
Write Mac OS X apps with Visual Studio

Hey guys, I just came upon this article here which can turn your day to day visual basic app to run on mac os x. Here is the link: http://mac.sillydog.org/dev/visual%5Fstudio.php The thing I don't get is that the author doesn't tell us specifically what to download, and where to get all the files. He's a bit vague... Can anyone make thi...

Winform Textbox CanGrow ?

I don't find a CanGrow property on the Textbox control. This is common in some other controls, and what it does is expand the control to acomodate more data. Anyway to get this feature in the TextBox? ...

Deleting rows from a table using a loop

Why does my Do Until loop try to run raw.Delete even though raw.EOF is true? If I have an empty table, this crashes. Why? Dim raw As Recordset Set raw = db.OpenRecordset("tblSampleRaw") If raw.RecordCount > 0 Then raw.MoveFirst Do Until raw.EOF raw.MoveFirst raw.Delete Loop End If ...

Hyperlinks not Clickable when Exported to excel

When I Run a Query, the results of it are exported to the Excel. This data has few hyperlinks which get displayed in random (I donno which cell or column). My Issue is that the hyperlinks are getting displayed as normal word and not as clickable hyperlinks. Unless, i click on the particular cell and click outside, the hyperlink doesn't b...

debugging c# silverlight projects from vb web application

Hi, I have a problem whereby I cannot debug a c# silverlight application project that is hosted from within a visual basic web application. I add breakpoints to the main App constructor and the symbols are loaded ok but my breakpoints are never hit. I have concluded that it is a vb/c# interop problem as to test i did the following. ...

substituting an Excel worksheet for an Access database

Hi. Sorry in advance for the rookie-ness you are about to hear..... I have VB application that uses an Access DB, call the database: db_1. For reasons best left unsaid, I have to substitute an Excel worksheet for db_1 - as far as the VB application is concerned. I hope to populate this new data on the worksheet, link the sheet into t...

How to create a popup menu in visual basic.net?

How can I create a popup menu in vb 2008 for use as a context sensitive menu for when I right-click? ...

How do you determine what element of a form is the one responsible for an autopostback in ASP.NET VB?

I have a number of dropdown lists that I'm trying to chain together and they all have autopostback. How can I tell which one of the dropdown lists was the one responsibe for the autopostback? I'm very new to ASP.NET and visual basic so any suggestion, no matter how elementary, is appreciated. ...

Visual Basic & Context Menu

Is there a way to add a Header to the popup menu? I don't find a property for this. ...

Excel VBA Colon

I have the following declaration in Excel VBA Public Const cdbArea = 1: Public Const cdbDist = 2: Public Const cdbChange1 = 4: Public Const cdbChange2 = 5: Public Const cdbTR = 5: Public Const crbArea = 1: Public Const crbDist = 2: Public Const crbTerr = 3: Public Const crbChange1 = 4: Public Const crbTR = 5: Public Const cdbWeek1 = 4 ...

Is it practical to learn and use visual basic 6 as a 2nd year BSIT student?

Hi. Is it wise to learn and use visual basic 6 in these days? Because many powerful programming languages are emerging. If no, then why and what is the best programming language to use as a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology student? ...

How do I update a single table of a DataSet using a TableAdapter, without hard-coding the table name?

This seems like a really basic thing that I'm doing, yet I'm tearing my hair out trying to make it work. My situation is this: I have a project which contains a large number of lookup tables, and I have all of these lookup tables represented in a single typed DataSet, which contains TableAdapters for each lookup. I've designed an edito...

Doubt in using crystal report in VB6.0

Hi, I'm using Crystal Reports in my VB6 project, but I'm facing error while loading the report in crystalreport1.action=1; Please give me some solution for this problem. It is showing the error as Error in 20728-F. I am attaching the code below. So please reply to my query... cryStockReport.ReportTitle = "Total Stock Report" cryStockRe...

Simple VB or C# questions for an interview?

I'm conducting an interview in 45 min (my second ever!) for a candidate who's pretty junior and states she knows VB and C#. I do not have any experience in either of those languages. Does anyone have any good simple interview questions for these languages that I can ask that will be informative without being too intimidating? Note: I'...

Excel Autofilter in VB.NET

In my application I'm exporting an Excel file by getting the layout of a HTML page. So, in my codebehind, I'm modifying the HTML layout and inserting itens on it like if it was a webpage. Doing it that way, I don't need to use any external library and, as the data I'm exporting is just a table, I don't need nothing complex to handle it. ...

ASP page displaying old request.

I have an ASP.net page which has fields for filtering a dataset. When I apply the filter (through a button), the results load fine. If I navigate to another page (on the same session), and then come back to the page, I'm re-setting the value of the filter fields on page load. Sometimes, the fields will reset fine, sometimes they will c...

Visually remove/disable close button from title bar .NET

I have been asked to remove or disable the close button from our VB .NET 2005 MDI application. There are no native properties on a form that allow you to grey out the close button so the user cannot close it, and I do not remember seeing anything in the form class that will allow me to do this. Is there perhaps an API call or some magi...

Auto FTP from a Directory

I want to monitor a directory and FTP any files that are place there to an FTP location. does anyone know how to do this in c#? Thanks EDIT: Anyone know of a good client that can monitor a directory and FTP and files placed in it? ...

How to pass NULL or empty strings to stored procedure input parameter with ADO and VB?

I have a stored procedure in Sql Server 2005 with a varchar input parameter defined as: @Value varchar(24) = NULL in my VB6 application I try to set the parameter with an ADO funtion: Set prmParamVal = cmdChkParam.CreateParameter(, adVarChar, adParamInput, Len(paramValue), paramValue) If the value I try to pass is an empty (zero le...

VB/VBA Variable Declaration Coding Standard - White Space

What is the significance of declaring variables in VB/VBA like so: Private m_sName As String Private m_lAge As Long As opposed to; Private m_sName As String Private m_lAge As Long I am working on a project which up to now uses the latter, and has done since long before I joined the project. Two new developers have...