
AMR to WAV converter in Java

Hello friends, Is there AMR to WAV , WAV to AMR converter available written Java? I need to do conversion in realtime. Looking for open source, free or paid. Thanks. ...

Create mp3 previews from wav and aiff files

I would like to create a program that makes mp3s of the first 30 seconds of an aiff or wav file. I would also like to be able to choose location and length, such as the audio between 2:12 and 2:42. Are there any tools that lets me do this? Shelling out is OK. The application will run on a linux server, so it would have to be a tool that...

How to stream a WAV file?

I'm writing an app where I record audio and upload the audio file over the web. In order to speed up the upload I want to start uploading before I've finished recording. The file I'm creating is a WAV file. My plan was to use multiple data chunks. So instead of the normal encoding (RIFF, fmt , data) I’m using (RIFF, fmt , data, data, .....

Flash swf to play PCM WAV files?

I am in need of a Flash swf that is capable of loading PCM WAV files via a url passed to it. An example of the file can be found here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff512405.aspx The swf does not need a visible interface, as it is meant for audio playing only and not user interaction. The swf should have a simple javascript...

How to Convert WAV file int MP3 file in C# NETCF(windows mobile)

How to Convert WAV file int MP3 file in C# NETCF(windows mobile)???? Maybe somebody know how to do it? ...

getting error while converting wav to amr using ffmpeg

hello friends I am using ffmpeg to convert amr to wav and wav to amr.Its successfully converting amr to wav but not viceversa. As ffmpeg is supporting amr encoder decoder, its giving error. ffmpeg -i testwav.wav audio.amr Error while opening encoder for output stream #0.0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, widt...

ffmpeg 0.5 flv to wav conversion creates wav files that other programs won't open.

Hi, I am using the following command to convert FLV files to audio files to feed into julian, a speech to text program. cat ./jon2.flv | ffmpeg -i - -vn -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 16000 -ac 1 -f wav - | cat - > jon2.wav The cat's are there for debugging purposes as the final use will be a running program that will pipe FLV into ffmpeg's ...

How to use Microsoft Speech Object Library to create a wav file.

I am looking to use Skype in my C# program. I wish to initiate a phone call and inject an audio file for the receiver to listen to. Is it possible to use Microsoft Speech Object Library in C# to save the converted audio file (wav), instead of just playing it directly through the speakers? ...

Need help manipulating WAV (RIFF) Files at a byte level

I'm writing an an application in C# that will record audio files (*.wav) and automatically tag and name them. Wave files are RIFF files (like AVI) which can contain meta data chunks in addition to the waveform data chunks. So now I'm trying to figure out how to read and write the RIFF meta data to and from recorded wave files. I'm using...

playing dynamic sound clips in browser

Hi, I've never delt with sound clips and im wanting to play one via an event. I have a file which has a snippet like so: if( $get['0002'] == 'mu' ) { switch( $get['0000'] ) { case 'mp3': header('Content-Type: audio/mp3'); break; case 'wav': header('Content-Type: audio/x-wav'); break; default: break; } ...

fourier transform to transpose key of a wav file

I want to write an app to transpose the key a wav file plays in (for fun, I know there are apps that already do this)... my main understanding of how this might be accomplished is to 1) chop the audio file into very small blocks (say 1/10 a second) 2) run an FFT on each block 3) phase shift the frequency space up or down depending o...

SpeechSynthesizer in C# creates wav that has 22kHz... needs to be 16kHz

My C# application needs to covert text to wav file and inject it into a Skype call. The code that creates the wav file is below. The problem is that the file has 22kHz sample rate and Skype accepts only 16kHz. Is there any way to adjust this setting? using (System.IO.FileStream stream = System.IO.File.Create("message.wav")) { System....

Given a WAV file, its file size and sample rate, is it possible to calculate the sample count?

Our app needs to know the sample count of the audio files it loads. The library we're using can reliably determine the sample rate, but not the sample count. Is it possible for us to calculate the sample count from just the file size and sample rate? ...

Convert byte array to wav file

I'm trying to play a wav sound that stored in byte array called bytes. I know that I should convert the byte array to wav file and save it in my local drive then called the saved file but I was not able to convert the byte array to wav file. please help me to give sample code to convert byte arrary of wav sound to wav file. here is my ...

Playing wav files with AudioServices in iPhone

Hi All, I am trying to play two .wav files in my appllication, but i am only able to play the first wav file , the second file is not at all playing. I have added the AudioToolbox framework. In my .h file i have included the Audiotoolbox.h file and has the following declarations //Beep Sound SystemSoundID soundFileObject; SystemSou...

Audio processing in C# or C++

Hi, I would like to create an application that uses AI techniques and allows the user to record a part of a song and then tries to find that song in a database of wav files. I would have liked to use some already existing libraries for the audio processing part. So, could you recommend any libraries in C# which can read a wav file, ge...

Track status of Microsoft TTS output to wav file

I'm trying to track the status of my applications TTS output to a wav file. When speaking the text (to the speaker) the expected events (StartStream, Word, EndStream) are fired, however, no events are fired when outputing to a wave file. SpVoice vox = new SpVoice(); vox.Word += VoxWord; // Handle word processed event SpFile...

How to learn .wav duration in Java media frame work?

Hi all, I am tyring to merge an .mov file with a .wav file using java media framework, thus I need to know their duration. How can I do this? Any ideas would be appreciated.. ...

AS3 microphone recording/saving works, in-flash PCM playback double speed

I have a working mic recording script in AS3 which I have been able to successfully use to save .wav files to a server through AMF. These files playback fine in any audio player with no weird effects. For reference, here is what I am doing to capture the mic's ByteArray: (within a class called AudioRecorder) public function startRecord...

How to assemble a WAV file?

After having successfully received and extracted audio samples from Ethernet UDP packets at the PC, I need to assemble them to a WAV file, in C#. Any example code? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance! ...