
ReSharper Warning - Access to Modified Closure

I have the following code: string acctStatus = account.AccountStatus.ToString(); if (!SettableStatuses().Any(status => status == acctStatus)) acctStatus = ACCOUNTSTATUS.Pending.ToString(); Note that account.AccountStatus is an enum of type ACCOUNTSTATUS. On the second line, ReSharper is giving me the warning "Access to Modified C...

Run nosetests with warnings as errors?

When running nosetests from the command line, how do you specify that 'non-ignored' warnings should be treated as errors? By default, warnings are printed, but not counted as failures: [snip]/service/accounts/database.py:151: SADeprecationWarning: Use session.add() self.session.save(state) [snip]/service/accounts/database.py:97: SADe...

suppress C++ compiler warning from a specific line

I have the following warning: "controlling expression is constant" because of assert statement like this: assert(... && "error message"); how can I suppress warning from this particular line? The compiler I use is NVIDIA cuda compiler. I think it is llvm based. okay, it may not be llvm, as the pragma's do not have any affect. The B...

What is the best solution for suppressing warning from a MS include (C4201 in mmsystem.h)

I am tired of having to look at warnings during our compilations - warnings that come from MS include files. "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\include\mmsystem.h(1840): warning C4201: nonstandard extension used : nameless struct/union" I have seen this thread that suggests changing the header itself (but then each of my te...

Why do I need to type-cast an object when sending it an "isKindOf:" message?

If I'm trying to find out if an object is a type of a certain class (or any of that class's descendants), it seems that I should use "isKindOf:" if ([foo isKindOfClass:[bar class]]) {...} But the compiler gives me a warning "invalid receiver type 'void *'". This goes away if I cast "foo" to NSObject...or any other class! No matter w...

-isystem for MS Visual Studio C++ Compiler

I usually like to have a lot of warnings enabled when programming. However, some libraries contains code that easily causes warnings (.., python, Qt, ..). When compiling with gcc I can just use -isystem instead of -I to silence that. How can I do the same with the MS compiler? I know of the warning #pragma, but I would like a solution th...

[SharePoint] - Document archive warnings

Hi all Is there an out of the box solution to check the validity of documents? Let's say when a document has been in a document library for 1 year, the author should get a warning, an e-mail for example, to revise the document. I didn't find this in SharePoint. So I was thinking of creating my own feature for this: A timer job which ...

Supressing warnings for a codeblock using gcc 4.1.2?

I have a section of code that uses a Boost library that results in a lot of these type of warning messages: class x has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor Using g++ 4.1.2, how do I temporarily disable warnings for this codeblock then enable them again after it. Everything I try (pragma gcc diagnostic, etc) seems to only be ...

Non Standard Web Address Format

Hello All, We sent mails to customers in our application which has a link in it. In yahoo and Hotmail, whenever the customer clicks on the link it displays following warning The URL is long encrypted query string. Is there any way to suppress this popup? Or How to intimate the mail server that this is not a harmful site. ...

Apple Interface Builder warning "This windows content rectangle dows not lie entirely on the screen with the menu bar and may not be completely visible for all screen resolutions and configurations."

A warning comes up in a MainMenu.XIB dialogue box. It says Object: window(window) ID: 371 Type: Illegal Configuration Issue: This windows content rectangle dows not lie entirely on the screen with the menu bar and may not be completely visible for all screen resolutions and configurations. I saw something related to this issue on sta...

how do i get mysql warning messages in php (not error)

hi all, i want to execute a sql at php which does something like changing a text column into int column. however, this sql failed to fun at php and succeeds in my mysql admin tool (sqlyog). server responses "1 row(s) affected. 1 warning(s)". but "SHOW WARNINGS" didn't pop up anything and not surprisingly, php's mysql_error() didn't retu...

Is there a way to ignore a single FindBugs warning?

With PMD, if you want to ignore a specific warning, you can use // NOPMD to have that line be ignored. Is there something similar for FindBugs? ...

GCC Compiler Warning: extended initializer lists only available with c++0x

Using this member initialization... StatsScreen::StatsScreen( GameState::State level ) : m_Level( level ) { ...// } I get the following warning... extended initializer lists only available with -std=c++0x or -std=gnu++0x Any information regarding this warning? Edit: Warning went away after I removed one of the member that w...

How to suppress GCC warnings from library headers?

I have a project that uses log4cxx, boost, etc. libraries whose headers generate lots of (repetitive) warnings. Is there a way to suppress warnings from library includes (i.e. #include <some-header.h>) or includes from certain paths? I'd like to use -Wall and/or -Wextra as usual on project code without relevant info being obscured. I cur...

DataSet Classes generated by xsd.exe generate a huge number of warnings

I've got several hundred warnings due to missing xml comments from a single DataSet generated from a single .xsd file. Since this is an auto generated file manually editing them isn't a good idea. Is there any way to either disable the warning for the file (CS1591) or put values that will be imported into xml comments into the xsd file...

I am getting error in in-array function used in Multiple Select box

I have used Multiple select Box in edit form, displaying previously selected items in it using "in-array($needle,$haystack)" php function, but if the variable array "$haystack" in which multiple value is stored, there is no value,there I get the Warning message prompting for wrong datatype for second argument for in "in-array($needle,$ha...

Xcode: Get rid of forward class warning

In Xcode, I have a forward class declared so as to avoid a circular import e.g. @class MyClass; And then I do a method call on that class e.g. [MyClass myMethod]; But I get a forward class warning e.g. warning: receiver 'MyClass' is a forward class and corresponding @interface may not exist How can I hide those across my ...

Disable HTML Warnings in Eclipse with Eclipise for Java EE developers edition

I am working on a Web App with Eclipse for Java EE. I have JSP files that are built with HTML files as includes. My index.jsp looks like this: <jsp:include page="include/top.html" /> <title>Title!</title> <jsp:include page="include/header.html" /> <jsp:include page="include/menu.html" /> <div class="span-15 prepend-1 last"> ...

jQuery selector syntax gives Firefox warning

The following code stringref = "tab_2"; jQuery('.someclass a:not(.someclass #a_someclass_'+stringref+')').css('color', '#000'); gives me this warning in the FF 3.5.5 error console and I can't figure out why: Warning: Missing closing ')' in negation pseudo-class '#a_someclass_tab_2'. Is my syntax failing me or has FF gone bonkers ? ...

Proper use of Arraylist and Java Generics vs Vectors

I have been using vectors in the past and am very familiar with them. I have heard that ArrayLists are faster and more flexible. I am new to using ArrayLists and Java Generics. I am currently using them as follows and receiving a warning about parametrization (Which I thought I did by declaring them <String>. ArrayList<String> arrayList...