
Android: why is there no maxHeight for a View?

View's have a minHeight but somehow are lacking a maxHeight: What I'm trying to achieve is having some items (views) filling up a ScrollView. When there are 1..3 items I want to display them directly. Meaning the ScrollView has the height of either 1, 2 or 3 items. When there are 4 or more items I want the ScrollView...

C++ basic qt question

Hello! Does someone know a fast way to add the ability to rotate and move a 3D model using Qt? Obviously, I have to make changes to the world matrix based on the mouse and keyboard movements, and hence I should somehow handle the appropriate mouseEvents and keyboardEvens. For a 3d camera this seems a bit tricky and although I could im...

Setting same width or height of views in XML

Hi, I started to learn android and I'm making a simple game. In this game I need two scroll lists with the same width, so I set layout_weight parameter to "1" in both views. But when I run program scroll views have different size. Second problem is that i need EditText widget to be low, so I did the same thing with TableRows, but in the ...