
Avoid LINQ with Let keyword doing self-loop

I have three tables Student, TimeSheet and TimeRecord. Talbe columns: Student : StudentId, AssignedId, FirstName, LastName TimeSheet: TimeSheetId,StudentId, IsArchive, IsComplete TimeRecord: TimeRecordId,TimeSheetId, BonusHour(type int), CreationDate Table relationship: Student 1:N TimeSheet (FK StudentId) TimeSheet 1:N TimeRecord...

What would be the RegularExpression for the followings?

I have a nomenclature to respect while performing some tasks against the Active Directory. Here's the nomenclature: TT-EEE-Mnemonic: if TT = 'GA' or 'GS' or 'PA' or 'PF' -> the schema to create is a "group", with a groupScope of Global. LT-EEE-Mnemonic: if T = 'A' or 'G' or 'I' or 'N' or 'P' -> the schema to create is a "gro...

Vb.net - Centering Text inside my label!!!

I am trying to make my first program in vb.net 2010, and I have a question. You know how when you have a button, the text centers itself within the frame of the button? I have a label in my application, that displays a different text (through the label) everyday. How can I limit the text area, like the frame in the button, and center t...

How should I check if a .NET decimal value is a whole number?

I have class representing a unit of measure with a Decimal as the numeric. Just to simplify things for this example, let's say I'm representing centimeters. I'd like to implement a ToString() method for this class. The thing is, if the numeric value is a whole number I'd like to just display the decimal as an integer. Otherwise, I'd ...

VB.net flash XMLSocket substitution app

I'm trying to get a VB.net (express 2010) app to connect to a socket server (keeping the connection open), how would I go about this? Right now it works using flash XMLsocket, I'm trying to build a new client without flash, using the existing server. Currently I'm just using a simple window displaying messages, and a place to send messa...

Loading XML Files into VB.Net Structures

I have many, (15-20) different XML files that I need to load to VB.Net. They're designed as they would be in a database; they're designed in Access and bulk exported into XML files. Each file represents a different table in the database. Now, I need to load this information into VB.Net. Initially, I'd love to use DAO and access the M...

LINQ to SQL sum null value

Hi, I have the following query, I'd like to sum the NULL value also. Some TimeSheet don't records in TimeRecord and some tr.TimeIn and tr.TimeOut are NULL. The query select only TimeSheet that has reords in TimeRecord. How I can have it select everything, and sum up the NULL value as well. So, the SUM of NULL will be just zero. Table ...

Calling other functions from a shared (or static) function

I get this error: Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or shared member initializer without an explicit instance of the class. Partial Class _Default Inherits System.Web.UI.Page <WebMethod()> _ Public Shared Function ParseData() As String Dim value as string = GetValue() End ...

COM VB.NET works well but C# need recompile

I have a simple C# class with COM attributes: [ComClass("1DC7B465-49FA-4ad1-893E-C19657E1ED25", "F97459E6-AB37-43e6-AC57-6AE5F9A9A835", "BD9F01C7-162A-4f95-9398-C126C152B965")] [ComVisible(true)] public class Class1 { } I need to use this class from VB6 application. It works well until I change AssemblyVersion of .NET...

Bugs/issues list for Visual Studio 2008/2010

Is there an official / unofficial list of bugs and issues in Visual Studio, or any of its components? ...

Exporting Report to Open office Excel

Dear Friends How can Export Report to OpenOffice Excel using vb.net? Please Help Me ...

Create Zip files in Classic ASP using DotNetZip or SharpZipLib

Hello Everyone. In ASP.Net two of the possible ways to make the zip files are Sharp Zip Library Dot Net Zip Library How can i use any of these in Classic ASP to make the zip files ? And which one will be better ? ...

Inlcude conditional checking in query with LINQ to SQL

Suggestion either in C# or VB.NET are welcome. Table relationship: Student 1:N TimeSheet (FK StudentId) TimeSheet 1:N TimeRecord (FK TimeSheetId) Dim query = From s In db.Students _ Let pair = (From ts In db.TimeSheets _ Join tr In db.TimeRecords On tr.TimeSheetId Equals ts.TimeSheetId _ Where ...

Display problems being faced in firefox

I have a list of tags which when clicked, display a page which contains more info about that particular tag. In fact, it describes it in detail, in a i-frame . The issue i am facing is that, when my firebug version 1.5.4 is enabled the details ares displayed but when i disable the Firebug, the details do not get displayed. the coding h...

How to change authentication from SQL Server to windows in VB.NET Webservice(SQL Server)

Web service uses SQL Server based authentication how to change to windows based authentication both web server & Database service resides in different domain . ...

run scheduled task with highest privileges

Hi, Im am currently coding an application for auto updating ccleaner. Everything worked well until I enabled UAC.. I am using this project: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/tsnewlib.aspx to schedule the updating process, but when uac is enabled I get every time a message if I would let ccleaner installer make changes to my computer. The...

Sending Entire SQL Query over Winsock?

Dear Friends Using vb.net Winsock Can we send SQL Query from Server to client? ...

Select the value of a cell in GridView

I want to select a value in a Grid view cell on aspx page. I need the VB.NET code to do this In C# code will be this: string id = GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Text Could someone help me with this? ...

hot to access windows mobile SqlCE database from desktop vb.net

Hello, I want to access the Windows mobile SQLCE database from the desktop application when device is connected to my PC. please suggest is it possible? how i do this? Using .NET ...

How to send data to a particular Client from server in vb?

I Have programmed a chat application in vb but as soon i send any data from client the server will send to all I should overcome this It should send reply only to particular client. This is the function i have used. Dim objClient As Client Dim d As DictionaryEntry For Each d In mcolClients objClient = d.Valu...