
C# to Require XML Documentation for internal members

Visual Studio has a nice feature to spit out a bunch of compiler warnings if some of the public members are missing XML documentation. I would love to have the same for internal, or better, any non-private members, but unfortunately so far I wasn't able to find how to configure the level of visibility for which to require XML documentat...

reading XMl from stream

I have a continous stream setup and I tried just reading the data into a buffer but since the stream does not allow seeking I cannot determine the size of the stream at a time. I want to capture the xml by grabbing the opening element and continue reading till I have the closing element. I have tried using xml textreader but I get errors...

How to search not by one, but load a result list as in vs2008?

How to search not by one, but load a result list as in vs2008? For me working only "Find Next" kind of search. Although "Find Results" window is appear. ...

what can cause Visual Studio to rebuild my entire solution all the time?

I have a largeish solution in Visual Studio 2008 (around 30 projects, all C# and Script#), including some test projects. When I start the application or run my tests, way to often Visual Studio rebuilds everything rather than just the changed parts and their dependencies. If I don't change anything at all, it will not rebuild, but as s...

How to ignore a checkbox change in listview?

Hi, I have a listview with a the property checkbox = true. When the user clicks on the checkbox and changes its state (checked -> unchecked or unchecked -> checked), I catch the ItemCheck event and do some DB implementation. I want to ask the user for confirmation before working with the DB. When I the user cancel it's command, I wan...

Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio Express Edition 2010 CoExist in the Same Machine?

Hello...I run a Windows 2003 VMWare Machine which has Visual Studio 2008 Professional. Now, I want to play with Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition (primarily, the Visual Web Developer 2010). Can they co-exist. I have had a look at the following questions, but still posting this because this one is specifically asking about VS2008 Profe...

Default values for child elements of <PropertyGroup> in csproj file?

How do I find out about the default values for the various children of <PropertyGroup> in my VS2008 csproj files? I am still wading through my continuous integration server settings to support automated version updating and installer creation via WiX. I found a file that was not processed by my Python script (does Target updating for m...

Visual Studio incorrectly marking inactive code blocks when using `#ifdef`

My project has a bunch of #ifdefs. The macros used by these #ifdefs are usually passed through the command line using the '/D' option to get different build configurations. Visual studio incorrectly assumes that these macros are not defined and greys out the code blocks present inside these #ifdefs. The problem is not syntax highlighting...

Assembly code mixed in with my C++ code. How to port to 64 bit

I am porting 32 bit C++ code into 64 bit in VS2008. The old code has mixed code written in assembly. Example: __asm { mov esi, pbSrc mov edi, pbDest ... } I have read somewhere that I need to remove all assembly code and put them all in a separate project and somehow link to it. Can somebody give me the step x step procedur...

On what platforms will m_ofn members be valid?

According to this, some members (specifically the one I am interested in is the initial directory member lpstrInitialDir is not supported on Vista. It is important for me to know if it is supported on 2008 and Windows7 - the docs are silent on that. One can either assume since those are not mentioned that it will work, or since they ...

The difference between a window created in main thread and a window created in another thread

Another question about my add-in for visual studio. Now, I had two experiments as following: In my add-in library's main thread, I call CreateWindowEx to create a window(or CreateDialogParam to create a modeless dialog) and call CreateThread to create a thread where the window's message loop is running. Then I will have a problem I've ...

header and footer that always appear at top and complete bottom

I know I can just use a master page, but what markup do I use on the master page to always have a header at the top and a footer all the way at the bottom using some CSS code? ...

How to Repeat x width silverlight header?

i try to write some codes : Header, Footer, Right, Left panel. But it must be like css Automatic width (if i maximize button in my explorer or firefox scanner). Such as default header width 300 if clicking max button of explorer it runs reat-x like css <UserControl x:Class="DockPanel3.MainPage" xmlns="

Boost wregex throwing exception, regex syntax wrong?

Hi, I have imported Boost library in to a .dll that I am using. I am trying to parse a string using: boost::wregex regPlayerAtSeat(L"*Governor: Seat.?[1-9].*"); But all I get is an 'interop service exception. Is the syntax of my regex wrong? Thanks, R. ...

Breakpoint is not getting hit unless i rebuild the project

HI All , Its all working fine , but from today only my breakpoints are not hitting when i do attach w3p. If i rebuild the project its hitting the break point , from there it won't hit again. I have to do a build again to do that. Can you please tell what is the issue with this. I am doing debug/ Attatch to process and attaching the ...

I need really basic visual studios 08 help..

Im making a really basic website with only 4 pages in visual studios 08. Using the ASP.NET web application template I have created a master page and 4 associated content pages. I added a tree view to the master page to navigate between them. Could someone please explain the Contentplaceholder, how is it typically used? How do I move it? ...

Building for x86 and 'Any CPU'

I am trying to use Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB driver to connect to an access database from my C# application. When I try to open a connection, I get an error: "The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine." This is because the driver is only supported on 32 bit machines. My solution was to change the platform t...

% Processor Time on Process vs. Proccesor

I'm looking at a visual studio loadtest results, and something does not make sense. The (_Total) % Processor Time under Process category is almost linear. The (_Total) % Processor Time under Processsor category makes saw teeth pattern. Question 1: What is the difference between the % Prcessor Time under Process category vs. under Pro...

Boost regex incorrect syntax

Hi, I am using the Boost library under c++ to parse a load of text. I seem to be having a problem with this string text text text Seat 6: player_name (11,111) text text text I am trying to match on the middle bit, the seat number can be anything between 1 and 9, the player_name can be any character a-zA-Z and include numbers *_. an...

Emulation mode in CUDA 3.2 with VS2008

Hey guys, I am trying to debug into my kernel code, using the device emulation mode. However, I set break points in my kernel and it doesn't break. MatrixMultiplication_Kernel<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(Md, Nd, Pd, Width); Can anyone assist me with this? ...