
Why do 64bit dlls go to System32 and 32bit dlls to SysWoW64 on 64bit Windows?

Hi Everyone, I would like to know when do we need to place the file under C:\Windows\System32 and C:\Windows\SysWOW64. when I used 32 bit dll I placed it under syswow64 and when I used 64 bit dll I placed it in system32 the viseversa not working. Please let me know the reason for that. Thanks in Advance. Ga ...

Holding cmd.exe open on Vista

I'm writing C++ console programs. After compilation, when I run the program from my file browser, cmd.exe automatically closes such that I can't see my programs output. The only way to work around this I've found is to run the program from inside cmd.exe Is there anyway to keep cmd.exe open after a program finishes running? Is there a...

How can I force the 32-bit version of the remote desktop client to run on 64 bit Vista?

We need to run the 32-bit version of the remote desktop client on 64 bit Vista, because part of our product integrates with it, and communicates with the terminal server side app via the virtual channel. The integration loads some third party 32-bit drivers, and it is not possible to load a 32-bit dll in a 64-bit process. Normally it i...

No applications available to install on Web Platform Installer on Vista x64

When I use the Web Platform installer on Vista x64 Business it doesn't list any of the applications (such as DotNetNuke or SubText). Has anyone got it to work on Vista 64? ...

Django apache mod-python setup (vista)

I am trying to setup my development environment on my local vista machine (django+apache+mod-python+postgres) and for some reason I can't load the settings. Everything works on the built-in server but not under apache. Here is my httpd.conf <Location "/"> SetHandler python-program PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpyt...

Incorrect QFileInfo permissions for user desktop on vista 64

I am using the following code to determine if I can write to a specific directory using QFileInfo: QFileInfo dinfo(dirname); if (dinfo.exists()) valid = dinfo.isWritable() Unfortunately, when I pass in the path of the current user's desktop on Vista 64: C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop QFileInfo::isWritable() returns false. However, if ...

appSettings not being read from machine.config in Vista

I've recently moved up to Vista x64, and suddenly, my machine.config appSettings block isn't being read by any .NET assemblies. Right after configSections, and before configProtectedData in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CONFIG\machine.config, I have: <appSettings> <add key="foo" value="blah"/> </appSettings> <system...

Some help working out kinks in a .bat

My current .bat file is as follows: @echo off rem iTunes tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq itunes.exe" /FO CSV > "C:/ForStartingStuff/ForItunes.log" FOR /F %%A IN (' "C:/ForStartingStuff/ForItunes.log" ') DO IF %%~zA EQU 0 GOTO end cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes" :end taskkill /im notepad.exe del "C:/ForStartingStuff/ForItunes.log rem WC3 B...

Unable to access oci.dll due to application type.

Hello, I am using attempting to create a connection to an Oracle database via entity framework in Visual Studio 2008. I am running 64 bit Vista Ultimate. At first, I had difficulty even making a connection to the db through Visual Studio, but eventually got things working by installing 10204_vista_w2k8_x64_production_db AND ODTwithODAC...

Visual Studio 2008 - Focus on textbox doesn't work when run from VS2008 as admin

This is a minor, esoteric problem and not a showstopper, but I'm wondering what other VS2008 idiosyncrasies are out there. If you make a web app, add a textbox and run a focus function for the textbox on page load, it works when you run VS not as administrator from a Vista non-administrator account or if you run the page from a browser ...

Java RS232 Comm on Vista-64 bit

We have a Java application which needs to communicate with a peripheral device over Virtual Serial COM port. We use the RS232 Java COMM API (, comm.jar, win32com.dll) to achieve the same. Currently the code works fine on Windows XP 32-bit, Vista 32-bit and Windows 7. However we are having a problem trying to communic...

Easiest way to open chm files programmatically?

Hi, I have a legacy 32-bit application written in Borland's C++ Builder. I need to show specific pages from within a HtmlHelp file programmatically. Until now I've been doing this via HtmlHelp.ocx, but this does not work on x64 versions of Windows Vista / Windows7 as described in this thread. I can't compile the application as 64-bit e...

How can 32-bit application find the location of 64-bit Program Files directory on Windows Vista 64-bit?

I'm struggling with a problem of how to determine the location of 64-bit Program Files directory on 64-bit Windows Vista from a 32-bit application. Calls to SHGetKnownFolderPath( FOLDERID_ProgramFilesX64 ) do not return anything. MSDN website also states that this particular call with FOLDERID_ProgramFilesX64 is not supported for 32-bit...

Vista-Eclipse (Galileo) CDT w/ MinGW and MinGW's GDB fails to output cerr output.

I installed Eclipse and I can get g++ to compile the code correctly; however, when I start the debugger none of the "cerr >>" outputs are ever displayed in the Eclipse console. I tried to run GDB manually and it, too, does not display the cerr output. Is anyone else experiencing this?? I am running the GDB 5.3-something that is available...

msysgit - sh.exe - fork: Permission denied - Vista 64 bit

I installed msysgit on other Windows machines with no problems. On this Vista 64 bit Ultimate box, I installed the 3 most recent versions of msysgit. On all three installs, when I do a "git bash here", I get exactly this on the command window: sh.exe": fork: Permission denied sh.exe"-3.1$ The git command doesn't work. I get the sam...

Problem with using driver on Vista 64bit

This is a chronological continuation of this question. I have simplified my board so it runs well with the DDK version of BulkUSB on 32bit versions of XP and Vista, but I'm not able to install it on Vista 64.(built with amd64 fre) I've been able to make windows recognize the files it needs to install, using both BulkUSB and USBSamp, but ...

Error of screen resolution using PrimaryMonitorSIze or Caps

Hi, I have serious problems to detect screen resolution under vista64. I have 2 methods using C# to find the resolution backside of a webpage. Client side resolution using javascripting is fine but backside nothing is correct. 1/ int deskWidth = SystemInformation.PrimaryMonitorSize.Width; return 1024. 2/IntPtr hdcSrc = User32.GetDesk...

How to configure to get IPython to to start with the right IDLE set as editor?

64-bit Vista Python 2.6 IPython 0.10 Also have Python 2.7 and 3.1 My has example lines showing how to set an editor. I've tried ipy_editors.idle() but [C:Python26/Scripts] |4>ed Editing... > C:\Python26\lib\idlelib/ "" opens the IDLE for Python 3.1, and doesn't open I next imitated a s...

How to configure to get IPython to start logging right away?

64-bit Vista, Python 2.6, IPython 0.10 I want to try logging everything I do, so I set o.log = 1 in my . But logging doesn't start. It will if I enter "logstart" at the prompt. But what's the problem with 'o.log = 1'? ...