
I need a VB code to remove the zero values(Data values) on varous pivot charts

I have about 12 pivot charts and I need help to creat a VB code that will delete only the zero values(Data values) on all the Pivot chart. These are Stacked charts for 3 metrics. eg : Ontime, late and not notified. I need only the values which are not "0" to reflect on the pivot charts.Please help. ...

DataSourceView.ExecuteUpdate with GridView

I'm defining my own DataSourceControl and DataSourceView. The load and display of collection in the GridView works perfectly, however, when I click Update (after clicking Edit to Edit a row), the values collection which comes through as the second parameter to ExecuteUpdate in my DataSourceView is populated with the old values as is old...

Pulling Images from RSS Feed

I am developing a background wallpaper changer for Windows. I am looking into pulling images from RSS feeds. As how they are displayed from feed to feed changes, I am currently pulling the page as text and searching for text such as "<img src="... and others. Obviously this is not a viable option, how else could I complete this? ...

Fire an event every second

Quick question: I need an event that fires every second, just like the timer1_timer() event of VB6. I'm using VB9/Silverlight, creating a small sidebar gadget. Thanks in advance~ ...

How do you declare a C# variable into an HTML type variable?

What's the C# equivalent of <% dim name %> so you can use it for web forms in PayPal API integration? ...

VB Syntax for LINQ query that creates a new{} set?

I am trying to AVERAGE 6 different fields on a DataTable, but without grouping. Just the AVERAGE. I have found a couple of examples in C#, but can't find any examples for how to do this in VB. Can someone please help me convert the syntax? Here is what I have so far: Dim query = From dtRow In dtIn.AsEnumerable _ Where d...

Trying To Add Element To Array With Visual Basic

Hello, Using 3.5 VB1 framework.net I'm trying to add an element to an array i would like to clear the listbox and display the array contents in listbox. then add another button, then add an element to the array, from the textbox. Ive created this painstakingly for the past 6 hours Call clearout() ''===== Clears listbox Dim MyN...

how to connect to mysql with visual basic 2010

Hi i am very beginner in visual basic and i have 2010 express. i want to connect to mysql located on my website's server in visual basic. i downloaded mysql connector, but i dont know anything about how to use it in vb. i appreciate for any help or any direction... thanks ...

Use IFilter from VB

I am using VBA (in Access 2003) and I'd like to use the IFilter mechanism to extract the textual contents of files. I found some some nice C++ sample code which makes it look relatively easy, but at the moment I can't even get the DLL call to LoadIFilter to work: Declare Function LoadIFilter Lib "query.dll" (ByVal pwcsPath As String, _ ...

GetTokenInformation in Visual Basic 6

Hello, I am using GetTokenInformation as a part of the code that determines if the current thread is running as an Administrator. Anyway, I have a structure for TOKEN INFORMATION that looks like this: Private Type TOKEN_GROUPS GroupCount As Long Groups(500) As SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES End Type Then, I invoke GetTokenInformation like...

changing color of the part of label.text

How can i change color of just specific part of the label.text in visual basic 2010 express? Dim b As Integer = 34 label.Text = "You have " & b.ToString & " new items" for example, i just want to change color of the "b" here. or do i need to create a new label ? Thanks ...

VisualBasic 2010 Syntax Refresher

With Parallels and WinXP installed, I thought I'd put VisualStudio back on my computer and tinker around a bit, but it's been a while and I'm a bit rusty with it. Can someone refer me to a quick and easy guide to VBasic syntax? ...

How can I return the primary email address associated with the logged on user's current Outlook profile?

I know, it's a bit weird asking for a query to tell me my own email address right, I'll explain further... I'm writing a COM add-in for Outlook 2007. One of the subs generates and sends an email to a particular address and this all works fine. However I have a need to have an option for the sender to be able to include themselves on the...

msgbox when user hits enter in visual basic 2010

hi all i just want to alert when user hit "enter" key. i tried this one in keyup event, If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then MsgBox("msg") End If it didnt work, is that wrong ? thx ...

notifyicon stays on taskbar when app closes in visual basic 2010

hi notifyicon stays on taskbar when application closed, then when i move mouseover it, it goes. i tried this on shutdown, Private Sub MyApplication_Shutdown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Shutdown Form2.NotifyIcon1.Visible = False Form2.NotifyIcon1.Dispose() End Sub it...

Number of occurences in a string

I'm a total noob as far as visual basic goes. In class I need to do the following: "Write a program that requests a sentence from the user and then records the number of times each letter of the alphabet occurs." How would I go about counting the number of occurrences in the string? Thanks and sorry for the noob question. ...

Outlook MailItem Save/SaveAs

Hi, I have an outlook add-in that allows the user to save an email into a database. When the user does save the email i modify the email subject so it can be identified as being saved. Saving the email can happen in two ways. Via a button on the tool bar which allows the user to save any email they want, and also via a prompt which app...

how do i run google voice from vb6

How do I run Google Voice from Visual Basic 6? ...

webbrowser control on form2 vb windows application

Hi, I have a vb windows application with 2 forms, where form2 is called from form1 using form2.showdialog() I added a web browser control to form2, and I'm getting the following error at the point where form2 is called: Current thread must be set to single thread apartment (STA) mode before OLE calls can be made. Ensure that your Main...

Return from a subroutine

I want to write a subroutine for working out what to do and then returning. Before you jump on the "A subroutine that returns is a function LOL!" bandwagon, I want the return to be executed as it were in the function body calling the subroutine, as though I've got a preprocessor to do the substitution, because otherwise this codebase is...