath { get { return rootPath; } set { rootPath = value; } } and im binding the TreeView that i have with a m...