
insert picturebox into picturebox vb6

I have a code from some article. (picture inner inside the picture outer) The result of the code is when i was klik the place in the picture outer, the picture inner will show in the place i was klik, but in diagonal place. It wasnt in the right place i was klik. I want the picture inner will show in the spot i was klik picturebox1 nam...

To convert from dd/mm/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy

hi guys, I used the following code. string result = DateTime.ParseExact("24/5/2009 3:40:00 AM", "d/M/yyyy h:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) .ToString("M/d/yyyy h:mm"); In my textbox time after 12'0 Clock( for eg:...

Visual Basic add event in .NET 1.1

I don't have a lighting bolt at the top like I normally do to add events. How do I add events in .NET 1.1 for Visual basic 2002? ...

Where is the Visual Basic COM project template?

I was at a class recently, and the instructor started a new Visual Studio 2008 project using a "COM project" template. Now that I'm back, I tried finding that template in my installation of VS2008 with no luck. Does anybody know where I can find that template, or failing that, what it might be doing to achieve its effect? ...

How to get CPU usage?

How do I get the cpu usage percentage to display in the label on a form? ...

Launch an application and send it to second monitor

Hi, In VB 2008, I am using the class 'process' to launch and external application with a few parameters. Does anybody knows how can I send it programmatly to second monitor? Also, is there any way to know how many monitors are actived? Thx. FS ...

How do I connect to an Access 2007 (accdb) file in Visual Studio 2008

I'm in a college class using the Microsoft visual studio 2008 for visual basic and i have a project where i'm supposed to connect a database but it can't recognize the database file as a database. I followed the book exactly so i don't know what the problem is. ...

how to print date in the format of mm/dd/yyyy in VB

Hi I need to print the date in the format of mm/dd/yyyy. if the date is 4/24/2009 it should print the date as 04/24/2009. that is zero padding is also needed.. i used date function to get the current date...but the date is getting in the format of m/dd/yyyy... please help me on this... ...

Building a local cube

Hi I need to build a local .cub file for my Excel-using clients. I have scrounged together some VB code but it fails : ConnLocation = "LOCATION=C:\test.cub;" ConnDSN = "SOURCE_DSN=DSN=TEST;UID=test;PWD=pass;" ConnCreateCube = _ "CREATECUBE=CREATE CUBE [TestCube] (" & _ "DIMENSION [account_code]);" Connection = CreateObject("ADODB.Con...

How to covert mm/dd/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy

hi guys, i hve a textbox in which date is coming in mm/dd/yyyy. i want to convert it from mm/dd/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy in asp.net with vb to a variable which is datetime ...

System.FormatException: The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.

hi i am using asp.net and xml im making a form tht send an email but it gives me an error the email adresses come from the xml file The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for...

Create ActiveX OCX control

We are using a system that allows ActiveX extensions through .ocx files. I need to write an extension to plot some specific proprietary graphics. After lots of searches, I found out Visual Basic 6.0 can create these ActiveX controls and deploy them as .ocx files. So, is VB6 the only option? I'm reluctant to believe no other options hav...

Problem getting checkboxes to work in ASP.NET

I am working with an old web application developed in VB.NET 1.1 framework. I am having an issue with checkboxes. I have the following code for my checkbox: <asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Reviewed"> <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Middle" /> <ItemTemplate> <asp:checkbox ID="chkAppRev" Runat="server" OnCheckedCh...

Call VB program from JAVA

Hi, I was wondering if someone could tell me the best way to call a Visual Basic program from JAVA. I have a few VB applications that I want to run from a JAVA application that I'm building. Thanks! ...

How connect two projects

hai guys, i have a project named slnAllForKids in visual studio 2005.I hve another project named AFKLogin.There is a page called index.aspx in slnAllForKids.I want to redirect from index.aspx to home.aspx in AFKLogin when i click submit button in index.aspx.Can anybody help to redirect to another sln? ...

Clearing textbox and hiddenfield

hai guys, In source code of asp i'm using onClick() in textbox i.e onClick="openpopup('ct100$contentPlaceHolder$hdpackageid', 'ct100$contentPlaceHolder$txtpackageid','package')" for opening a popup containing package details.and in its selection in popup packageid is stored into a hiddenfield and packagename is stored int...

Linking two projects

hi guys....... i am currently doing a project which is to be linked with another project.ie,when i am clicking on some button in my current project's page i should get a page from the other project..Can u suggest a way to do the same.. ...

To disable onfocus="this.blur();"

Hi guys, i am selecting values to my textbox from a popup window and i hav used onfocus="this.blur();" for textbox, i want to disable this function in editbutton while i want to edit . i cant use readonly since the value is not passed to server due to postback, pls help ...

VB.NET / VSTO2008 fails; can't find runtime.

I'm trying to deploy a VB.NET app which is an extension to Excel using VSTO. It works fine in the development environment, but when someone else (without a dev environment installed, just the .NET framework) installs it, they get: The common language runtime could not be loaded by <application>. Contact your administrator for furthe...

Reducing flicker when you change images in a panel

How do i reduce flicker in a vb2005 panel? Inside the parent panel i have 2 other panels that im am using. The outer most panel contains a background sprite and the two innermost panels are overlays that change to fit the places in the background sprite. When i change the overlay sprites i would like to reduce the flicker and make it a...