
"Type arguments cannot be inferred" error when using Html.TextboxFor with a ViewModel in an ASP.NET MVC 2 View

I'm writing an ASP.NET MVC 2 site where I have defined a custom ViewModel that I'm trying to use in a View. Unfortunately, I'm running into an error when using the ViewModel through a strongly-typed lambda expression. My Code Here's my ViewModel: [CompareProperties(ComparisonProperty1="EmailAddress", ComparisonProperty2="Confirm...

How to show nodes of specific term only and not nodes of children or parent terms

I have taxonomy structure like: TEAM -> INTERNATIONAL -> AUSTRALIA - Further Sub-terms of AUSTRALIA are : -> ARTICLES - (with Nodes) Story 4, Story 5 -> PHOTOS - (with Nodes) ImageGallery1 -> DOMESTIC-TEAMS - (with Nodes)...

Using layouts/elements in Cakephp

Hello all I am developing a webapp using Cakephp. I have created a default layout for the website. I created sections like header, footer, content. Now some of the pages in my content section have same structure. These are part of a controller with various views defined for each page. What view template should I be using here? Layouts ...

View is not schema bound ?

Hi All, I have a select query to retrieve data from tables. It is working fine, but when i give some where condition to select some 3 values, it is not giving me the result. it says, "Query processor ran out of Internal resources". I thought through INDEX, it may work fine, then i created view with that select statement. But i couldn'...

Passing variable to another view (using Utility template)

Okay, so I'm obviously a newbie, but I need some help passing a variable to another view. I'm using the Utility Template in Xcode. I think I have everything linking properly (including the proper header files and whatnot). Just don't know the proper syntax. Here's what I'm trying: NSDate *time =[flipsideViewController.datePicker date];...

How to catch exception in view rendering?

I see there is a nice [HandeError] attribute which could be applied on controller class or method. What is my options if I would like to catch and handle exceptions which ocurred during rendering? ...

Drupal: change view argument

Hello, I searched far and wide to find a working solution to this but couldn't find it. What I want to do is change the argument that is passed to the view because I want for pathauto cleaned taxonomy terms to work as an argument. I have a code that transforms cleaned term back to a original one, but cannot make the view use it. I saw s...

How to filter custom content type nodes using ajax in Drupal?

Hello. I'm in a situation where I think I need to create my own custom search module. What I'm trying to do is make a page with a list of all my nodes in the node type - let's call it 'Beer'. So I want to be able to filter through the beers in a fashion similar to the one you find on the Apple Trailers page ( )...

Managing multiple subviews

I'm creating a magazine type application for the iPad and want to make sure I am using the best approach. I want to have a global custom header and footer that is always present regardless of what view is displayed. Right now I am thinking I will have my main view with three subviews: header, footer, and body. Because of the graphical na...

Rails3 get current layout name inside view

I have the answer for the Rails 2.X but not for Rails 3. How can I read the name of a current layout rendered inside a view. My Rails2 question: Thx. ...

Updating views of sub Activities of TabActivity from background process.

I am using a TabActivity (Main) with 3 TabSpecs I am using Intents for the content of the 3 Tabs TabA, TabB, TabC for example. All these tab activities use common data that is stored in SharedPreferences In the Main TabActivity I have an options menu which has a refresh option. @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {...

RemoteViews setLayoutParams?

Hi, I would like to set the height of a TextView to WRAP_CONTENT remotely. How would I do that, since there is no remoteviews.setLayoutParams(viewId, param) function? I tried remoteviews.setInt.(viewId, "setHeight", -2), but that just sets the height of the TextView to zero... Thanks! ...

In Interface Builder, can I change the parent view of a view without changing its position?

I have a .xib file that I have many views in. I would like to move these many views into a subview, to allow my code to easily move everything all at once under a new condition in my app (I want to slide the entire display up while a keyboard is displayed). When I drag a view (button, image view, label, etc) to a different view in order...

Using gmap as exposed filter for proximity search

I'd like to click on the map and get the nearest nodes, stored in the system. I've installed modules: location, gmap, views. I've created two nodes with location information. I've created a view with exposed filter: proximity search Now i can see the map, but i cannot see any search result if i click on that map.. why? ...

how can I output the link or path with drupal views and customfield?

I have a view which lists some nodes and I want a custom output for the title of the node. Im using customfield which allows me to write PHP code but I cant find how to output the link to the node? It doesnt appear in the $data object. I can add the field, but still cant use it in the customfield code ...

Is it possible with Views module to create a search and results page?

I know Drupal has built in search module, but I want more flexibility and control. Is it possible using Views to create the search form and results pages? ...

What are views in MySQL?

What are views in MySQL? What's the point of views and how often are they used in the real world. I'm after a layman explanation please with a example if possible to aid my understanding! Thank you in advance ;-) ...

Is it possible to bind an attribute to a in a partial?

In a Rails view, I'm trying to show a <select> drop-down list for a number of different string fields with restricted values. I've been trying to do this with a partial (below), but the current value is not being selected in the <select> list. Is it possible to do this in a partial? If so, how? Is there a better approach to take? ...

joining views with previous left joins and not multiplying rows

I have 2 views of the form: --View1 SELECT AS id FROM foo LEFT JOIN bar ON = --Results id 1 1 1 2 2 ... --View2 SELECT AS id FROM foo LEFT JOIN manchu ON = --Results id 1 1 1 2 2 ... Now I want to join the two views so that row #1 from View1 is joined to row #1 of View2. If I...

yield if content, render something otherwise (Rails 3)

Hi, I've been away from Rails for a while now, so maybe I'm missing something simple. How can you accomplish this: <%= yield_or :sidebar do %> some default content <% end %> Or even: <%= yield_or_render :sidebar, 'path/to/default/sidebar' %> In the first case, I'm trying: def yield_or(content, &block) content_for?(content) ? ...