I have been given a staff list which is supposed to be up to date but it doesn't match an intranet People Finder which is written in ASP.NET.
As the information is sensitive I am not able to access the database the People Finder is using so the only way I can get at the information is by scraping the structure starting at the top brass ...
When the user clicks an "Edit" button on my form, I want a box to come up which allows the user to edit a DataTable in a strongly-typed DataSet.
What's the best way to do this?
I'm exporting a table of data to CSV format, e.g.:
"1","some text", "£232.00"
"2","some more text", "£111.00"
"3","other text", "£2.00"
The code to export is fairly simple using an ashx handler:
context.Response.ContentType = "text/csv"
ok this is my code in vb.net behind where i am creating the radiobutton -
TD = New HtmlTableCell
Dim rdb As New RadioButton()
rdb.ID = "rdb_ads_" & DR("ID")
It displays the radiobutton, but doesnt select single. i can select all at o...
It seems like FileSystem.GetFiles() is unable to recover from the UnauthorizedAccessException exception that .Net triggers when trying to access an off-limit directory.
In this case, does it mean this class/method isn't useful when scanning a whole drive and I should use some other solution (in which case: Which one?)?
Here's s...
What's the syntax for an Update query for a table without a primary key?
Disclaimer: Frustratingly, adding a primary key is not an option. My program is a small program in a much larger system with poor data management. My development time does not include rewriting the other software.
Note: The database is Microsoft Access.
Note: S...
I'm trying to update an element in the XML document below:
Here's the code:
Dim xmldoc As XDocument = XDocument.Load(theXMLSource1)
Dim ql As XElement = (From ls In xmldoc.Elements("LabService") _
Where CType(ls.Element("ServiceType"), String).Equals("Scan") _
Select ls.Element("Price")).Fir...
What is the equivalent in VB.Net of the C# As keyword, as in
var x = y as String;
if (x == null) ...
I am trying to capture urls in an html page that is being repeated and it usually works when the urls are on different lines but in this case they appear all in one line and separate lines. The url has the tags:
Here is what I have been trying
Dim regex As Regex = New Regex( _
What function in VB.NET simply takes a string parameter and runs a command? It would work just like the OK button in the Start -> Run dialog.
Dim myCommand as String
myCommand = "excel C:\Documents and Settings\JohnDoe\Desktop\test.xls"
I'm having a hard time here trying to find a solution for my problem.
I'm trying to convert a client API funktion from C++ to VB.NET,
and i think have some problems with the callback function.
parts of the C++ code:
typedef struct{
BYTE m_bRemoteChannel;
BYTE m_bSendMode;
BYTE m_nImgFormat; // =0 cif ; = 1 qcif
char *m_s...
This is for a web project so i have several classes that inherit from Web.UI.
I only want to serialize very particular properties (basically, only local properties)
I'm aware of the XMLIgnore property that can be placed on a property to ignore items, but this won't work in my context since that would require modifying a bunch of stuff ...
I am very new to NTLM/LDAP and trying to authenticate using NTML running on a local machine. The code provided by Microsoft ( http://support.microsoft.com/kb/326340/en-us ) seems to work, I just do not know how to connect to it.
I know that the authentication service is running because Contos 8 has been set up to authenticate using NTLM...
I have this RichTextbox in my vb.net form and I would like to when a user click a button, for example to embold the selected text, how would I do this.
Also, I do NOT want to use the standard vb.net expressions such as RichTextBox1.SelectedText.Font.Bold = true. I want to do something like RichTextbox1.SelectedRTF="[bold]" & RichTextBox...
I'm probably just doing this wrong, i know.
I'm using custom serialization and when the xml is generated it's putting the class name as the root element
I'm invoking the serialization by calling xmlserializer.Serialize(writer,Me) so ...
I'm using Visual Studio 2005 with VB.NET.
I have a number of Crystal Reports, each with their own associated dialog resource containing a CrystalReportViewer. The class definitions look like this:
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared
Public Class dlgForMyReport
I am trying to save an object (Class1) as string in a cell value. My issue is that from time to time I have a ComException:
(It is kind of random but I have not identified any particular pattern yet) when I write the value into a cell. Any ideas will be welcome
For illustration purposes:
Let Class1...
I have a class includes.vb that holds some variables (sharing them with other pages) like:
Public Shared pageid As Integer = 0
I then have a function that does some work with these variables returning them with values;
Return pageid
When I step through the code, the variables have values (while stepping through the function), but w...
how can i replace the double quote in vb.net?
it doesn't work this code
name.Replace("""," ")
hi, can someone give me a very detailled tutorial on how to bind datagridview to a datasource. assume I have a datagridgrid view with the following header text: username and password. I selected data from the database doing the following:
select username, password from login.
now how can i use this query to fill my datagridview? thanks...