
alternative to w3 html validator

W3 Validator is barely working for me because of massive packet loss > 60% in ae-0-11.bar1.Boston1.Level3.net are there any good alternatives? ...

Is W3C Valid XHTML and CSS Code, Semantic and Accessible Mark-up enough for site's SEO in general?

I created a web-site for a client with W3C Valid XHTML and CSS Code, Semantic and Accessible Mark-up and I had said to client my code will be SEO friendly. Theyway i code it will be good for your site SEO. I putted my all efforts to make good code Now my non-techie Client is asking me, Should him go for any SEO company even after provid...

XHTML Strict: br tag inside p tag

I get lots of validation errors because of <br /> inside <p>. If I remove the br tags then it works fine. Why is it creating a problem? ...

Validatation error "Value Error : background-position Too many values or values are not" How to solve?

Why validation giving this error. How to solve? ul#navigation li#navigation-3 a.current Value Error : background-position Too many values or values are not recognized : -164px -164px -36px -164px -164px -36px This is error screen. CSS ul#navigation { height: 36px; left: 300px; list-style-image: none; list-style-...

You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible.

I'm getting this Warning (it's not a error, my CSS is valid). I choosed full report just to check to validate You have no background-color set (or background-color is set to transparent) but you have set a color. Make sure that cascading of colors keeps the text reasonably legible. What is this and how to solve. I'm gettin...

What is the difference between these 2 doctype option on W3C HTML Validator page

http://validator.w3.org/#validate_by_input+with_options What options should i select in both if i want to check validity against XHTML 1.0 Strict and XHTML 1.1 there is no option for XHTML 1.1 under "Validate HTML Fragment" option. Why? ...

Should we use fieldset even for one search box input?

Should we use fieldset even for one search box input? Which we use in header of the site usually? ...

script attributes

Hi, I need to control some script elements, that's why I want to add class attribute to do it. But, w3c says that it's invalid. Some effect, if I add rel or id attribute. Any other ideas how I can access appropriate script tag? Doctype: XHTML 1.0 Strict Thanks, ...

Is this idea good, one conditional css for all IE version?

Is this idea good? instead of making different conditional stylesheet for different versions. One conditional css for all IE version <!--[if IE]> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="all-ie-only.css" /> <![endif]--> and for example this is content of all-ie-only.css selector { color : green\9; /* IE8 and below */ *colo...

embed tag for flash and w3c

when validating a site using w3c validator it tells me the embed tag is not valid markup. So i take it out and it works on safari/chrome but not firefox(3.5.x) but validates fine. Is there something in the object tag i must add in order for firefox to display flash. ...

Why W3C CSS Validator showing parsing error on "Ends-with" Attribute Value Selector

Why W3C Validator showing parsing error on this. I selected CSS3 profile also from dropdown. a[href $=.xls]{background: transparent url(ms-excel-icon.gif) left top no-repeat; padding-left: 22px;display: block;height: 16px;} ...

Why do mozilla and webkit prepend -moz- and -webkit- to CSS3 rules?

CSS3 rules bring lots of interesting features. Take border-radius, for example. The standard says that if you write this rule: div.rounded-corners { border-radius: 5px; } I should get a 5px border radius. But neither mozilla nor webkit implement this. However, they implement the same thing, with the same parameters, with a differe...

What is the "W3C Markup Validator" button for on websites used for?

May websites, including professional ones usually have a "W3C Markup Validator" and "W3C CSS Validator." Why do you put them there? Is it just pride or is it justified? If it is more than pride, what justifies them? ...

Why is this UL and inline JS giving errors during HTML validation?

I've just run the homepage of a site I'm working on through the w3c HTML validator and it's come back with 3 errors and 2 warnings. I've taken a look at them but can't see why they would be causing a problem. I've pasted them in below (I've removed URL's/strings etc as the site isn't quite ready to be made public yet). This is being v...

div inside table

Can somebody tell me whether div inside a table is allowed or not according to w3c ...

Why this code showing error in W3C validator?

Why this code showing error in W3C validator "character data is not allowed here" <blockquote>all visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event -- in the living act, the undoubted deed -- there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its feature from behind ...

not able to solve markup problem


To what point is making an HTML page valid worth it?

Since a long time ago, when I found out about the W3C Validator, I made sure every HTML document I made was valid HTML. However, I think sometimes it just isn't necessary to waste time making it valid. Of course, for actual Internet pages may be important, but is making pages on an Intranet, or even little front-ends that are used with ...

What makes a web site 'finished' for delivery to a client?

Hi, Sorry if this question has already been answered, and sorry if it's too subjective to make sense, or for StackOverflow. I'm delivering a site to a client and I want to send them high-quality HTML/CSS/JS, fully validated, accessible etc. So I'm compiling a list of things to check, and useful tools for doing so, before I hand the c...

configuring local W3C validator on xampp - windows xp sp3

Hi I have no experience on perl. I am trying to configure the W3C validator on my localhost (win32). I have already followed all the instructions given by W3C @http://validator.w3.org/docs/install_win.html, but I am getting the following error: Can't locate loadable object for module Encode::HanExtra in @INC (@INC contains: C:/xampp/...