
What is the best way to sort controls inside of a flowlayout panel?

I am adding custom controls to a FlowLayoutPanel. Each control has a date property. I would like to sort the controls in the flowlayoutpanel based on the date property. I can't presort the controls before I add them because it is possible for the user to add more. My current thought is when the ControlAdded event for the FlowLayoutPanel...

Capture right-click'd text on Outlook Message Content

I'd like to know if it's possible to capture the text when a user right-click's on an Outlook message, and then add items to the right-click menu depending on the type of text. This is an example of what I'd like to do. If there's a message (mail item) with the following content: "Hello, please call me at 555-8474 regarding item A1234...

Write VB6 on Visual Studio 2008 without .NET support?

I have to continue to support VB6 applications. I've got both VB6 (Visual Studio 6) installed and Visual Studio 2008 as well. Can I read and write to VB6 projects while in Visual Studio 2008? Will it damage or destroy my VB6 application? It would be very cool if I could free up a lot of space and get rid of Visual Studio 6. ...

VB FFT - stuck understanding relationship of results to frequency

Trying to understand an fft (Fast Fourier Transform) routine I'm using (stealing)(recycling) Input is an array of 512 data points which are a sample waveform. Test data is generated into this array. fft transforms this array into frequency domain. Trying to understand relationship between freq, period, sample rate and position in fft a...

Faster Directory Walk with VB6 Query: Cache and Ram issues?

Below is a rather simple function which counts how many files are on a machine. Called on "C:\", it takes about 5 seconds to run. Unless I haven't run it in a while or first run a ram-clearing program, in which case it takes 60 seconds or more. I wouldn't have thought it could be caching since I'm doing a new scan each time (i.e. star...

Links with and without the .aspx extention

Is is possible to configure a server to allow using links with and without using the .aspx extention. If yes, how could I go about setting this up. I'm working on a client site who is using umbraco. I know it has built in friendly URL capibility. Unfortunatly the site is already live and turning the feature on for the whole lot of lin...

.NET : How to set user information in an EventLog Entry?

The System.Diagnostics.EventLog class provides a way to interact with a windows event log. I use it all the time for simple logging... System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("MyEventSource", "My Special Message") Is there a way to set the user information in the resulting event log entry using .NET? ...

How can I update an application over the network in .NET?

I need to install some .NET software on several PC's. This software needs to check each time it is restarted to see if a newer version exists on the server. The end users will have basic user rights and therefore cannot copy files to the 'Program Files' directory. If a newer version exists, the application closes, an updater program c...

What regEx can I use to Split a string into whole words but only if they start with # ?

I have tried this... Dim myMatches As String() = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(postRow.Item("Post"), "\b\#\b") But it is splitting all words, I want an array of words that start with# Thanks! ...

Adding Combo Box to setup using Orca

I am trying to display a combo box in a dialog during setup of a component. Currently, we have a Radio Button Group. I figured that replacing it with the combo box should be as simple as adding proper entries in the "ComboBox" table in the MSI and in the "Control" table, replacing the references to the radio button group with combobox in...

How do I declare an impicitly typed variable in VB inline in an ASP.Net page?

I want to do the following but in VB: <%=var t = ViewData.Model%> ...

Sorting ADO recordset text field as numeric

Using VBA i have a set of functions that return an ADODB.Recordset where all the columns as adVarChar. Unfortunately this means numerics get sorted as text. So 1,7,16,22 becomes 1,16,22,7 Is there any methods that can sort numerics as text columns without resorting to changing the type of the column? Sub TestSortVarChar() Dim strBef...

How do I insert HTML-Formatted Strings into a Microsoft Word Document using Visual Basic while preserving formatting?

I use Visual Basic and an automation interface to retrieve strings from an external application. These strings contain simple html formatting codes (<b>, <i>, etc.). Is there any easy function in Visual Basic for Word to insert these strings into a word document and convert the html formatting codes to word formatting? ...

Printing to a pdf printer programatically

Hello II am trying to print an existing file to PDF programmatically in Visual Basic 2008. Our current relevant assets are: Visual Studio 2008 Professional Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.0 I thought about getting a sdk like ITextSharp, but it seem like overkill for what I am trying to do especially since we have the full version of Adob...

Map an object reference with HashTable

I'd like to map a reference to an object instead of the object value with an HashTable configMapping.Add("HEADERS_PATH", Me.headers_path) that way when I'm going to retrieve the value of "HEADERS_PATH" I'll be able to assign a value to Me.headers_path something like the " & " operator in C ...

Can you control whether a variable's type is dynamic or static in VB9?

I would like to use VB9 but am not sure what syntax to use to say that I want a variable to be statically typed as in C#'s: var foo = new Whatever(); In previous versions of VB: Dim foo = New Whatever() created a dynamically typed variable. Is there a way to get static typing without actually writing the type in VB9? ...

Architecture for easy update of application

I have a system in place which applies calculations to a set of numbers (the specifics aren't really relevant). There are a number of sets of calculations which can be applied by the system users and new sets are added frequently. Currently when a new set of calculations need to be added to the system they are added in to the code base a...

Passing Command Line Arguments to internet explorer via VB

I've got an app that my client wants to open a kiosk window to ie on startup that goes to their corporate internet. Vb isn't my thing but they wanted it integrated into their current program and I figured it would be easy so I've got Shell ("explorer.exe http://www.corporateintranet.com") and command line thing that needs to be passe...

How do I concatenate two multi-dimensional arrays in VB?

I've got this code: rs1 = getResults(sSQL1) rs2 = getResults(sSQL2) rs1 and rs2 and 2D arrays. The first index represents the number of columns (static) and the second index represents the number of rows (dynamic). I need to join the two arrays and store them in rs3. I don't know what type rs1 and rs2 are though. ...

credential cache

Does anyone know how to use the credential cache or network credential to get the user's personal info from the Active Directory using C# or VB? I need to get personal info such as name, telephone ID and so on. ...