
SQL Record Search But Field is Sometimes NULL?

Hi, I am trying to do a SQL query to see if an Address already exists in my database. My addresses are structure like this: line1 line2 line3 city state zipcode country Sometimes line2 and line3 are NULL values in my database. I am using .NET TableAdapter and DataTable to make my query. When I try to pass in my line2 parameter (@lin...

Grow / Zoom VB.NET Form

Is there an easy way to grow / zoom a VB.NET application and all controls within it to fill a larger screen resolution (or must I adjust each form element individually)? NOTE: Adjusting the resolution back is not a permanent (or preferred) option in this case. ...

using System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) in vb.net

I have list of video files in datagridview object, and I want to play it one after other I have the following code For Each dgvRow In bout_shedule.Rows vfile = dgvRow.Cells("VideoFile").value player.URL = vfile player.Ctlcontrols.play() System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(duration * 1000) Next I also have get the duration o...

AxShockwaveFlash.CallFunction() Help (VB 2008)

I'm trying to use CallFunction() to call a function inside a flash file, but no matter what I do it throws a HRESULT E_FAIL error. Any clues why? My flash version is 10 if you need it. ...

Multi-core processor pegged even when all threads are just sleeping

I'm simulating some threading in a Windows Service, and the Thread.Start routine for each of my threads points directly to the following: Private WithEvents CheckForOrdersTimer As System.Threading.Timer Private Sub timerCheckForContracts_Tick(ByVal stateInfo As Object) ' Ticks every 5 seconds, then spawns threads until we're at our...

What is the easiest and most reliable MySQL data provider for .NET Apps?

There are a couple of data providers to interface with MySQL databases from .NET Apps. Which in your experience have you found the easiest to work with and most reliable? MySQL .NET Connector MyODBC dotConnect for MySQL other I've never done this before so I want to walk down a path that's tried and tested. ...

Asp.Net VB or C# how to combine lines & columns based on unique primary field.

I have been working on a web based report from an existing client/server apps mssql database. I have a working query, that pulls this information together from many tables, and can provide the query and a result set if necessary. The results currently are similar to this. ID | Name1 | Date1 | Veh | PO | Stops ___________________...

web service vb.net

Dim j As New SqlDataSource Dim xId As String Dim y = j.ConnectionString("Data Source=pcname;Initial Catalog=database;Integrated Security=True") Dim query As String query = "SELECT * FROM x WHERE username =" + Username + " AND Password = " + Password Dim result = j.SelectCommand(query) xId = j.SelectParameters('xId')...

How to change iframe src at runtime?

Possible Duplicate: I have a problem with IFrame . Now i am using iframe.attribute("src")="..Pages/page.aspx"....In Chrome and ie this one is working.....but Firefox not?Can anyone know the reason? ...

Treeview Check and Uncheck

Private Function Check(ByVal mytreeNode As TreeNodeCollection) As Boolean For Each node As TreeNode In mytreeNode If node.ChildNodes.Count > 0 Then If node.Checked = True Then For Each chknode As TreeNode In node.ChildNodes chknode.Checked = True Next ...

How to rewrite Webconfig connection string at runtime

How to rewrite Webconfig connection string at runtime.I have input textbox for Server,UserName and Password.Is it Possible to read from these textbox? ...

How do I set the default form in vb.Net?

How do I set form number four as the default form that will run when I press on f5 in visual studio 2008. Because form 1 will always be the first to start ...

How to Update a div tag in Master Page using a button click in Content page? or Wise versa

How to Update a div tag in Master Page using a button click in Content page? or Wise versa ...

About using arguments passed to checkedChanged event of Checkbox

Hello to all, I want to display value of "text" property of checkbox when it is clicked. So with checkedChanged event 2 arguments of type sender & eventArgs are passed. So can anybody get me know how to do the same using these arguments. ...

saving settings of checkbox in visual basic

i have a form with some checkboxes on it i want to save those settings. how can i save the settings ...

How to call method written in VB.NET from C# with optional arguments

Hi, I have a method written in VB.NET. It looks like this: Shared Sub SomeMethod(ByVal Id As Guid, Optional ByVal str1 As String = "foo", Optional ByVal str2 As String = "") I want to call this method from C# 3.0 and I want it to use its default arguments. I tried passing System.Reflectio...

Refresh property grid, at Design-time, when a readonly collection changes in .Net, Winforms

I have a class that has a readonly collection property - Its a list of extender providers that have been applied to the control. I've implemented a simple property descriptor for the collection so that the property can be expanded in the property grid to examine each entry. When I select an extender provider and set it to false, I remo...

adding trial with time limitation in vb.net

how can i add a trial with random serials or single serial and once it get registered expire it after 6-12 months....and also if user change its clock time to some day back it remains expire..... ...

SQLCommand not clearing commandtext in a loop

I ran into something odd, and I'm not precisely sure why it is behaving this way. In a for each loop I am adding rows to a table for a cross reference. Using the following code: For Each cp In pCheckPoints If cp <> String.Empty Then Dim insertSQL As New StringBuilder With insertSQL .Append("INSERT INTO [C...

InvalidCastException when parsing dates in VB.NET

I'm trying to Parse dates entered into a TextBox into a DateTime value but I keep getting an exception in the TryParseExact method. What I'm trying to do is: DateTime.TryParseExact(tbAddDate.Text.Trim, "yyMMdd", New CultureInfo("sv-SE"), DateTimeStyles.None, row.Date) This throws an InvalidCastException with the message "Conversion fr...