
advancing to button code-behind when validation fails... how to solve it without Page.IsValid?

Hello! I have an ASP .NET page with both asp .net validators and some javascript checking too. I am advancing into the button code behind: protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { /// ... Even when the validation fails! The Page.IsValid check solves it, but it also ...

How can I check whether a string is a (very big) number?

I need to make a number validation for specified string. The problem is, the string could be a large number, larger than any numeric type in C# can represent, so I can't use TryParse functions, because they will give only information about whether they can convert to those types. It should take into account -/+, separator, and current c...

How to check if an address is a business or residential address

Hi all, I have a dataset that contains many addresses (60,000-ish entries). I want to classify these addresses into either residential or business addresses. Does anyone know a good API/Service to get started doing this? -I don't think the google maps geocoder can do this at this time. -Fedex and UPS both seem to have API's but the...

ASP.NET MVC Complex Model Validation

I have a complex Model public class ComplexModel { public UserModel userModel; public ExtraInfoModel extraModel; } where UserModel may have required fields as in: public class UserModel { [Required] public string email; } how do I validate ComplexModel to make sure that the data annotations on its member mode...

How can I validate the structure of my PHP arrays?

Is there a function out there to make sure that any given array conforms to a particular structure? What I mean is that is has particular key names, perhaps particular types for values, and whatever nested structure. Right now I have a place where I want to make sure that the array getting past has certain keys, a couple holding a cert...

Java recognizing address information and breaking it apart into variables (no regex)

Hello, Does anyone have a recommended pseudo-algorithm for, given a string containing an address: Break apart the address apart into a Street variable, a City variable, a State variable, and a Zip variable The address string may be formatted in a number of different ways. For example, it may be comma separated or it may be separated b...

How to validate a dynamically generated inputs bound to a List in Struts 2?

Is there a way to validate a collection other than using the visitor validator? Let's say that I'm validating just primitive data and not a domain model object. For the next example how the 7 following inputs can get validated for "required". The only way that I believe I can do that is programatically in the validate() of the Action b...

Need help with jquery validation plugin submitHandler redirect

I am having problems using the jquery validation plugin's submitHandler. I am working within the confines of some code that I do not have access to change so I am trying to find some work arounds. This is what I would like to do... After the form validates, when the user clicks the submit button, and it is successful redirect the page...

JQuery validation for string value

how do I check if a field has a string value tht contains letters 'abc' containing in it using Jquery ?? I need to check a field that contains a string value, if the field contains the characters 'abc' I need to disable few fields. Please let me know how I can validate in jquery?? ...

Java Focus Traversal to newly disabled button

Hi, I have a problem with the focus traversal system in Java. When I tab between components in a pane in my application everything works fine Tab moves the focus to the next component. Some of my components perform validation on loss of focus, if the validation returns errors then the screens save button is disabled. My problem occurs...

Validate uniqueness on combined fields in DataMapper

Hi. I want to be able to put entries in my database where the manufacturer will be represented multiple times but not the same combination of manufacturer and model. So "Sony(manufacturer), Tv(model)" is okay "Sony(manufacturer), OtherTv(model)" but the third entry "Sony(manufacturer), Tv(model)" is not okay since the combination of manu...

Asp.Net MVC - FluentValidation

Is there a way in Asp.Net MVC to use some kind of fluent validation ? I means, instead of validation my poco like that : public class User { [Required] public int Id { get; set; } Having something like that (in an external class) : User.Validate("Required", "Id"); Is that something possible in Asp.Net MVC 2 (or 3) ? I kn...

How to validate a Django Form field against a FK field

I am attempting to create a validation rule that passes an error if the (milestone)objects target_date is greater then the projects target_date. The issue is that none of the errors are being raised. For simplicities sake, class Project(models.Model): target_date = models.DateField() class Milestone(models.Model): p...

Validation on TextEdit boxes on android

Hi! I wounder if there is some different way of validating EditText on android controlls.. Or should I use the regular java way of doing this? ...

jquery form validation

using jQuery, what would be my best method to form validation. I will have your typical form with approx. 20 fields, drop downs, text fields, some radio buttons...etc... ive seen so many examples out there but am unsure which one is simplest and easy to implement. thx ...

How to display Model internal validation messages in mvc 2?

Hi, I have developed the application in mvc 2 with c# language. I have deployed it successfully on IIS 5.1 , working perfect. but one of form only displaying the red shade box after execution. It seems like this : May be this is issue of date format but tough I give it as dd/MM/yyyy it shows same. Also While I have debug the ...

Validation Layer with interdependency checks

Existing backend services will be opened for more clients (adding a Web Service Layer to the Web-Frontend client). Currently, XML Schema is used for validation of DTOs, but since the frontend is out of our control, we will have to move extended tests (eg. interdependency tests) from the frontend layer to a new "validation layer". Now ou...

get validations from model

How cat I get list of validations defined in model Example: class ModelName validates_presence_of :field_name validates_inclusion_of :sex, :in => %w(M F) end I need Hash like: {:field_name => 'required', :sex => 'Must be in: M, F'} ...

JavaScript validate existance of date

Hello! I have a date in the format YYMMDD. Is there anyway I can validate it in JavaScript? By validation I don't mean easier things like length, characters etc but rather if the date exists in real life. I'm hoping there is a faster / better way than breaking it in 3 chunks of 2 characters and checking each individually. Thank you. ...

Validating controls in ListView insert/edit templates

Hello, I added a RequiredFieldValidator to my InsertItemTemplate, and it seems to be working fine. The problem I am having, however, is that now I cannot do anything else in the ListView (like edit or delete items) UNLESS the required field has a value. Is there some way I can manually do the validation when the user clicks the 'Inser...