
Model View Presenter - How to add a reference to assembly Controller/Model

I'm new and learning on how to use MVP - Model View Presenter. In basic terms MVP was derived from MVC patterns. I have a project solutions named Model, Controller, Presenter and UI. Model, Controller and Presenter are reference to each other as the MVC pattern and UI will reference the Controller. How can I display the data to UI which...

automatically zip/unzip files in vb or vb.net

just as the title says i want to zip/unzip files using vb ocde to make a standalone vb application. I saw a couple out there but didnt really know how to work with them. Does anyone know how to do this? ...

How to find original values back from the final result output of the sequential Xor procedures?

The problem is that I want to get the original values of B, or the original value of C or A. Here is the code: Dim strA As String = "A" Dim strB As String = "B" Dim strC As String = "C" Dim result As Byte = 0 ' Fetch the byte character code of strings and Xor them all into the result in a sequence. result = resu...

Excel Macro On How To Search And Replace Cells With Multiple Values Specified in A Diffrent Sheet.

I found This. But It Dosent work. Not sure what I am doing wrong. In Sheet 1 I want to search and replace certain terms. Such as WH with White, PK with Pink, TT with Two Tone, YE with Yellow and so on. I have a list in sheet three with what to find in one column and what to replace in the same row in the next column. Now I want to us...

ASP.NET: "Could not find installable ISAM" exception when trying to read dBASE IV file.

I need to open and read a Dbase file in my ASP.NET application. When I try to open the connection, I am getting the exception "Could not find installable ISAM." I have tried the solutions in the top answer in this question, but they did not work for me. The filepath of the data file is C:\dev\DATA.DBF. Here is the code I am using to try...

sending data to clients from a server in vb

Actually I have created a chat application is it possible to send data to particular client only? ...

C/C++/C#/VB based Lexical Analyzers

During the Compiler Design Lab hours, I'm using JLex as the Lexical Analyzer Generator, which produces a Java program from a lexical specification. I'd like to know if there are other tools which can help me in the same by generating C/C++/C# or VB programs instead of a Java program, and can run in Windows. ...

Reference to a non-shared member settings error

I have added a settings file to a project but whenever I reference one of the setting variables I get the following error: Error 2 Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference. C:\Development\PhoenixApp\Process\CreditCardProcessing.vb 67 77 Process I had to manually add this in a merge conflict and the settin...

find ALL methods of getting current date/time in VB.net

I have a 500K+ lines vb.net app, written by 10+ different devs over the past 5 years. Many times it gets the system time and/or date and relies on it. Now I have to re-run real cases thru the program for regression testing purposes, and it screws up cases where the date/time matter. My fix is easy, just replace all the areas in the pro...

Legacy activeX control calls DLL functions - I need help

Hint: this one might sound complicated, because I am trying to give as much info as possible, but I suspect that I just want someone to tell me "yes, you are correct". On this legacy system, which dates from 2002, the user visits a web page and uses an RFID reader to read a tag number, which is then written to an input field on the web ...

Development Environment For VBP FIles

I come from a C# background but we have an app that is written a long time ago and is a vbp project file What development enviroment will open that file - I know cls and frm files are class and form files but have never used vbp projects ...

vb.net dynamicly create checkboxes

Hey all, i am trying to figure out how to go about creating dynamic checkboxes on my form when i do not know axacctly how many boxes i will need. The problem is that i do not know how to DIM more than one object. This is my code for creating one checkbox Dim checkBox As New CheckBox() Form1.Controls.Add(checkBox) checkBox.Location = N...

VB #If KeyWord - Effect Of #

Google is not good for searching for the # symbol What effect does the # in front of the if make? I am cleaning up someones mess and have never seen this before ...

Shockwave Flash Object in Windows Form VB Help

I can re-size the flash object, but the video area itself stays the same. Even when using scale mode, it will increase the size of the video, but won't surpass the original video area. (Thus cutting off the video.) How do I increase the video's area? Anyone? Please, I've been stuck for a while now... :-( ...

Code duplication refactoring tool for VB

I need a very specific tool for VB (or multi-language). I ask for it, before I start making one myself (probably, in python). What I need: The tool must crawl, recursivelly or not, a path, searching for a list of extension, such as .bas, .frm, .xxx Then, It has to parse that files, searching for functions, routines, etc. And finally, ...

Is there a very simple front-end for MySQL tables?

Hi, I'm looking for a front-end that's very simple, to access a to-be-built MySQL Database. I actually need it for only one table. I was thinking that the user could search in a way that would ask for values for each field of that table, and give the option of leaving it blank. Then, it would return all the entries that match up with th...

Generating interop wrapper classes throws error

When generating interop wrapper classes in visual studio 10 the tool throws the following error: Interopform wrapper class generator: Error creating interopForm Wrapper Classes for Project xxx Error list is empty where can I start to search for the source of the Error? ...

Populating a CheckListBox in VB.NET

Dear All, I have a small requirement and i request anyone to help me out by providing the source code for the same. The requirement is as follows: Can you please help me as to how to call a stored procedure by passing paramenters and populate a CheckListBox in VB.NET based on the results returned from the stored procedure. Regards, G...

Is there a simple way to handle base 13 (or generic base N)?

I can quickly knock together soem code to xlate base 10 to/from bae 13, but I just wondered if something very easy already exists in VB.NET (or even somethign generic, with base N, but right now I am only looking at base 13) ...

Is it possible to add reference to a version of Excel if it's not currently installed? - VB Express 2008, Excel 2000

Greetings all, Using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition 2 PCs are involved: PC1 has VBEE and Excel 2007 installed PC2 (target machine) does not have VBEE installed, and has Excel 2000 What I am trying to accomplish is to build an app on PC1 to use on PC2. Of course, when I reference the 12.0 library during the build and then try to r...