
nginx/wsgi/Virtualenv/pip/yolk/django configuration add new module

I'm having a small problem with my setup. I'm quite new to the django world so bare with me. A friend who is familiar has set up a VPS (Ubuntu) for my project. I'm now on my own trying to add a new module (south) so I can use migrate When the virtualenv was deactivated I installed the module sudo pip -E /var/www/env/e...

How to migrate from virtualenv to buildout?

I'm attempting to move a project from virtualenv to buildout, but I don't think I've grasped the whole concept of buildout. All the tutorials I've found discuss buildout in the context of using it with Zope, which I'm not using and therefore can't see how to continue. My file structure with virtualenv is as follows: myapp/ W...

Django not finding apps in virtualenv when using syncdb

My problem is in getting syncdb to run within a virtualenv. It was working fine at one point, but seems to have broken sometime around when I installed South and updated pip and distribute. Anyways, when the virtualenv is activated, I can import apps fine within the interactive interpreter. Running through mod_wsgi, the apps ...

Python: virtualenv - gtk-2.0

Hello, To add gtk-2.0 to my virtualenv I did the following: $ virtualenv --no-site-packages --python=/usr/bin/python2.6 myvirtualenv $ cd myvirtualenv $ source bin/activate $ cd lib/python2.6/ $ ln -s /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/gtk-2.0/ Now in th...

Python packaging-installation-virtualenv question

With Python 2.4 on Centos, when I create an RPM with setuptools (bdist_rpm), add it to my yum repository and install it with yum, the top-level Python packages are extracted and put directly in site-packages, along with a .egg-info directory for the full package. So, e.g., if spam-1.2.3 has a top-level package called "spam", then packag...

Python Virtualenv: creating python2.5 environment on ubuntu 10.04

Hello, when I try to create a virtualenv that uses python2.5 I get the following error: File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/", line 1489, in <module>main() File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/", line 526, in main use_distribute=options.use_distribute) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packa...

changing the prompt style of a virtualenv instance with zsh

I would like the change my zsh prompt style for every virtualenv instances that i use or create. My actual promp is like this: declare PS1="%{$fg[magenta]%}%n%{$reset_color%} at %{$fg[yellow]%}%m%{$reset_color%} in %{$fg_bold[green]%}%3~ %{$reset_color%}" When i activate a virtualenv it just add some an information before the prompt:...

virtualenv and additional libraries for django

Hi I've setup a virtualenv for my existing Django project. So far it only uses django, but now I've tried to install Pisa package. It was installed successfully with pip in virtualenv, but when I try to import its package in django shell I get No module named ho.pisa So far I've not found a solution to this problem, moreover ther...

is there an virtual environment for node.js?

I'm searched in the modules wiki of node, and i can't find anything similar to virtualenv (python) or rvm. Anyone here separates node.js in their own env? I really don't like to install npm system-wide. ...

"python runserver" = cannot execute binary file error (django)

new one to me commend I'm running ubuntu 10.04 relatively fresh install on my laptop manually installed django 1.2.1 when I try to run inside of a virtualenv python **any command** I get the error "bash: /home/alvin/workspace/storm-guard/virtual_damage_restoration/bin/python: cannot execute binary file " I have done the fo...

Virtualenv using system packages when it should not

I created a virtualenv environment with the --no-site-packages option. After activating the virtualenv, I noticed that importing psycopg2 at the "python" prompt would import the out of date system library I have but importing it at the "python2.6" prompt would import the newer version of the library I installed into the virtualenv. Why...

Install two python modules with same name

What's the best way to install two python modules with the same name? I currently depend on two different facebook libraries: pyfacebook and Facebook's new python-sdk. Both of these libraries install themselves as the module 'facebook'. I can think of a bunch of hacky solutions but before I go an hack away I was curious if there was a py...

questions on python virtual environments

I'm on a mac, and I know that any package I install goes to a specific folder in something like /Library/.... Now when I create a virtual environment, will it create a folder structure to store any libs underneath the virtual environment to isolate things? e.g. /home/user/mypythonvirtenv /home/user/mypythonvirtenv/python2.6/.... Doe...

Creating a new virutalenv hangs

I have a macbookpro. I downloaded from when I type: python --no-site-packages env it outputs: New python executable in env/bin/python then it just hangs, I don't get the prompt in terminal. I've restarted the computer and I get the same result, what's wrong? ...

Tying to change the Pylons version my website is using but this causes a DistributionNotFound exception

About a month ago I setup Pylons on my VPS in a virtual environment using the script they provide. I've, since then, been working on my website and have it all up and running. It works great. Recently though I discovered that I created my virtual python environment using Python2.5. I now want to change this to Python2.7 I'...

Adding shared python packages to multiple virtualenvs

Current Python Workflow I have pip, distribute, virtualenv, and virtualenvwrapper installed into my Python 2.7 site-packages (a framework Python install on Mac OS X). In my ~/.bash_profile I have the line export PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE=$HOME/.pip_download_cache This gives a workflow as follows: $ mkvirtualenv pip-test $ pip install nose...

Why doesn't the save button work on a matplotlib plot?

I have matplotlib 1.0.0 installed in a Python 2.7 virtualenv on Mac OS X 10.6. I can create plots fine. However, whenever I press the Save button, I can't type text into the save dialog window nor can I save the plot. The only thing I can do is hit cancel. Any thoughts on what's causing this and how to fix it? Matplotlib installation ...

Setting basedirlist in setup.cfg and PREFIX in make to point to virtualenv

In SO question 3692928, I showed how I compiled and installed matplotlib in a virtualenv. One thing I did was suboptimal though—I manually set the basedirlist in setup.cfg and PREFIX in make.osx. setup.cfg [directories] basedirlist = /Users/matthew/.virtualenvs/matplotlib-test make.osx PREFIX=/Users/matthew/.virtualenvs/matplotlib-t...

Upgrading Python in Virtual Env

I have python 2.6.1 installed on Mac OS X. I wanted to play around with python 3.2, so i created a virtual enviromant using virtualenv python3.0 and then activated it using source python3.0/bin/activate if I update the python in the virtualenv will it leave my system python untouched? If yes, do I just install python 3 using pip in...

Getting pdb in emacs to use python process from current virtualenv

I am debugging some python code in emacs using pdb and getting some import issues. The dependencies are installed in one of my bespoked virtualenv environments. Pdb is stubbornly using /usr/bin/python and not the python process from my virtualenv. I use virtualenv.el to support switching of environments within emacs and via the posta...