
Persisting Checkbox state if browser back is clicked after postbacks - ASP.NET

Hello, I've a checkbox with autopostback=true. If i check the checkbox the postback occurs and changes a label text. But if i click back in the browser the checkbox is not returning to its previous unchecked state. How can i bring back its state? Thank you. 1 Can i write some JavaScript to persist the state of a control? NLV ...

How to Serialize a ASP.NET UserControl

I have a application with a GridView, this GridView have, in your PagerTemplate, a GridViewPager which is an UserControl. Now i'am trying to store this GridViewPager in a ViewState and i'am having a problem with serialization. Asp.Net tell me that the class is not marked as serializable. I try to mark it as serializable, like this: nam... c# MVC: How do I live without ViewState?

I am just looking into converting WebForms to MVC: In .net MVC, what concepts make ViewState something thats not required? If a form is posted back on iteself etc (ie a postback)? how does the page/usercontrol maintain its state? What tricks are people doing to maintain some kind of state and not resort to session state? Surely, a co...

What's the possible best way and correct page event to access the Masterpage's Viewstate from a Contentpage in

hi What's the possible best way and correct page event to access the Masterpage's Viewstate from a Contentpage in ... Can we use MasterPage's viewstate in ContentPage ?

Hi Can we use MasterPage's viewstate in ContentPage ? ...

Asp.Net View State persisted?

Is it a good idea to persist all ViewStates of the Intranet in a Memcached or directly in file on the server like this article show? I usually see it directly in pages but a lot of our pages (Intranet website for clients) have huge DataGrid (can make the page up to 2 megs). Is it a good way to have smaller page? Any problem that you ca...

JQuery BlockUI with UpdatePanel Viewstate Issue

I have an update panel within a div that I modal using the JQuery plugin BlockUI. Inside the UpdatePanel is a textbox and a button. When I enter something in the textbox and click the button I am unable to retrieve the text in the textbox. When I debug it shows the textbox having no value. <asp:UpdatePanel ID="upTest" UpdateMode="Condit...

JQuery BlockUI with UpdatePanel Viewstate Issue

I am using BlockUI to show a modal. Within the blocked modal I have an update panel. Within the update panel I have a textbox and a button that submits the content back to the server. Everything works fine up to this point (the blockUI is called, the modal appears, and the button performs the postback). However, when the button's click e...

What is ViewState? How is it encoded? Is it encrypted? Who uses ViewState?

What is ViewState? How is it encoded? Is it encrypted? Who uses ViewState? ...

What Happen If ViewState Disabled

I have a large application which Just afew Pages of that uses ViewState. I want to know whats happen if I Disable ViewState in MasterPages and enable it in pages which really using it. ViewState Contents are too large in my application and cause to in crease page size. I want to reduce page size with disabling ViewState, Is it a good s...

view state in

I can disable viewstate of each control, but not entire page. Is there a way to disable viewstate in whole page? ...

Dynamic controls in databound control

I have a control that inherits CompositeDataBoundControl. Based on the values of the bound data, I create som dynamic controls. In order to preserve state, I need to recreate the control tree on every request(from CreateChildControls): if(dataSource != null) { IEnumerator e = dataSource.GetEnumerator(); if(e != null) { ...

How do I maintain viewstate on a user control

I have an ASP Page that uses two listboxes and a third party control (Fluent.ListTransfer) to transfer values from one list to the other. Fairly standard stuff: <td> <asp:ListBox ID="ListBoxAvailable" Runat="server" SelectionMode="Multiple" EnableViewState="true"> </asp:ListBox> </td> <td style="vertical-align: middle"...

Viewstate size bytes in trace.axd shows 0 bytes after posting

Hi, I am using the trace facility to find the viewstate size of controls on postback. I have added a label , a textbox and a submit button to the webform. However after posting my page and viewing the trace.axd page I find that the viewstate size bytes and controlstate size bytes is 0 for all the controls. Can anyone explain why ? Rega...

How do I avoid persisting data through ViewState for a child control in ASP.NET?

I have a control (say, a DataGrid or a ComboBox) which is a child of a user control. I want to DataBind it on every request, rather than have it's state persist through ViewState. I need to leave EnableViewState=true however. This means, I think, that I need to call DataBind before TrackViewState() is called. I read the fantastic blo...

ASP.NET: Compress ViewState

What are the latest and greatest ways to compress the ASP.NET ViewState content? What about the performance of this? Is it worth it to keep the pages quick and minimize data-traffic? How can I make: <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="/wEPDwUKMTM4Mjc3NDEyOWQYAQUeX19Db250cm9sc1JlcXVpcmVQb3N0QmFja0tleV9fFgkF...

ASP.NET: Moving ViewState to bottom of page

What are the latest and greatest ways to move ViewState to bottom of the page Can this be done in a IHttpHandler that can be specified in the web.config to intercept requests to "*.aspx"? <httpHandlers> <add verb="*" path="*.aspx" type="MyApp.OptimizedPageHandler" /> <httpHandlers> Other options is that this could be done in a IH...

ViewState content when there are no controls on the page

When you create an ASP.NET page with no controls and runs it, a view state hidden field is added. Looking at what's in it (with ViewStateDecorder) reveals that there's a single value there that contains a number. My question is - what is this number? P.S. I guess this value appears on every page, with or without controls. ...

Is there any Firefox Addon to find ASP.NET page viewstate size?

Is there any firefox addon which can display my page viewstate size.... Any suggestion... ...

User controls and Viewstate

I have a user control where I display a telerik radgrid and some textboxes and radcombo boxes. My radcombo boxes lose view state on postbacks. The text boxes and the grid maintain their state, but not the combo boxes. Any clues why? I read somewhere that databound controls on user controls don't maintan their state on postbacks. Thi...