I have developed an asp.net website in VS2010. The defaultDocument is set to default.aspx in the root directory, as I have dome many times before.
For reasons unknown an asp:button in default.aspx is not firing correctly when the url is typed in without the file extension.
For example, if I type the url www.mywebsite.com the default.a...
Hi All
I want to get the following working, please could someone advise...
Dim rpt As ReportDocument
If (Exists(rpt.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects("crlTitle"))) Then
txtTitle = CType(rpt.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects("crlTitle"), TextObject)
txtTitle.Color = mainColour
txttitle.Text = "Report Title"
End If
Any help much ap...
Hi guys,
I am writing a windows mobile application based on GPS technology. everything is ready but I need the function which is used to retrieve GPS location coordinates (latitude and longitude).
I declared latitude and longitude, but now I need the function of GPS to put it inside a button I created, get longitude and latitude values...
How can I paste a text to the text area within a form in the browser control?
I think how i have selected is correct
UPDATE:Here is the Html
<form name="editform">
<textarea name="input">
Hi all,
I have classes setup similar to this:
<DataContract()> _
Public MustInherit Class SystemTaskProcessBase
Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property Name() As String
Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property Description() As String
Public MustOverride Property Result() As SystemTaskResult
<DataMember()> _
Private _T...
How can I get the text in a text area within a form in browser control? Is there a method?
I am new to multi-threading in VB.NET and have come across a problem whereby I am wanting to append text to a text box on a form from a service thread running in the background.
The application I am developing is a client/server listener, I have been able to get the client and server PC's to talk with each other (confirmed through ...
I want to do what I have done in the past, using the old VB6. Subclassing has changed a lot since VB6 and I still want to do the same:
I need to intercept WM_PAINT of DataGridView, send it to a memory device context (to avoid flickering), make some visual changes, like place a logo over all over the grid. With VB6, was easy to do. I hav...
Hi I am trying to implement Selection Sort in vb.net using recursion. Problem is that I keep getting stackoverflow if the array I want to sort is 1000 elements. I can't find the problem. I don't know much about stack overflow or how to check it. From my research the problem could be infinite recursion but I check for that and exit the su...
I made a setup project and added a folder for desktop shortcut. My application includes database file as well. When I installed the application and ran the shortcut from desktop, it gave Desktop's path and said ABC.mdb not found.
How can I make it so that when user accesses the shortcut, it finds the database in the folder where ...
Hi, I'd like to open a text file and not allow any other processes to write to it. I understand I can do this with the following FileStream:
Dim fs As New FileStream(_FilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read)
Once I have access like this I need to read all of the lines (I will use a StreamReader(fs)) and then I w...
I'm trying to do this on a DotNetNuke site with multiple portals, so I want to do this server-side VB loads a javascript file if it exists. Any ideas?
Our core server is calling out to a soap web service over https on a number of different servers to confirm that a transaction has completed.
The code is dotnet 3.5 (vb) and works for the various callback services we have set up until we just moved a new one into production and it is refusing to communicate, giving the following error:
My basic goal here is writing a .NET remake of Kingdom of Kroz. For those not familiar with the game:
Originally it was supposed to be a quick distraction project to give me a break from all the generic enterprise WCF/WF/LINQ2SQL/etc work pro...
Hi everybody (hi Dr.Nick!)
I'm trying to create a pretty simple program that basically is a timer.
I have three sets of labels, lbl_seconds, lbl_minutes and lbl_hours.
These labels have the default value of 00:00 and I want the timer to change that for each label. I have googled this but I cannot seem to find any good info on it. Do I n...
I have function on client side that get file, make a byte array from it and send that array to the web service on server!
This is the function on client side:
Public Function GetFile(ByVal filename As String) As Byte()
Dim binReader As New BinaryReader(File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open))
binReader.BaseStream.Position = 0
i'm very new to Access and VB, and im about to print a specific record.. but im getting an error with this code:
Private Sub printEksternAVR_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport [Report_AVR Ekstern], acViewPreview, , [Report_AVR Ekstern].Rapport_nr = Forms!Form_AVR
End Sub
My reports name is AVR Ekstern, and the prime key is Rapport nr...
I am trying to use Setup project. Want my setup to create a desktop shortcut with my application.
I donot understand how to do it. Clicked on User's desktop, I created Shortcut to User's desktop, changed the properties Target and Working Folder as 'Application Folder'
But it does not connect with MyApplication.exe
When I ran the se...
So I'm wondering if there is an answer in pure .NET for representing a collection of arbitrary data types. I know there's the old, late-bound, VB6 Collections, but I was looking for something like Generics, but either without having to specify the type at compile time, OR finding a clever way to allow the code to determine the type on i...
Is there any way to "force" my report to print out the "layout" even if the fields are empty. I have one report, which is always there. and 8-9 sup-reports which not always will be filled, but I want them to be shown anyway because they will be send out to a customer and filled, and then send back? is there any easy way of doing so? (and...