
Average, Count, etc of entire column of table in SQL Query or as Function in VBA to Display result in Form?

I need to calculate Count, Average and a couple other things of a column as a result of a Query and then put the result in a text box in a form. I was thinking about either implementing it in the Query and putting the results in a column or something like that, OR use a VBA function to calculate it; however I don't know how to calcula...

How to fetch data from Web Service in VBA-Word?

How to fetch data from Web Service in VBA-Word? ...

Access 2007: How can I get the onclick event of a Treeview checkbox?

I have an Access 2007 form that is using an ActiveX Treeview control with checkboxes enabled. I want to run some custom code after a checkbox has been clicked but I can't seem to find any sort of "onclick" or "onchecked" event. Does anyone know how to do this in Access 2007? ...

Accessing balloon tips from VBA

How do you access balloon tips in the task tray area using VBA? I'm looking to find some simple methods to display and possibly even interact with the user. I am using Windows XP and MS Access 2003. ...

VBA CDate doesn't match Convert(datetime,) in SQL Server 2005

In Access 2003 VBA (Used Immediate Window) ? CDate(39870) Returns: 2/26/2009 In SQL Server 2005 (SQL Server Management Studio) SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME, 39870) Returns: 2009-02-28 00:00:00.000 Do they always differ by 2 or is there some other date setting I'm missing? Server Collation = SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS ...

Application Icon path in MS Access

How do you access the Application Icon path in MS Access 2003 programmatically? ...

MS Access Properties

Where can I find a native list of MS Access properties available through: CurrentDb.Properties("Property_Name_Here") For example, I know; AppTitle is available to access the title of the application AppIcon is available to access the path of the icon used for the application For different versions I am sure there are different ...

Format function vba changing date

The format function in vba is changing the date. e.g for format("3/12/2009","DD/MM/YYYY"), the function returns 12/03/2009 where "3/12/2009" is what excel vba reads from a cell that has the value 12-Mar-2009 and the format as "dd-mmm-yyyy" ...

How to remove xla from xls without renaming or deleting xla file?

I need to get rid of an XLA (excel add-in) from a spreadsheet, but everything on the web seems to point to renaming/deleting the xla file. This is not an option as the xla file is used by many other spreadsheets and is on a shared drive. Are there any other alternatives? ...

Best method to obtain current memory configuration in VBA

I am attempting to get the current users RAM configuration. I would like to use VBA to look this up and then store it in a table. I need the number of chips along with the amount of RAM on each chip. Is this possible to lookup programmatically using VBA? Do I need to use Windows Script Host? ...

VBA Not IsNull

Working with some VBA code in Access that when a very specific set of conditions are met it will pop up an InputBox asking for a integer. So far so good. Private Sub Command10_Click() If Not IsNull(mrf) Then If min <> max Then If qty <= min Then mrf = GetParamValue End If End ...

How to use COM in VBA for Word?

I am working with VBA, in Microsoft Office 2007 and 2003 (Word specifically). What I need is to use a custom COM object from VBA and use its methods. I already do it in Word 2007 but it crashed in Word 2003. This is the command that I am using: Dim oCOM as Object. Set oCOM = CreateObject("COMDLL.COMObj") I got this error:...

Source control of Excel VBA code modules

I'd like to be able to source control my Excel spreadsheet's VBA modules (currently using Excel 2003 SP3) so that I can share and manage the code used by a bunch of different spreadsheets - and therefore I'd like to re-load them from files when the spreadsheet is opened. I've got a module called Loader.bas, that I use to do most of the ...

How to shell to an exe and pass cell values from Excel worksheet.

Is this possible in Excel? I have a workbook with multiple worksheets. I wrote some vba code in a code module to shell to an exe and pass it cell values as arguments. What I want to be able to do is select a cell or row in any of my worksheets and then call my Shell Sub while passing the values from a couple cells to the Sub. A hot-key...

How can I convert a decimal to a fraction ?

How do I convert a indefinite decimal (i.e. .333333333...) to a string fraction representation (i.e. "1/3"). I am using VBA and the following is the code I used (i get an overflow error at the line "b = a Mod b": Function GetFraction(ByVal Num As Double) As String If Num = 0# Then GetFraction = "None" Else Dim ...

How to execute code from a Module that resides in Microsoft Office Access Class Object

Is it possible to execute code that is apart of a Form in MS Access from an outside module? What would be the method to call in VBA? ...

Excel VBA copy XL-2007 Macro-Enabled Workbook as excel-2003 file with no macros

I''m looking for a vba macro that will make a copy of the current Excel 2007 macro-enabled workbook with the name I specify as an Excel 2003 macro-free document. It should also keep the current workbook open and in the Excel 2007 format (so save-as wouldn't work). I can't figure out how to do the copy operation... ...

Allowing user to select text in word vba macro

In VBA for Word 2007, I want to be able to open a document, highlight sections of text and replace those sections with fields linked to a docvariables. The process would be: Open document. Select text. Select docvariable from list. Insert field linked to selected docvariable. Repeat steps 1-4 as required. There is no way to kno...

VBA parse string into tokens

I've got a string with a bunch of multi-letter codes in it and I'd like to parse it out according to those codes. I'm not sure how to make it look at more than one character to determine if it forms part of a code. My string looks like this: BBCTEEBOBBB and I want to parse out these instances: E BB CT BOB So the result should be out...

Create a new selection object at run time in word vba

I asked this question previously but I don't think I was clear enough. I need to write a Word VBA macro which will prompt the user to select some text by highlighting it after the macro has started running and then to process the new selection. This process will repeat an unknown number of times within the macro. The only problem I hav...