I saw a code snippet the other day that converts a Boolean value to the corresponding "Yes"/"No" value:
The code works fine but I'm curious how it works and I haven't been able to find the answer in the MSDN documentation for ToString().
Can anybody shed some light on this?
How do I set the initial value of a databound drop down list in ASP.NET?
For instance, I want the values, but the first value to display should be -- Select One ---, with a null value.
How can I have a datagridview that will autogenerate a textbox instead of a label?
Is it possible to change the color of the font that Interface Names appear in using VB.Net and Resharper/VS2008?
I have been successful changing the interface Names in C# but no luck with VB :(
Example Interface:
public Interface IEntity
Property ID() as Integer
end Interface
I want all my EF objects to implement this interface on there Primary Keys.
Is this possible?
I have a small experience in VB.net and I would like to learn C#.net
What are the differences between VB.net and C#.net?
Is there any difference in performance between these two?
Apart from the syntactical differences, are there any major changes that I have to keep in mind?
Thanks in advance,
I needed to split a string of numerous words into an array which separates the words for me for further use later on in my code. However, I needed to get rid of any numbers which might be present in the string so I declared a string contaning characters which I wanted to use as separators/delimiters as follows:
dim Separato...
People always advised me that if I am doing some application that should use some Windows APIs to do any process level job, I must use VC++ and not any other .net language.
Is there any truth in that?
Can everything that can be done using VC++ be done in other .net languages also?
Are all the .net languages the same when their capabil...
I've heard of security features in the framework and the BCL, but does this have anything to do with preventing malicious programmers from writing harmful software, or preventing malware from running on the CLR? For example, is it possible to write a program in C# that makes harmful changes to the Windows folder?
I'm using the following code to get the members of a group on my domain:
Dim de As New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" & GroupDN)
For Each user As String In CType(de.Properties("member"), IEnumerable)
GroupCollection.Add(Username, Username)
My problem is that when GroupDN (the distinguishedname of the group) is "CN=Do...
Best way to allow the User to define a Table’s Order?
We are using SQL Server 2005 and DevExpress controls.
We have a table that contains the following:
Process A
Process B
Process C
Report A
Report B
Report C
We want to allow the user to change the order to anything they want.
Here is one example:
Process C
Process A
I've created my own ribbon toolbar tab with a few buttons. I can add text and similar actions to the document I'm working on. Now I want to add a button that will save the document I'm working on without using the Word save button because I want to set some of the parameters.
Every example I found showed how to save a document that was...
I'm looking for common causes of Access Violation errors under .NET.
Things I have checked so far -
Call Dispose on all objects implementing IDisposable
Check for valid arguments in calls to COM objects
Explicitly remove all manually added event handlers
DO NOT explicity call GC.Collect/GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers
Add and Remove memor...
i've created a simple solution with 2 projects. The 1st project (class library) contains a custom control called Container which draws itself with rounded corners. The 2nd project (windows forms) is a test application.
If I add a Container instance to main Form in the 2nd project it shows the rounded corners nicely. Also when I run...
Is it a good idea to place controls on the background of an MID parent window? I've added a split container to the MDI window which displays as expected however when I try to open any other forms in the same window they show BEHIND the SplitContainer. The only way to get them to popup is if I use ShowDialog to display them. Unfortunately...
What (if any) is the difference between the results of the following two versions of this VB Linq query?
' assume we have an XElement containing employee details defined somewhere else
Dim ee = From e In someXML.<Employee> _
Select New With {.Surname = e.<Surname>, .Forename = e.<Forename>}
Dim ee = From e In someXML.<Employee> ...
I'm working on an approach to trace logging for my company's VB.NET project. The .NET framework has pretty versatile trace capabilities and I'd like to use what .NET already provides. My company wants to stay away from 3rd party software, so log4net and whatnot is out of the question.
They want to be able to trace the flow of the web ...
I'm creating a big string that ends up getting sent out via email. The string is created as follows:
For Each NewClaim As BO.ClaimsByPECLogIDRO In NewClaims
strNewClaims &= Environment.NewLine & NewClaim.ClaimPrefix.ToString _
& "-" & NewClaim.ClaimNumber.ToString & " - " & NewClaim.ReportDate.To...
I just revisited some of the books that I used to pick up VB.NET. I am not sure I've got this in my head, understand how/what StringBuilder is.
What is the guidance for using? Is it best to use it if you are are concatenating 2 strings or 50?
Or when the the total string length is greater than 128 characters?
Or will you see a perfor...
I have the following code to convert a distinguishedName to a sAMAccountName:
Dim de As New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" & stringDN)
Return CType(de.Properties("samaccountname")(0), String)
It works great for every DN I pass it, except for one. We have an AD group on our domain that has a "/" in it - call it "Programmers/DBAs". The DN for...