I'm a vb.net developer in small IT department and I'm having trouble making the leap to programming exclusively with objects.
I understand the principles of OOP, design patterns, unit testing, etc, but when it comes to developing my applications, either my object design is poor, or I skip building with objects altogether. I know how to...
I've been trying to get my head around the CCR (Concurrency And Coordination Runtime) to see if it is worth learning.
I program mostly in Vb.net and in most of the examples of using the CCR use the Yield keyword.
How essential is Yield for using the CCR?
Are there workarounds?
Will VB.net Get the Yield command? (If Not WHY NOT?)
I know VB.Net and am trying to brush up on my C#. Is there a With block equivalent in C#?
I am using VB 2008 express and would like to know
If i can Replace a string inside of Javascript on page loaded into axWebBrowser so i can then execScript that function.
The specific string i wish to replace is "_new" to "_self"
this is so when i call the function it will load in the same page instead of poping into a new web browser.
In the sample code, the line with the 'error comment' gives the following the error -
Operator '<' is not defined for types 'T' and 'T'.
Why wouldn't VB automatically call the appropriate T operator? (i.e. If T is an integer then call the integer comparison functions.)
Is it possible to make this work in an elegant fashion?
This i...
I have uploaded a couple of tutorial videos in youtube.
In my winforms application (by using the AxShockwaveFlash object) i reproduce the selected video by the user.
AxShockwaveFlash1.LoadMovie(http://www.youtube ..video1)
Here comes the story.
The first time the user selects a video, reproduction works like a charm.
When the user s...
bpp = bits per pixel, so 32bpp means 8/8/8/8 for R/G/B/A.
Like .NET has an enum for these "System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat".
Now once I have a Bitmap or Image object with my graphics, how would I save it to a file / what format would I use?
What image file format (JPEG/GIF/PNG) supports low bit-depths like 16bpp or 8bpp (instead of...
I'm in the process up changing a single SQL DB website (ASP.NET/VB.NET) into a multitenant app, where each client has their own database.
In the old site, all the ASP roles, logins and providers pointed to the single database.
Now we have multiple databases, I'm wondering what would the best architecture/techniques to use. There is one...
I have a problem with figuring out how to refer to a Canvas in another XAML file in my project, for example there is a Canvas object containing some labels, images called MyLayout and is stored in MyLayout.xaml
I want to use this Canvas in the main Window of the application in Window.xaml - how can this be done, as there will be multiple...
EDIT: I started a closed vote on this question because I resolved the issue. I was doing everything fine, but a reference to an ASP URL rewriter that I downloaded and uninstalled a while ago still had a reference in IIS. This forum post by Waclaw Stypula (the one with the steps) helped me track this down, by accident. When I launched t...
Is there a way to do this? I want to mimic the behavior of a the UltraTextBox.SelectAll method in windows forms.
After too much thought, I've decided to use Linq To SQL as a DAL for my project, but keep the business objects as POCO objects.
This will give some flexibility because the database schema is old and have some problems that can not be solved, because backward compatibility.
I'm thinking about making some methods to retrieve or complete ...
To keep things simple, we have a few aspx pages...
Page1.aspx - resets Session information.
Page2.aspx - Search form with results and sets Session variables.
Page3.aspx, Page4.aspx, Page5.aspx - require Session variables set on Page2.aspx
What we're finding is that as Page2.aspx loads and setting the Session variables, Page1.aspx is ...
I'm working on a web-enabled version of our existing winforms project. Gridviews seem to be an ample replacement for the datagrids that we've been using. We have extensive table styles written for the old datagrids. Is it possible to reuse this code to apply a style to a gridview?
If a re-write is necessary, what is the best way to s...
I have a container of custom controls each of which have 2 controls in them. One to display when enabled (i.e. a textbox, or checkbox), and a label to display when disabled.
I've overloaded Render like so:
Protected Overrides Sub Render(ByVal writer As System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)
If Me.Enabled Then
In Visual Basic
Friend Const xxx As UInt64 = 400 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 ''// Number of secs in 400 years
This fails with the error
constant expression not representable in type integer
The problem is 400 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 is larger than 2^32
I would have thought that by declaring the constant to be UInt64 that it would be OK to a...
In VB.NET, how do you get a list of all users in the current Windows machine?
Sander, has wrote a related article for this...
unfortunately the code is in C#.
Which is the equivelant to the vb.net version?
I'm looking for open source projects written in VB.NET that utilize OOP/design patterns/unit tests to learn from.
What's the best you've seen?
I'd like to set the timeout on a specific Session Variable in a .Net web application, but leave other Session variables alone. Is this possible?
I have 5 Session Variables
I want to set it so that Session(var1) through Session(var4) have a timeout of 8 hou...