
Install ClickOnce without Running

When you install a ClickOnce application, the program runs after the install. Is it possible to install without running? I know I can use a setup and deployment project and create an installer, but I'd prefer to use ClickOnce. ...

Do the items in an array or list maintain their order?

I am coding VB.NET in VS2008. I have a comma delimited string of numbers, i.e. 16,7,99,1456,1,3 I do this in VB: Dim MyArr() As String = MyString.Split(",") Will MyArr keep the items in the order they were in the string? If I do this: For Each S as String in MyString.Split(",") 'Do something with S 'Will my items be in the...

MS Excel connection with vb.net

I have used the connection string below but I am getting an error when trying to create a table Dim ConnString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & strFName + _ ";Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES;IMEX=1""" Cannot modify the design of table 'tablename'. It is in a read-only database. ...

Inserting a page break in Crystal Reports progammatically

How do I insert a page break in Crystal Reports. Using VB.Net, not in the report definition? ...

How to use a blank space as padding character to form a string that initializes a control in VB.NET

I want to right pad my string with blank spaces. The following function works for all characters except the blank. myString.PadRight(50,"x") Edit: myString.PadRight(50) does pad a string with blank spaces, but when this string is used in the following statement, the blank padding is gone. myCheckBox.Text = myString.PadRight(50) ...

New line character in VB.Net?

I am trying to print a message on a web page in vb.net. I am trying to get the messages in new lines. I tried using the "\r\n" and the new line character. But this is getting printed in the page instead of it comming to the next line. Please let me know if there is any alternative. ...

To determine if one of the Strings from a list contains the intial part of a specified string using LINQ

I want to achieve the following functionality using LINQ. Case 1: listOfStrings = {"C:","D:","E:"} myString = "C:\Files" Output: True Case 2: listOfStrings = {"C:","D:","E:"} myString = "F:\Files" Output: False ...

Why is Me.components Nothing?

I have written a custom ErrorProvider which adds some functionality to the existing ErrorProvider (sets control BackColor, ErrorCount etc). This was working find but now for some reason it falls over on the constructor: _LoginErrorProvider = New ErrorLogErrorProvider(Me.components) The error is a NullReferenceException which is caused...

How do you parse an HTML in vb.net

I would like to know if there is a simple way to parse HTML in vb.net. I know that HTML is not sctrict subset of XML, but it would be nice if it could be treated that way. Is there anything out there that would let me parse HTML in an XML-like way in VB.net? ...

How do I get a reference to the underlying object in a bound DataGridViewComboBoxCell?

I don't know if my mind is not working today or if this is actually harder than I think it should be. I've got a DataGridView with a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn bound to a generic IList of CustomObjects. Here's a rough code sample of how I setup the column. DataGridViewComboBoxColumn location = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn() { N...

Executing a function in an appdomain

Given a .NET DLL that consists of a class "Place" and a function "Where" that returns an integer; I need to load the dll into an application domain, execute the function and unload the application domain. Dim domain As AppDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("Executor") Dim buffer() As Byte = IO.File.ReadAllBytes("c:\path\Locato...

After restricting Setter scope and then applying an interface, scope is disregarded!

If I set a Friend-level scope on a setter, like this... Public Class MyClass Public Property IsDirty() As Boolean Get Return _isDirty End Get Friend Set(ByVal trueFalse As Boolean) _isDirty = trueFalse End Set End Property End Class ...And then call it from another proje...

What is the best way of working with Services in a VB.NET application?

I'm using VB 9 (VS2008). I would like to know how to do the control Windows Services through an Windows Forms application. I want to know: How to determine the status of a service? How to change the Startup type of the service? How to start, stop, pause and resume a service? Thank you! ...

DataBinding to reference types

I've got some classes that have properties like this, and they work perfectly because they are very normal: Public Overridable Property CustomerLastName() As String Get Return m_CustomerLastName.Value End Get Set(ByVal Value As String) m_CustomerLastName.Value = Value End Set ...

How can I set a form to have a transparent background

I am struggling to get my form to have a transparent background in vb.net Currently in the form New I set Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true) But still the form shows up as having the default grey background Can anyone help?? EDIT: I need the controls on the form to be visible so I don't think setting th...

Will the VB.Net Serializers execute code in public members?

We wish to use the Binary Formatter. In debugging, thus far, it seems that it does not execute the getters for public properties. Does the XML Serializer behave the same way? Also, during deserialization, will the deserializers use the setters to apply the values during deserialization? Thus far, our testing with BinaryFormatter shows t...

"too many automatic redirections were attempted" error message when using a httpWebRequest in VB.NET

I am attempting to request a page like "http://www.google.com/?q=random" using the webrequest class in vb.net. we are behind a firewall, so we have to authenticate our requests. I have gotten past the authentication part by adding my credentials. But once that works it seems to go into a redirecting loop. Does anyone have an ideas, comm...

External diffence tools for Sourcesafe

In podcast 40 one of the things mentioned was checking the difference between files in source control to see what was done the day before. Are there any good external tools - something I can open all by itself - that will show the diff on everything changed since the last check-in or within a given time frame on a single project? We'r...

Parse String to Integer (come hell or high water)

I need to maintain a legacy VB.Net web application. Data typing is, I would say, inconsistent. Especially, there are data that is stored sometimes as integers and sometimes as strings and I have to parse strings to integers reliably. If parsing goes wrong it should always return 0. The problem is, I can't use any of the .NET/VB.Net pars...

Can I modify/extend a production web service without affecting existing clients?

I am currently calling a web service that returns a service defined class which I am interpreting in my application. I'm considering asking the vendor of this web service to add a property to this class which will make my life as well as their other clients lives a lot easier. To be clear I'm not asking them to modify existing behaviou...