
Guaranteeing that a .NET WCF Service can be consumed by a Java client

I am creating a WCF Service that will be consumed by both .NET and Java client applications. We do not have any Java experience in the team, so are looking for guidelines or rules to follow to ensure that we do not accidentally include any types in our WCF Service interface or do anything else that would preclude it from being consumed ...

WCF Contract Name 'IMyService' could not be found?

The contract name 'IMyService' could not be found in the list of contracts implemented by the service 'MyService'.. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The contract name 'IMyService' could not be found in the list of contracts implemented by the service 'MyService'. This is driving me crazy. I have a WCF web service that works on my ...

WCF and gSOAP - interoperable code?

I'm trying to write a simple WCF Server + gSOAP client proof-of-concept application using SOAP 1.2 protocol. Here's server code: [ServiceContract(Namespace="http://test.com")] public interface IService1 { [OperationContract] void HelloWorld(); } [ServiceBehavior(Namespace = "http://test.com")] public class Service1 : IService1 ...

WCF: Net.TCP multiple bindings, same port, different IP Addresses

Hi there, I've run into a problem. I'm a little new at WCF so any help would be greatly appreaciated. Here's my code: public static void StartHosts() { try { // Create a new host ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(ServerTasks)); List<IPAddress> ips = new List<IPAddress>(Dn...

Fire event when client connects to WCF-hosted endpoint

What do I do in order to fire an event when a new client connects to WCF-hosted service? EDIT: What I'm looking is to get an event when a new session is created or new Channel gets created for a client. Such as: for session closure I'm using: OperationContext.Current.Channel.Closed += new EventHandler( Channel_Closed ); so what shoul...

Does each authenticated WCF client connection need a CAL?

Just like the title says. Does each authenticated WCF client connection to a WCF server that you have developed need a windows CAL? http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2008/en/us/client-licensing.aspx Microsoft's licensing on that page sure makes it sound like it, but I can't find anything out there that confirms, or even denies thi...

WCF: sharing cached data across multiple services

We are developing a project that involves about 10 different WCF services with several endpoints each. One of the services keeps a few big tables of data cached in memory. We have found we need access to that data from another service. Rather than keeping 2 copies of the cache, I'd like to be able to share those tables across all servi...

Problem exposing custom complex interface types in WCF services

I'm trying to get hold of an object from another application using WCF. With built in classes it works fine but I run into probems when trying to return a custom interface type from the WCF operation. Whether I include the interface in both applications separately, or specif it as a shared assembly, I get the same result: a Communicati...

Duplicate WCF service calls being saved in database

We have a C# WCF service (3.0) that takes in data and then make another web service call to a third party with that same data. Before the third party call, the entry data is saved as a record in a database, and then updated with response data from the thrid party web service. We have start doing some Load/Stress testing, and noticed th...

Input string was not in a correct format

i simply created a wcf service which is printing "hello world". created a sequential console workflow, added a send activity and code activity to the workflow. referenced the service here. configured the send activity. created dependency property for return value. now when I am running the app. it throws a format exception in program.cs...

Securing WCF service using basicHttpBinding which supports streaming

My question is in regards to the best (aka "least painful") way to secure access to a WCF service that is only exposed to our company's internal users. The goal is to ensure that the service is only accessed via a single windows forms application that each of our users has installed. When the service is called, I want the service to be a...

SharePoint, WCF and Anonymous Access

Does a WCF service on SharePoint require that Anonymous Access is enabled? We have an application page which is calling the service using Ajax.Net, if Anon Access is off then we get prompted for the username and password, if it is on then all is well. We are not using a WCF client, it is purely being called by the scriptmanager <confi...

In VS08, On F5, sometimes WCF service loaded correctly, sometimes I get a list of files

Sorry, but I am not sure what causes the problem, and the problem isn't happening right now. I'll have to describe from memory. So I've started creating WCF Service Applications. Sometimes, when press F5 to run the project I get the correct screen, a screen that says: Service1 Service You have created a Service. To test this service...

WCF Callback Channel gets disposed prematurely?

My application is using the net.tcp WCF service with a callback channel. For some reason I'm not able to send callbacks on event. Here's what I'm doing (all code server-side): On initialization: OperationContext Context { get; protected set; } ... Context = OperationContext.Current; On event: var callback = Context.GetCallbackChanne...

What is the best way to call/start a Windows Service every x seconds?

I have a Windows Service which is basically accessing a mailbox and reading the emails. I am trying to figure out the best way to check the mailbox every x seconds. One method is to just call Thread.Sleep, then call the Start Method again, e.g. protected override void OnStart(string[] args) { // get config settings CheckMailb...

How to get EF Objects to work in the WCFTestClient

I have a solution that has some EF objects. I want to pass them down to the client. When I try to test this in the WCFTestClient.exe I get this error on my objects: "This operation is not supported in the wcf test client" Is there a way to set things up so I can pass my Entity objects down to the client or am I going to have to make ...

Determine wsHttpBinding at runtime with WCF

I have a web application that exposes web services using WCF and wsHttpBindings. It is possible to have the application on different machines and different urls. This would mean the WCF service location would be different for each. I am building a Windows Service that will reference each application and perform a task. Each task needs t...

Can I change the error page (404) with a standalone WCF web service?

I have a standalone (non-IIS) WCF service that - besides the services - provides some simple HTML pages via a WebServiceHost. When I enter http://localhost:1234/SomeRandomWords as an URL into the browser I get a default error page that says Dienst Es wurde kein Endpunkt gefunden (Translated to english: Service / Endpoint not found) ...

net.tcp binding metadata problem

<system.serviceModel> <services> <service name="SUR.Core.Service.Implementation.SURDirectoryService" behaviorConfiguration="DefaultServiceBehavior"> <host> <baseAddresses> <add baseAddress="net.tcp://"/> </baseAddresses> </host> <endpoint...

How to catch exception from UserNamePasswordValidator in WCF client application ?

I've written simple WCF service using netTcpBinding and security mode="Message" and clientCredentialType="UserName". Everythink works fine when I pass valid username and password, session is established the way I wanted. However when the credentials are wrong exception is thrown though I can't catch it in my client application in try cat...