
how to simplify this code (math stuff)

so it's ugly, but it work, so here it is squareExp2 can be 9 or 16 Square can be 3 or 4 length of the gridbox and gridbox1 array can be 0 to 80 or 0 to 255 (you see the pattern now) this code is ran only one time, at runtime For j = 0 To squareExp2 - 1 For i = 0 To squareExp2 - 1 box = (j * squareExp2) + i ...

How can I initiate a Remote Assistance session in .NET?

I'm writing a help desk application and would like to allow my users to initiate a Remote Assistance session on a remote PC. This can be done via Help in Windows XP, but I haven't been able to find any code sample in .NET. Thanks! ...

Where can I find some websites with VB.NET tutorials?

I am looking for a website similar to W3Schools that teaches the basics for VB.NET 2008. If none exist I would just like some good tutorials to get me started. I did some basic VB.NET a couple of years ago but I need to refresh myself, any ideas? ...

c# Detect xml encoding from Byte Array?

Well i have a byte array, and i know its a xml serilized object in the byte array is there any way to get the encoding from it? Im not going to deserilize it but im saving it in a xml field on a sql server... so i need to convert it to a string? ...

Winforms and VB.net without knowing the basics

Can one learn programming in VB.net using Visual Studio (Winforms stuff) and never learn what a console "hello world" looks like or how, in code, to change which part of the program starts at execution (and other basic things like that) and still be a successful VB.net programmer? Or are there roadblocks just waiting there to be hit? ...

Whats the problem with my generic collection?

I wrote a class which imports System.Collections.ObjectModel. For the management of the collection, I've written: Default Public ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal vntIndexKey As Integer) As ItemType Get Return CType(mCol.Item(vntIndexKey), ItemType) End Get End Property Then when i was debugging, I was told: ...

Output text as GIF or PNG for use in eBook

BACKGROUND: My goal is to create an eBook that I can read with the Mobipocket reader on my Blackberry. The problem is that my text includes UTF-8 characters which are not supported on the Blackberry, and therefore display as black boxes. The eBook will contain a list of English and Punjabi words for reference, such as: bait ...

Is Collection(Of T) a 0-based array or 1-based array?

If it's 0-based, how can we add a placeholder to make it 1-based? Thank you. ...

Setting Crystal Report data source at runtime

Hi there guys. When creating my Crystal Report I obviously set up a database and server connection that I use for development. What I want to do now in my VB application is to dynamically set the database and server name to use with the reports. I have these values as the strings varServer and varDatabase. Anyone know how to go about ...

MSDataShape on Windows VISTA

I have a connection to an access database that implements MSDataShape that works perfectly on Windows XP, now when i try to run it on Windows Vista it game me an error. The error on vista error: Error # -2147467259 [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified The same code works perfectl...

Dynamic properties for classes in visual basic

Hi, I am a vb.net newbie, so please bear with me. Is it possible to create properties (or attributes) for a class in visual basic (I am using Visual Basic 2005) ? All web searches for metaprogramming led me nowhere. Here is an example to clarify what I mean. public class GenericProps public sub new() ' ??? end sub p...

VB XML query on attributes using LINQ

I'm trying to learn LINQ and have a question on querying XML using VB. My XML: <Procedure-Text> <A ID="marker1"></A>Do This Procedure </Procedure-Text> <Procedure-Text> <A ID="marker2"></A>Do That Procedure </Procedure-Text> How can I specify my query to get only the procedure text that has the ID attribute marker2? In ot...

VBA ListView Control

What is the fastest way to fill ListView from query when it has over 15000 lists with 9 subitems. it is taking me about 6 minute to load. Here is what I wrote to fill ListView control. Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenForwardOnly, dbReadOnly) With Me.listViewData .View = lvwReport .GridLines = True .FullRowSelect = ...

I have installed to with gacutil my mytext.dll assembly - but i cant access it or reference it in VB.nET

How to I reference my own .dll after i add it to the GAC? I successfully added my .dll to the GAC, have seen it in the list. However, when i try to reference in Visual Studios..... i am lost. Thanks Much ...

Determining best compression algorithm to use for a series of bytes

For a personal project of mine, I'm writing up a small class to compress to and decompress from a rather obscure format. I've got the full spec, but that's not where the problem is. First, this 'format' uses a set of 6 different compression types as well as uncompressed blocks of byte data. The formats are RLE, an offshoot of RLE wher...

How to convert char * to BSTR?

Hi, How can I pass a char * from C dll to VB Here is sample code: void Cfunc(char *buffer,int len) { BSTR buf_bstr = SysAllocString((BSTR)buffer); VBptr.VBfunc(buf_bstr,len); } This function is not working, In actual some other values are sent to the VB rather than the actual value. Can Anyone .. tell me how the solution for ...

Convert VARIANT to...?

Note: Attempting to invoke a method of an interface, of which the return type is _variant_t Code: _variant_t resultsDataString; _bstr_t simObjectNames; simObjectNames = SysAllocString (L"TEST example 3"); resultsDataString = pis8->GetSimObject (simObjectNames); inline function illustrated below, contained in .tli FILE: inline ...

use global.asax to trigger event on master.page to show application errors

i would like to use my AJAX-enabled VB web application's gloabal.asax application_error sub to manage all my error handling. However, instead of just sending the user to an error page, i would like to show the error message to the user via a modalpopupextender control located inside the site's master.page. Can someone please explain in d...

What is the best way to use links and anchors to toggle visibility in ASP.NET?

I have a page which is used to display numerous forms for the user to fill out and get reports generated. Each of these forms is inside it's own ASP:Panel control so that I can toggle the visibility of the form (so that only those with appropriate permissions get access to the reports they are allowed to). The client has now requested a...

Connect asp 2.0 page to VBscript on a remote server

I'm developing a website and I need to have my asp page connect to a VB script on a remote server send it some variables and get a string returned. Then spit out the returned data. I've done similar work in Java. Can anyone point me in the right direction to help me produce a simple proof of concept? ...