
RoR - The views in one of my controllers are not displaying the application layout for no apparent reason

For one of my controllers, all of the views are displaying without the application layout. The application layout works fine for every other controller & view in the application. Here is a controller whose views display the application template (note: I've made all of the views empty to simplify matters) class PagesController < Applica...

How to use RelativeLayout and Right Of in a Custom adaptor

Hi, I am writint a custom adaptor for a ListView.. But have problem setting the Text Right of a Image.. Here is my code.. LinearLayout.LayoutParams iconParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(25,25); //Icon Parameters this.actionIcon = new ImageView(context); this.actionIcon.setImageResource(

How can I write this view efficiently?

Hi, I have a simple view in Django: @render_to('episode_list.html') def list_episodes(request, season): query = Episode.objects.filter(season=season) seasons = query[0].series.total_seasons return {'episodes': query, 'season': season, 'max_seasons':range(1,seasons + 1)} I'm trying to build t...

How to add layout from xml to Extended FrameLayout Android?

I have a custom class called NoteView that extends FrameLayout. Previously, I had just been using the stock LinearLayout and have an XML layout built already that I want to reuse by adding that entire hierarchy (with some other overlay views which is why I needed framelayout) to the NoteView. The problem is I can't figure out how to in...

How can I temp go to another view to create entities

Hi I am new to MVC and have to decide how I can implement the following. Can anybody please point me in the right direction I have a controller which serves a view to create customers which all works fine I have another controller which serves a vew to create invoices. But to create invoice I will need to search for customers w...

Drupal Image attach path in view using Customfield "PHP code"

I created a View that gets the title, body and attached image of some Story nodes. I need to use the Customfield "PHP code" to customize the output but the problem is that it's only giving me the id of the image in an array like this: [image_attach_iids] => Array ( [0] => 66 ). So, I it looks like it's giving me the id but I need the fu...

How can I share a ViewModel between parent/child Views (Silverlight 3.0)?

I have a parent View that is xaml-binded to a ViewModel (the viewmodel is declared in the xaml). This parent view can then display a child View (via NavigationService, aka navigation:Frame). The parent view never goes out of scope, but I want the new child View to share the parent's ViewModel. How can i do this? Because by declaring t...

Codeigniter table Join then Display Tags Problem

I have a problem that concerns blog posts and displaying the tag words from another table. I seem to be able to pull the info out of the tables fine, however when I try to display the posts and the tags, I get one tag per post. In other words if I have 7 tags for a post, I get 7 iteration's of that post each with one tag instead of 1 po...

data base design issue - create view of last mounth on huge table or build it as a table

I have a hits table with millions of records. I need to show some charts on the data of the last month. Does the solution of create a view something like : CREATE VIEW ReportMonth AS SELECT * FROM Report WHERE DayDate > DATE_SUB(CONCAT(CURDATE(), ' 00:00:00'), INTERVAL 30 DAY) is good in terms of performance , Is there a better s...

Key of radio-button into json view

Hi there, I am using the view_datasource module with drupal5 to get a json view. Now I have a cck-field with radio-boxes and want the key to be displayed in the json. However, it always displays the label. My allowed value list:;text=foo|&lt;img src=";text=foo"&gt; http:...

Circle/Daisy Layout (Pin Wheel)in Android?

Hi Folks, I want create a Circle layout. my views are all should in the order circle. Which layout i have to prefer and How? The Focus of the Layout should clockwise circle. Share your ideas please? Thanks, Edit: I can do this view is the update for my question by comments. Is there any example for that to do?Please Share Your thoug...

Drupal 6 how do I display a view in a panel as content

I have a Drupal 6.17 install with Views and Panels2 Im only new to these modules. how do I get a view to display as content in one of the panel regions? I have the panels setup and when I select to load content I dont see the view as an option. do I need to do something to make the view a node? Ive setup the view page and block, sti...

Manipulating page scrolling when returning a View in an ASP.NET MVC site

I'm building an ASP.NET MVC site where I want one of the Views I return to be automatically scroll to a certain point. The part of the site where I want this to occur works sort of like a forum - there are "threads" that contain "posts". A user can either browse to the whole paginated thread or can browse to a specific post, using its I...

Check views display permission for user

A user might be in role X. There exist a view, where display A is allowed for role X while display B is restricted. How do i programmatically check whether a user belonging to role X can access the display or not? ...

HTML Helper - Reusable View - PHP

Hello.. I am new to PHP and I was hoping someone could help me determine what the best way to go about creating a reusable view would be. What I have is a form that will be used to Add or Edit data. Therefore the view will be identical except in the case of an Edit the form fields will be populated. So I am creating an HTML helper that...

Get term id argument from ubercart catalog

Hi Trying to figure out how to get taxonomy term id from ubercart catalog page. It looks like ubercart catalog system does not support "native" drupal structure "taxonomy/term/id" I've used this snippet as argument for block provided by Views module if (arg(0) == 'taxonomy' && is_numeric(arg(2))){ return arg(2); } else { return FAL...

How to add title attribute to link tags generated by view in Drupal?

I've built a view using the views module in Drupal to display a grid of thumbnail images (field_image) that are linked to a full size image for use with Lightbox. I've got that part working but I also display caption text beneath the thumbnail image. I want to append this caption text to the A tag like: <a href="image/photo.jpg" title="...

Android - Switching between Multiple Views in a ViewFlipper

I have an application using ListView inside Tabs, and i'd like to switch to a separate View(data collection widget) on clicking an item in the List. I'm adding each List's row's children to a ViewFlipper and the items are added at runtime so there is no definite number of views. As such, i would want to navigate/switch to a particular Vi...

ASP.NET textboxes hold their text property after post back

on the msdn we have this Generally the life of a web site looks like this: Initialization->LoadViewState->LoadPostBackData->Load->RaisePostBackEvent->SaveViewState->Render I have a placeholder on my aspx side it looks like this: <asp:PlaceHolder ID="ph1" runat="server"> <asp:Butt...

query multiple date ranges for a certain date range

hello, i have the problem with MapReduce and complex date ranges: i have database entries like this: { name: x, ranges: [ {from: 2010-1-1, to: 2010-1-15}, {from: 2010-1-17, to:2010-1-20}, ] } ... now i want to query which documents fit into the range: 2010-1-10 to 2010-1-18. i am totally stuck on this because every couchdb exampl...