
What reference material exists for writing my own -vsdoc.js for JS Intellisense in VS2008?

I've got the vsdoc for jquery working in my project, but I'd also like to get intellisense for my own JS files - including the verbose <param>, <field>, and <returns> tags and so on. Where can I find a specification for the format of those comments, beyond the -vsdoc.js for jquery? ...

jquery 1.4.2 vsdoc

anybody know where i can get the vsdoc for jquery 1.4.2? ...

Is there a Firebug console -vsdoc.js?

If not, does anyone care to write one? I would do it myself...but I don't have time right now...maybe next week (unless someone beats me to it). If you are bored and want to compile the vsdoc: Here is the Firebug API. Here is a blog post about the format for VS doc comments for intellisense. Here is an example vsdoc (jquery-1.4.1-vsdoc....

VS2010 : javascript intellisense : specifying properties for 'options' objects passed to methods

Since javascript intellisense actually seems to work in VS2010, I thought I might add some to those scripts I include in almost everything. The trouble is, on some complex functions, I use option objects instead of passing umpteen different parameters, like so: function myFunc(options){ var myVar1 = options.myVar1, myVar2 =...

VSDoc alternative?

VSDoc is an awesome way of commenting Javascript, and I particularly like the ability to make one Javascript file 'depend' on another. This paves the way for Javascript minifiers/combiners that take into account proper ordering of script includes. The only thing that might bother some is that it's VS-Doc. Are there any competing format...

Visual Studio 10, JavaScript intellisense inside javascript.js file, and where is the MicrosoftAjax-vsdoc.js

I can get javascript intellisense going from and aspx or master page ie <script src="../../Scripts/jquery-1.4.1-vsdoc.js"type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $.isFunction( </script> gives me a drop down in vs2010. I do all(most) of my js coding inside a js file. How do I get intellisense drop do...

MS Ajax, Visual Studio, vsdoc MicrosoftAjax-vsdoc.js

Is there a vsdoc for ms ajax (MicrosoftAjax-vsdoc.js) ? ...

Is it possible to get intellisense for jquery in other js files?

I am working on a web page that has a reference to jquery and another js file with custom javascript for that page. Since the custom js file is external it isn't showing me intellisense for jquery. any way to get it to work? ...

jQuery 1.4.3 vsdoc

Does anybody know where I can get the vsdoc for jQuery 1.4.3? Alternatively, what changes do I need to make to jQuery 1.4.2 vsdoc file to add the new functions in 1.4.3? ...