I have been developing in asp.net since its existence (also classic asp before that) and also I have been using SQL server as my back-end database.
After serious consideration, I now want to change the language I use. Considering the OOP capabilities of the .NET platform, what other languages do you suggest that I start learning i...
I am trying to make a form move (using the titlebar) from a button click.
I thought this would be simple using SendMessage:
Const WM_LBUTTONDOWN As Integer = &H201
Button1.Capture = False
Cursor.Position = Me.Location + New Size(50, 8)
SendMessage(Me.Handle, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, CType(1, IntPtr), IntPtr.Zero)
However, although this send...
i look at this article in msdn Recording and Playing Sound with the Waveform Audio Interface and download the P/Invoke Library Sample that record using wave in and wave out .
how do i get the data from buffer (Waveform Audio Interface) (wave in) while recording and play it using c# or vb (wave out) ,
I want to have a managerial report after executing tests from NUnit. By looking into NUnit, It seems as it generates the output in XML format. Plz any one can give suggesttion of how to accomplish this.
I am connecting to MS Access DB using vb.net as given below...
oDBEngine = oAccess.DBEngine
oDB = oDBEngine.OpenDatabase(Name:=strFullFileName, Options:=False, ReadOnly:=False, Connect:="")
And then opening the DB using the following syntex...
oAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase(filepath:=strFullFileName, Exclusive:=False)
Now my problem is:...
I have stored procedure in dbml file, I want do smth like this
Private Sub GetData()
Dim dal = New DataAccess
Dim dateList = dal.context.GetAsDateList()
Dim enumerator As IEnumerator = dateList.GetEnumerator()
While enumerator.MoveNext()
End While
End Sub
But I have ...
I was kind of shocked by this. Could someone explain why this works? A good example of when to use it would also be nice.
Public Interface IFoo
Sub DoIt()
End Interface
Public Class Bar
Implements IFoo
Private DoIt() implements IFoo.DoIt
End Class
Dim b as new Bar()
b.DoIt() 'error
CType(b, IFoo).DoIt() 'no error
I got a Utility module since VB.NET doesn't have static class like C# and Module is the static class in VB.NET. The reason that I use module is because I'm using the Extension method and it can only be use in Module.
I can't reference to this module but if I put my code in a class. I can reference to it without any problem. What could b...
I have this:
Dim myTemp As String
myTemp = System.DateTime.Now().ToString("MMMddyyyy_HHmmss") & ".pdf"
System.IO.File.Copy(myFile, "c:\" & myTemp)
The problem is that when I call OpenFile, which is just a call to a sub that opens a file, it cannot find the file. This is bec...
I have an HTML file with a ® (copyright) and ™ (trademark) symbol in the text. These are just two among many other symbols. When I read the html file into a literal control it converts the symbols to something else.
The copyright symbol converts to � (open box in ff)
The trademark symbol converts to ™ (as expected)
If (System.IO.File.E...
I'm typing "Imports System.Net.Mail" but it says that "namespace or type 'Mail' for the imports 'System.Net.mail' cannot be found".
I've already added in the references "system.web.dll" and "system.dll".
What else do I need to use the namespace System.Net.Mail?
Thank you very much.
I using a genric list(m_equipmentList ) which is collection of objects (Schedule_Payitem).
How can sort list according to a proerty of child object ?
Dim m_equipmentList As New List(Of Schedule_Payitem)
Need to sort m_equipmentList on basis of resourceid property of Schedule_Payitem.
What is the command to create a copy of a excel file without opening it using vb.net.
Can anyone helpe me out there....
Thank you.
I am looking for some (preferably) online tutorials on making controls with 'Rich design-time support'
By Rich design time support i mean like how the menustrip works on a form and such.
Any links to websites, good books or code samples (c# or vb.net) would be great.
The question really says it all. For one project I am working on, the Visual Basic Compiler crashes resulting in me having to restart my IDE.
It looks like it crashes when copying a PDB file and XML file for the web site for obj/debug to the output folder.
Has anyone experienced similar crashes? If so how did you repair it?
Are the...
I am trying to take the string "<BR>" in VB.NET and convert it to HTML through XSLT. When the HTML comes out, though, it looks like this:
I can only assume it goes ahead and tries to render it. Is there any way I can convert those </> back into the brackets so I get the line break I'm trying for?
Hi is there away to detect the length of a byte before I get the error message:
Length cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: length
I get the error on this line:
new_username = new_username.Substring(0, new_username.IndexOf(" Joined "))
I am removing the "joined" from the string I get....how can I ignore it is "joined" isnt the t...
I've got a new instance of an object in a Linq DBML, but don't know of the test if the a date field is empty.
I have tried:
If d Is Nothing OrElse IsDBNull(d) OrElse d <= Date.MinValue Then
TextValue = "nada"
TextValue = FormatDateTime(d)
End If
But the result is "12:00:00 am"
edit: Changed variable name the d
edit: Pleas...
Just dipping my toes into Linq2sql project after years of rolling my own SQL Server DB access routines.
Before I spend too much time figuring out how to make linq2sql behave like my custom code used to, I want to check to make sure that it isn't already "built" in behavior that I can just use by setting up the relationships right in the...
What does "Generate Debug Info" mean in VB/C#?
The difference between "none" and "pdb-only" only is pretty clear. But what about "pdb-only" and "full"?