
How can I install specialized environments for different Perl applications?

Is there anything equivalent or close in terms of functionality to Python's virtualenv, but for Perl? I've done some development in Python and a possibility of having non-system versions of modules installed in a separate environment without creating any mess is a huge advantage. Now I have to work on a new project in Perl, and I'm loo...

virtualenv, mysql-python, pip: anyone know how?

I'm trying to install the mysql bindings in a virtualenv. I'd prefer to use pip or easy_install. pip gives me the following error: File "", line 24, in mysql_config raise EnvironmentError("%s not found" % (mysql_config.path,)) EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found easy_install either gets a 404 from sourcefo...

Don't touch my shebang!

One thing I hate about distutils (I guess he is the evil who does this) is that it changes the shebang line. In other words, the more rational and environment-vars decided scripture #!/usr/bin/env python gets magically converted into #!/whatever/absolute/path/is/my/python This is seen also with grok: I used grokproject in a virtua...

Use different Python version with virtualenv

I have a Debian system currently running with python 2.5.4. I got virtualenv properly installed, everything is working fine. Is there a possibility that I can use a virtualenv with a different version of Python? I compiled Python 2.6.2 and would like to use it with some virtualenv. Is it enough to overwrite the binary file? Or do I have...

What do I need to know/learn for automated python deployment?

I'm starting a new webapp project in Python to get into the Agile mind-set and I'd like to do things "properly" with regards to deployment. However, I'm finding the whole virtualenv/fabric/zc.buildout/etc stuff a little confusing - I'm used to just FTP'ing PHP files to a server and pointing a webserver at it. After deployment the server...

Install custom modules in a python virtual enviroment

I am doing some pylons work in a virtual python enviorment, I want to use MySQL with SQLalchemy but I can't install the MySQLdb module on my virtual enviorment, I can't use easyinstall because I am using a version that was compiled for python 2.6 in a .exe format, I tried running the install from inside the virtual enviorment but that d...

Buildout and Virtualenv

I am messing around with the combination of buildout and virtualenv to setup an isolated development environment in python that allows to do reproducible builds. There is a recipe for buildout that let's you integrate virtualenv into buildout: tl.buildout_virtual_python With this my buildout.cfg looks like this: [buildout] develop ...

virtualenv confusion

So I open a terminal, cd to my desktop, and run: virtualenv test_env I then create the following file in my normal environment: /home/jesse/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/foo_package/ This file contains one line: print "importing from normal env" In the test_env I create: /home/jesse/Desktop/test_env/lib/python2.6/s...

Activate virtualenv via os.system()

Hey all, I'm writing a Python-based shell script to boilerplate a Django app with virtualenv, pip, and fabric. Should be straightforward enough, but it appears that I'm not able to activate and run commands in the virtualenv through the shell script. os.system('virtualenv %s --no-site-packages' % project_name) os.system('source %s/bin/...

gnome-terminal, virtualenv and a bunch of services

Hi folks I'm working on a server-side project that consists of several services. Each service is run in interactive (i.e. non-daemon) mode, this is handy while active development. The project is in virtualenv. So the typical way to start a service is: $ cd ~/to/vitualenv/subdir/where/service/code/located $ source ../path/to/virtualenv/...

setting up virtualenv for django development on windows,

Hi, Setting up a virtualenv for the first time, when i try to install MySQL-python using pip -E <<some virtual env>> install MySQL-python i get File "", line 7, in get_config serverKey = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, options['registry_key']) WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file ...

Windows with Plesk Panel installs ActiveState Python 2.5.0 - any thoughts?

I expect to run Pylons on a Windows Server 2003 and IIS 6 on a Virtual Private Server (VPS). Most work with the VPS is done through the Plesk 8.6 panel. The Plesk panel has a lot of maintenance advantages for us. However, this Plesk configuration installs ActiveState Python 2.5.0. The Parallels Plesk documents for 8.6 and version 9 insis...

Virtualenv: Where do I put stuff?

What sort of directory structure should one follow when using virtualenv? For instance, if I were building a WSGI application and created a virtualenv called foobar I would start with a directory structure like: /foobar /bin {activate,, easy_install, python} /include {python2.6/...} /lib {python2.6/...} O...

Why does PIP install of python-couchdb experimental branch from SVN fail?

I'm setting up a Fabric/virtualenv/pip automated deployment for a project and I need to install the latest experimental branch of python-couchdb. Naturally, I stick it in my pip requirements file, like so: -e svn+ However, when I run my dep...

How can I use pywin32 with a virtualenv without having to include the host environment's site-packages folder?

I'm working with PyInstaller under Python 2.6, which is only partially supported due to the mess MS have created with their manifest nonense which now affects Python since it is now MSVC8 compiled. The problem is that the manifest embedding support relies on the pywin32 extensions in order to build which is a pain because without includ...

Is there a buildout recipe that uses pip but does not install virtualenv?

I would like to use buildout rather than virtualenv. This decision means that I don't want virtualenv to be snuck into my kit, so I am looking for either a way to tell gp.recipe.pip not to install the virtualenv meme virus, or, a way to install packages from git repos for use with django/djangorecipe. Ideas? ...

Virtualenv: global site-packages vs the site-packages in the virtual environment

If I have a certain package installed both in the global site-packages and in the local one, which package will get imported? Will that even work or will I get an error? Which packages should I put in the global site-packages and which in the local one? ...

Python: Determine if running inside virtualenv

Is it possible to determine if the current script is running inside a virtualenv environment? ...

Pip + WSGI import errors

when i deploy my apps that worked fine using the django test server I usually get errors for every package I installed using pip install -e ....#egg=foo. I usually do this using virtualenv, which placed the files into env/src/foo and places another file into python/site-packages (this is an example of django-css): django-css.egg-link, w...

Import error with virtualenv

Hi, I have a problem with virtualenv. I use it regulary, I use it on my development machine and on several servers. But on this last server I tried to use i got a problem. I created a virtualenv with the --no-site-packages argument, and then I installed some python modules inside the virtualenv. I can confirm that the modules is located...