
Video Capturing + Uploading + Processing + Streaming back - .NET & C#

We are trying to find out any technologies/libraries available in .NET stack (even wrappers on top of 3rd party dlls) that'll help us to build an app that can 1 - Capture an image from a user's video device 2 - Upload it realtime to a server 3 - Process the video (in the server) - eg: Adding a watermark to the video 4 - Stream it back ...

Audio and video Streaming from web server

Hi all, I have been working on the audio and video streaming, where i have to pick a file from remote server and then play it on iphone but i am not getting the results. When i run the project the error generates saying it cannot play it. is anyone have some solution.. i have also tried "iphoneStreamingPlayer" application available at ...

How to access Flash object's data via JS code.

I am using an opensource flash video player F4player on my webpage. I have to play next video upon completion of currently playing video. How can I do this using JavaScript? How can I can check the playing state? If this is not possible without editing the actionscript file, then can you please suggest some free/open source alternative...

Interesting rtsp video streams

Are there any cool rtsp streams out there? I am trying to test an app I made and looking at my coworker through a webcam gets real boring fast. ...

How to send CVImageBufferRef over the network in iOS?

Hi, I want to send a CVImageBufferRef I got from - (void)captureOutput:(AVCaptureOutput *)captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer fromConnection:(AVCaptureConnection *)connection{ CVImageBufferRef imageBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer); } over the network using NSOutputStream's write:maxL...

FFMpeg: Recording Video errors

I try to record video (with audio!) in this way: ffmpeg = "C:\bin\ffmpeg.exe" cmd = '%s -r 15 -f vfwcap -i 0 c:/output2.mpg' % (ffmpeg) os.system(cmd) And I have error: "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect." I think that is sth with vfwcap, but I don't know how to fixed thi problem. Any ideas? Maby sth el...

Replacing face time video calls iOS4 - iPhone

I would like to change what the camera 'captures' to something else during a video call. Lets say I have an image that I want to be seen on the other side instead of the video sent from the camera. I want to 'hack' the camera on the iPhone - get control on the data being sent. Is this feasible? ...

Using Amazon's EC2 service for storing video feeds and subsequent playback for client

We're planning to setup a server to record videos and save them using Amazon's S3 service. Subsequently we need to provide a mechanism to end users to view those videos online. Is it possible to store files on S3 in such a way that they are streamed to user's browsers, in a way similar to how video is visible on youtube? We haven't m...

Which Video Player for my website? (ie6, cross-browser compatible)

So! My question is pretty straight forward, I have a website (Build in ASP.NET 2.0) which uses an old video player to play the videos (FLplayer progressive) the problem is all the videos on the site got converted to .mp4 (For better quality) but this old player won't play them... Which would be a nice player for the site that works on ie...

playing stream video using UIWebView issue

Hi everyone. I'm currently developing an ipad application that will play video from wowza streamiong server. Plainly saying, I load video into UIWebView as follows: NSURL *videoURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""]; NSURLRequest *requestObj = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:videoURL...

Stream Video Into Android App Using After Effects

I am trying to stream videos from a URL into my app. I have been saving it as an mp4 and cannot get it to work. I was able to hear sound but couldn't see any video. I am trying to do it using Adobe After Effects CS4 and Adobe Media Encoder. I was hoping someone could tell me what settings I need to use in After Effects to allow me to...

WMPlayer embed not playing video

In my company we link our site to videos provided by a partner company. They changed their video encoding from .FLV to .MP4 videos and the current video player on our site doesn't playe them. We changed it to Windows Media Player given that most of our customers are running windows and internet explorer, the embed code we used is this on...

how can i create a video player like this website?

hi. i don't know how i can create a video player like this website. i can develop .net and flex applications but can't flash. where should i start? if i develop it with flex, can i use it in an website? i know i can use it with php sites but not sure about thank you so much for your opinions. best regards this is th...

Android converting a JPEG from a Nexus one to a MJPEG stream

Hi, I want to send video from the phone (Nexus one) to other devices on the network. I know Android supports video encoders/decoders. But for now the other devices can only accept Base64 encoded JPEG images. Has anyone done something like this or can provide pointers to if and how it can be done ? Thanks. ...

Protocol for Mobile Video Streaming

I want to develop Mobile Apps to stream video to and from mobile devices to a server. I am not concerned about any particular mobile platform yet, but I'd want to be able to port it on most of the major platforms (Symbian, Android, iPhone, WinMo). Since I'll be developing the client as well as the server, I have a lot of freedom in te...

How to store and stream private video content

Hi, What is the best way to create an online video-on-demand service with this requirements: The video must be private and secure Analytics Must use a CDN Flash video player What's the best solution(s) for this? /Tiago ...

Is their any way to stream sdp file from rtsp server in iphene 4.0 sdk?

Hi all, I am working on a project in which i need to stream an sdp file from rtsp server. And play it in my application on iphone. I searched hard through out the web but could not found any possible way to work with. can anybody help me to find the solution? Thanks in advance..!! Dipti ...

flash media server FMS 3.5 and IIS on same machine

We are deploying a media management system within a local network. FMS will be used to serve the media within the local network. Since we will only have max 100 users and we have a powerful dual 4 core xeon and the plan was to install IIS and FMS on the same machine. But now I read that there will be a conflict because the embedded Apach...

How to import live video stream and capture one frame.

How would I go about capturing one frame from a feed of video from a webcam or video capture card in C#? I want to display the live feed and have a method that takes one frame and saves it to a remote server either via FTP or over a shared network path. ...

streaming video FROM an iPhone

i can get individual frames from the iPhone's cameras just fine. what i need is a way to package them up with sound for streaming TO the server. sending the files once i have them isn't much of an issue. its the generation of the files for streaming that i am having problems with. i've been trying to get FFMpeg to work without much luck....