validators - gridview validation - repeating validation messages issue

I have a gridview that contains one to many rows (like most do) - each with an input textbox. Each row has a requiredfieldvalidator against that textbox. When the form is submitted the gridview is validated it is entirely possible that more than one row has an empty textbox. This results in repeating validation messages e.g. Please pro...

Exist a generic library of validators for obj-c?

I wonder if already exist a generic library of validator suitable for a iPhone project (or better, bussines objects) for obj-c. Things like: Validator.IsNotEmpty.. Validator.IsValidEmail.. Validator.IsValidZipCode.. Validator.IsValidRegex.. Validator.IsInRange.. ...

Stack overflow when using Microsoft EnterpriseLibrary validation

Hi all, I have two classes: [HasSelfValidation] class Country : DomainObject { [NotNullValidator] [StringLengthValidator(2, 10)] public string Name { get; set; } [ObjectCollectionValidator(typeof(Region))] public List<Region> Regions { get; set; } } and [HasSelfVa...

User created Validator wont call Client side validation Javascript on 'complex' user control.

Hi All, I have created a user control (from System.Web.UI.UserControl), and created my own validator for the user control (from System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseValidator). Everything works ok until I try to get the user control to do client side validation. While trying to debug this issue I have set 'Control to Validate' to a text box ...

.NET HtmlButton always triggers validators

I have created a server control out of the HtmlButton with validation disabled. <button runat="server" causesvalidation="false" /> NOT the input button!!! <input type="button" runat="server /> I have a bunch of validators on my form and when i click the HtmlButton they still run the validators. If I use the input button there is no...

ASP.NET - Separate validation of two forms on one page?

Hi all, I have what should be a fairly simple ASP.NET question, and one I thought I had found a workaround for in the past, but this time I'm having no end of bother trying to get a working solution for it. I have an ASP.NET page with a number of input controls and a series of form validators for them. I wish the page to have separate...

Client-Side validation with groups

I have several tabs that are loaded via ajax, and each one has a set of validators. I want to allow the user to change tabs only if the tab is valid I thought setting a validationgroup to the validators and then check for the specific group like this, would work: function validatePage(group) { return Page_ClientValidate(group); } ...

ASP.NET MVC Validator Toolkit - without Code Behind

RenderValidationSetScripts() produces only the script tags as output if I am using Views without code behind. Is there a solution or is it simply not working? ...

Validators on deployment server stopped working

This is strange and baffling. In my ASP.NET 2.0 app I have a form that uses a number of client-side validators. Custom, Regularexpression and RequiredField. My app requires that I enable or disable certain validators based on a dropdown selection. I do this in my codebehind event. All this works great in my dev environment however when I...

Do valid web pages load faster?

I am a fan of valid web pages and always spend time passing new sites through the W3C validator. When trying to make a case for why companies should validate web pages I quickly thought of accesibility and the future-proofing of the web site on more primitive devices such as phones, fridges, watches, the next-big-thing etc. However I t...

how do i validate date input in dd-mon-yyyy format in regularExpressionValidator?

hi everyone, I really neeed dd-mon-yy format because my oracle database accepts dates in this format. Can I validate like that in RegularExpressionValidator like that? And also, do I have to convert the textbox value to oracle data time format, when using nhibernate? thanks a lot for help; ...

ValidationAttribute to ensure property value is unique.

See Ref to: I am trying to write a ValidationAttribute that will ensure that a property value is uniqure: [UniqueValueValidationAttribute] object SomeProperty {get; set;} The attribute knows (or can determine by reflection): The class (Ta...

What is the expression on RegularExpressionValidator to check if the Textbox text is 6 or more characters long?

Hello guys, what is the format for the RegularExpressionValidator control to check if the textbox to be validated has 6 or more characters? ...

Update ValidationSummary list on control blurs?

A ValidationSummary will show a list of errors on postback. As each field is fixed, it's validator is fired, and any validation text will disappear. I want to automatically update the ValidationSummary as well. The following works fine: <asp:TextBox ID="ForenameTextBox" onblur="ValidationSummaryOnSubmit()" runat="server" /> but this ...

jQuery and ASP.NET Custom Validator

I'm trying to learn jQuery and it occurred to me that existing JS in some of my sites could be replaced with just a few lines of jQuery code. In the following code, I'm trying to set the value of a custom validator by making an AJAX call. The first block of code does not work as it should, whereas the second block works fine. The whole "...

Date validation with ASP.NET validator

I'm trying to use an ASP.NET RangeValidator to validate a date on a textbox. The format of the date entered on the textbox is dd MMMM yyyy. How can I use the range validator to validate a valid date? If I enter 1 January 1000 as the min or max value I get an error saying value cannot be converted to type date, but if I use another forma...

Flex: Display Validator Error Mesage

In flex, when I put the mouse over a field that is not valid, a red popup appears which indicate the error message. By default, it's rounded by red. Is it possible to display the red popup by default without mouse over it? Because sometimes the red box is not clear enough and we have impression that the program is stuck Thanks ...

What are asp .net validators rendered into in HTML?

Are all asp net validators rendered as < span> tags? This is important as spans are being used in the styling and a strict css heiracrchy is in place and I don't want to add redundant < span> tags around what will be rendered at runtime. ...

Button_Click Event not raised due to CompareValidator

I have a page containing an <asp:Button/> to leave the page and a <asp:TextBox/> to get some date and another <asp:TextBox/> to confirm that data. The confirm validator is configured as follows: <asp:CompareValidator ID="CompareValidator" runat="server" ErrorMessage="error message" ControlToValidate="ConfirmTextBox" ControlToCompare="Te...

How do I validate a multiline asp:textbox control using custom validators and JavaScript?

I'm trying to validate a multiline textbox control as follows: My content page (I'm using master pages) contains a text box control with a custom validator: <asp:TextBox ID="IssueDescription" TextMode="MultiLine" Columns="40" Rows="5" runat="server" CssClass="textbox"> </asp:TextBox> <asp:CustomValidator ID="IssueDescValid...