
Why does Maven 3 give up supporting application $version declaration?

As you see from the title, I want to ask that the case of in Maven 3 there is no support for $version in pom.xml anymore. Do we have to really write a constant every time in each project in every pom.xml and related configuration files again and again? How can we avoid doing this? How can we use a versioning method like $version? ...

Assembly Versioning in .NET

In the Visual Studio 2008 IDE, the properties page allows you to access the version. However, for executables, there appears to be two versions: Under the Publish tab, there is a publish version with a flag to auto increment. Under the Applications Tab (Assembly Info...) there is an assembly and file version - this appears to change...

how to load c# object side by side

We have serialized value of some objects persisted. Now we want to make substantial changes to some objects. So what i want to do is load older version of object using old assembly then deserialize and serialize again with newer version of the object. I can have convert method which can transform old object to new one. i have been con...

Best Practice: Software Versioning

I couldn't find a similar question here on SO, but if you find one please link. Is there any guideline or standard best practice how to version a software you develop in your spare time for fun, but nevertheless will be used by some people? I think it's necessary to version such software so that you know about with version one is talkin...

Tips on managing dependencies for a release?

Our system comprises many .NET websites, class libraries, and a MSSQL database. We use SVN for source control and TeamCity to automatically build to a Test server. Our team is normally working on 4 or 5 projects at a time. We try to lump many changes into a largish rollout every 2-4 weeks. My problem is with keeping track of all the ...

Examples of how to visualize a versioning system?

My shop is trying to formalize the release management process for an OSS product we maintain (edit: using SVN for version control). It's a sort of a web development framework/CMS kind of thing, as in it's a product that other projects are built on top of. This makes clear communication about the versioning system especially critical for ...

How can I know which version of WPF I am running?

I have discovered some differences between WPF 3.0 and WPF 3.5. As a result, I need to know if an assembly was compiled against 3.0 or 3.5. Is there a API for this? ...

what is the right versioning strategy for different version of .NET

What is the right way to version assemblies for different versions of .NET? For example, if I have an assembly foo.dll and I produce a version for .NET 2.0 and a version for .NET 4.0, what is the best option: Provide two assemblies foo.20.dll and foo.40.dll Allow only one version installed on a given computer Provide two assemblies wi...

Need help with version number schemes

I know the standard Major.Minor.Build.Revision but there's several considerations for us that are somewhat unique -We do internal releases almost daily, occasionally more than once a day. -Windows Installer doesn't check Revision so that's almost moot for our purposes. -Major and Minor numbers ideally are only updated for public r...

Versioning CommonAssemblyInfo.cs and MSBuild

So I have a CommonAssemblyInfo.cs linked into all the projects in my solution and is dynamically generated by my rake/albacore scripts which is not checked into source control. I also have a CommonAssemblyInfo.cs.local for use when there is no ruby available, mainly to be used by devs. Is it possible to have a msbuild task or something...

How to validate Windows VC++ DLL on Unix systems

I have a solution, mostly C#, but with a few VC++ projects, that is pushed through our standard release process (perl and bash scripts on Unix boxes). Currently the initiative is to validate DLL and EXE versions as they pass through the process. All the versioning is set so that File Version is of the format $Id: $ (between the colon and...

Database structure for versioning and multiple languages

How can I solve the issue of content existing in multiple versions and multiple languages? My current structure: Each content can only have one active version in each language, and that's how I'm curious on how to best solve. Right now I have a column of the contentversions table, which means for each change of active version I have ...

C# How to redirect assembly loading using application config file

Hi Guys, I have an assembly with few versions registered in the GAC. Now, I want one of my clients which uses this assembly (version 1.3) to point to the newest version (1.4) without opening the source and recompiling the client. I saw an article demonstrating a technique for doing so using the application config file (winform applicatio...

How do the versions of Guava work?

I would like to use Guava in a project, but my PM doesn't like the "r05" suffix, saying that it looks like it's not stable. In fact, the part I need is only the Google-Collections 1.0 which is now deprecated (my PM doesn't like that word either). So I don't really get the versioning of Guava/Google-Collections. I'm currently doing the ...

jboss envers for versioning?

I have entities that required versioning support and from time to time, i will need to retrieve old version of the entity . should i just use options available 1. 2. jboss envers (can this be used on any web server,tomcat,jetty, appengine) ? 3. any similar library like...

How do you use multiple versions of the same R package?

In order to be able to compare two versions of a package, I need to able to choose which version of the package that I load. R's package system is set to by default to overwrite existing packages, so that you always have the latest version. How do I override this behaviour? My thoughts so far are: I could get the package sources, edi...

Database schema publishing with SQL Server 2005/2008

Hi everybody, I've a question for you. We have built a software that has a single database for each customer. These databases are managed by SQL Server 2008. Now the problem is that when we build our software we, sometimes, need to change something on the schema (like adding table, modifying existing ones etc) and migrate these updates o...

How does yum compare versions?

Hi, We have a web app we package into an RPM. We have a problem with the version field of the RPM. Let's say we have installed our rpm: foo- 007 is our build number. Now when we try to install a newer rpm, foo-, yum says "There's nothing to update". When I've remade the RPMs, but removed the leading zeroes, the pr...

best practice to persist classes model

My application contains a set of model classes. e.g. Person, Department... The user changes values for instances of these classes in the UI and the classes are persisted to my "project" file. Next time the user can open and edit the project. Next version of my product may change the model classes drastically. It will still need to open...

Start SharePoint workflow only with new file versions

I am trying to create a workflow to send an e-mail whenever a new version of a file is uploaded to a Document Library. The Document Library has lots of fields that, if updated, will create a new version of the ListItem, but I don't want to start the workflow for this cases. Only when a new version of the document is uploaded (including...