My website creates an email from an HTML template using MailDefinition and ending up with a System.Net.Mail.MailMessage object.
Usually, I just call the Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send method and the email is sent.
Now I need to be able to open the created email in the clients default mail program and then they click their email programs sen...
I am trying to work my way through the NerdDinner tutorial - and as an exercise I'm converting it to VB as I go. I'm not very far in and after having gotten past the C# Yield statement I'm stuck on Shared VB Array Initialisors.
static IDictionary<string, Regex> countryRegex =
new Dictionary<string, Regex>() {
{ "USA", new Regex(...
My application periodically starts console programs with process.start. I need to monitor the output of the programs in "realtime".
For example, the program writes the following text to the console:
Every second or so a new dot appears to let the user know the program is still processing. However,... until ...
Please be gentle,
I am essentially trying to create a list of records in using the 1.1 framework.
It seems that I should be using an object even though I have only properties but no methods (more like a traditional record), I would like to store a list of objects, how can I create the list and add an instance of the object to th...
My thought is to use CreateFile from kernel32 and check for sharing violations. I believe this will work because I watched the file system activity with Process Monitor while issuing a rename command from CMD that I knew would fail and the last activity was a failed CreateFile call that resulted in a sharing violation.
This is the Proce...
I have a web request that can take 30-90 seconds to complete in some cases(most of the time it completed in 2-3). Currently, the software looks like it has hung if the request takes this long.
I was thinking that I could use background worker to process the webrequest in a separate thread. However, The software must wait on the request...
I'm using VS2005.
After I install an application using an .msi. Everytime this application loads it tries to find the setup and installs itself again if a file has been modified. If I delete the .msi file then the application can't even load.
Is there a way to remove this link between the application and the msi?
I'm sure it's only a ...
Private Function GetWebDataGridOKButtonId() As String
Dim ctls As ControlCollection = _
Dim btn As Button
Dim qry = From item As Control In ctls _
Where item.ID = "ButtonOK" _
Select item
btn = qry.ToList()
Return btn.C...
I'm trying to rename a user programically and can't figure out the mailbox piece(proxyAddresses). Any help is appreciated...
Working code below...
Public Shared Function renameUser(ByVal curUsername As String, ByVal newUsername As String) As Boolean
Dim emailSuffix As String = ""
Dim userPrincipalSuffix As String = "@...
Hi there, I'm new to regular expressions, and have no clue where to start, it's like a diff language to me. But I need one quick to accomplish a task.
I need to take
and get just
from it.
I am trying to retrieve the correct value from an ArrayList of objects (1.1 Framework) :
I have the following defined :
Public AlList As New ArrayList
Public Class ItemInfo
Public ItemNo As Int16
Public ItemType As String
Public Reports As Array
Public PDFs As Array
End Class
The form_load event code contains :
Dim ...
How can I find words like and, or, to, a, no, with, for etc. in a sentence using VB.NET and remove them. Also where can I find all words list like above.
Public MasterList as IEnumerable(Of MasterItem)
Public Class MasterItem(Of T)
Public SubItems as IEnumerable(Of T)
End Class
I would like a single IEnumerable(Of T) which will iterate through all SubItems of all MasterItems in MasterList
I would like to think that there is a Linq facility to do this, or an extension me...
How can I read Emails in 2005 (without Using Third Party Control). Please Any idea and source code Give to me.(Any Method)
Do you use 'strict off' option, 'explicit off'? Or may be 'strict custom' and some other options like 'Implicit type. Object assumed', 'Late binding', 'Implicit conversion'?
I know that c# has using element....but as you know, using disposes object automatically...
clearly, I want the equivalence of with......end with in vb6.0?
I am trying to replicate this example of calling IronPython code from I've downloaded and installed IronPython and created a console application. I added references to all of the dlls in the IronPython installation folder:
If a user navigates to my webpage how can I programmatically determine they are accessing my page from within the Intranet? (Not interested in NTLM or Windows forms authentication. Need a programmatic method.)
I've got a rather confusing problem.
Web Service A - Called directly by Win32 App, and various other web applications
Web Service B - Called directly by same Win32 App and a different set of other Web Applications
I'm working on adding a reference to B into A, so that we can use the functionality B provides without rewriting/reinteg...
I have to text file in the following format :
Word[tab][tab]Word[Carriage Return]
Word[tab][tab]Word[Carriage Return]
Word[tab][tab]Word[Carriage Return]
I want to get all the words before the tab into one array or to create a new text file and the all the words after the tab into another array or create a new text file too.