
Android Market Image View.

I would like to do something like the android market when you view screen shots. I have a list view and when they click on any one it takes them to a separate view where they can open several images related to the item then picked. Is there a way to do this and if so how? Sample code would be greatly appreciated! ...

SQLite view across multiple databases. Is this okay? Is there a better way?

Using SQlite I have a large database split into years: DB_2006_thru_2007.sq3 DB_2008_thru_2009.sq3 DB_current.sq3 They all have a single table call hist_tbl with two columns (key, data). The requirements are: 1. to be able to access all the data at once. 2. inserts only go to the current version. 3. the data will continue to be...

iPhone Having Two Views associated with ONE view controller

Blarg! I'm trying to develop a game with zelda-like qualities. (i.e. When the PC hits the edge of the screen, the screen changes to the next view, and the PC's position restarts at the appropriate edge.) The problem I'm having is that I don't want to have multiple View Controllers for each level-segment, because all of the data/functio...

Android Chronometer doesn't start

I have a view and I want to add a chronometer onto it. Then, on draw I want to display the current time. Here is how I did: public class MyView extends View { private Chronometer chrono; private long elapsedTime=0; private String currentTime="00:00:00"; public MyView(Context context) { super(context); // TOD...

Where is Ruby being told to display this information?

Brief question, beginner's work on Ruby/Rails. Here's my view: <h1>News</h1> <%= @posts.each do |post| %> <h1><%= post.title %></h1> <p><strong>By:</strong> <%= %></p> <p><%= post.content %></p> <p><%= link_to 'Read More', post %> | <%= link_to 'Edit', edit_post_path(post) %> | <%= link_to 'Destroy', post, :confirm => 'A...

Android How to preview an image, using its file path from SDcard, from my application

File is present in sdcard/image.jpg I would like to create my own application (activity). On a button press, the image stored in the sdcard needs to be displayed using the built-in image viewer. On pressing the back button from the Image viewer, it should go back to my running application. Need some help. ...

Android: can I create a view/canvas that is not rectangular, but e.g. round?

I have a view that is round and hovering above (-> in z-axis direction coming out of the screen) the main content. When the someone taps the screen I want either the main content to be selected or the view hovering above, when it covers the main view. So far that works perfectly. I have a round shaped item on a transparent canvas. Meani...

Problems with HelloGridView tutorial from Android Developer site

Hi, i test this tutorial with the sample images they have and work's ok but when i put my own images then application crash (stopped unexpectedly) why? the only i do is to put my own images with the same name than sample images.... for example, i erase sample image "sample_0.jpg" and i put my own image from my harddisk with the same n...

add ImageView in a View??

Hi, I want to add an ImageView dynamically or from an xml into a class which extends View..... pleas help this is my code ...but it doesn't show any image... first class public class Draw extends Activity { DrawView drawView; ImageView imageView; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.o...

View strongly typed to View model not returning Model back to controller on postback

I have a PartialView strongly typed to a view model <%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<VATRateManager_MVC.Models.ViewModels.RateControlEditViewModel>" %> <script src="../../Scripts/MicrosoftAjax.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="../../Scripts/MicrosoftMvcValidation.js" type="text/javascri...

ASP.NET MVC: Getting ViewModel into partial view on ViewPage

I have a ViewPage, Index.aspx. In it, I have: <%= Html.Partial("~/Index/ViewUserControl/Promo.ascx, new PromoViewModel()); %> Now, the constructor for PromoViewModel requires a MemcachedCache object that the index's controller also uses. How should I pass this MemcachedCache into my partial view? Should I put the MemcachedCache inst...

Views 6.x-2.11 problem

Hi all, I have Views 6.x-2.11 installed as well as image attach module on my system. I'm having a hard time making Views to display multiple images attached to a node. It just shows one image only and that's it. First I thought, slideshow module is at fault and, I removed it and use unformatted style setting instead to make sure if that'...

Android: Problem with overriding onKeyListener for a Button

Hi, I want a certain functionality when Enter key is pressed on a Button. When I override onKey(), I write the code to be executed for KEY_ENTER. This works fine. setupButton.setOnKeyListener(new OnKeyListener() { public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER == keyC...

Create own custom View without useing XML

Hello. I want to create a own View which containst two buttons without useing xml. I tried this: public class ZoomPlate extends LinearLayout{ private Context context; private Button plus; private Button minus; public ZoomPlate(Context context) { super(context); init(context); } public Zoo...

How to fill the screen with a List view except area for the Image View ?

I am developing an activity which has an Image View, a List View and an OK Button.As per the requirement I have the Image View on the Top Left corner of the screen, End button at the bottom of the screen. The List View will have all the description(comments) with respect to the image and should fill the rest of the screen. How to draw...

Symfony 1.4 - set template for component / partial

Hi everyone! I'm trying to set a different template for components/partials, but nothing works. Here is the problem, the pattern is in another folder, not a folder module. Can I somehow set the template for a component/partial from another folder? ...

iphone building a view in a separate thread

I have a large modal view that pops up and it requires lots of other little views to be build, rendered and then added. I have been doing this asyncronisely by building the view parts aync and only performmingselectoronMainthread when necessary. This is all good unless the user wants to quit out of the view (using a close button) befor...

Working Copy View in PVCS?

Hello everybody, My company is using presently SVN and testing other tools in order to migrate, if a more convenient tool is found. My question is about PVCS. I just wanted to know if PVCS features a view of the working copy as SVN does? As far as I know, in older versions, one has to work in local, out of the control of PVCS, then c...

Right to Left ProgressBar?

Does anyone know how to make a View reversed, I have a horizontal ProgressBar and I want it to right to left instead of left to right ...

how to get an movable pin on a map view iphone or ipad ?

hello, how to get an movable pin on map view , so that user can move that pin and point out the specific location on the map. please tell me how to do this thanks Kumar. ...