
Why doesn't my Django site return a 404 when checked with this URL parser?

Here's a simple python function that checks if a given url is valid: from httplib import HTTP from urlparse import urlparse def checkURL(url): p = urlparse(url) h = HTTP(p[1]) h.putrequest('HEAD', p[2]) h.endheaders() if h.getreply()[0] == 200: return 1 else: return 0 This works for most sites, but wit...

Web Hosting Companies, Coldfusion

Does anyone know a place where I can either get cheap deals or exchange advert space for free hosting for a coldfusion 8 website, + MYSQL 5? I want unlimited space, broadband etc. ...

How to check website viewer's operating system?

I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 and I recently received the following error when visiting a website: Please return to www.site.com with a computer running Windows 98, 2000, Me, NT, or XP. How does the website know which OS I'm running? Is it only via javascript or is there OS information in the request headers as well? Is there a way for...

SQL Databases Quota Website Hosting.

Id a 10gb Total SQL Databases Quota enough for a site that only has comments, not any pictures or videos? say each post was (in LONGTEXT, under mysql) about a paragraph - would this be enough for say a few million or hundread million posts? how may about? Really appreshate the help - I found a good host site "http://www.ixwebhosting.com/...

How do you make those newfangled pop-up windows?

How do you make those newfangled pop-up windows, the Web 2.0 kind, like when a site wants you to take a survey or donate money? And more importantly, what are they called? ...

PHP not working with Expression Web 3

I'm starting to try to learn PHP while using Expression Web 3. I set up PHP runtime and configured the ini. What happens is my script doesn't do as it should. My page looks like: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html dir="ltr" xmlns="http://www...

ASP.Net MVC - Why is a controller being created for favicon.ico?

I am using a custom ControllerFactory (to use Castle Windsor's IOC to create controllers), and I notice it's getting requests to create a controller for "favicon.ico". I have put a favicon.ico file in my Content folder, but I'm still getting these requests. How do I resolve this and serve static content without trying to create controll...

Script puzzle <script src="ajaxpage.php?emp_id=23" /> ?

Very simple Ajax request taking employee id and returning the user info as HTML dumb. Request ajax("employee/info?emp_id=3543") Response id = 3543name = some name This is just another simple JS trick to populate the UI. However i do not understand how something like below is equally able to execute correctly and dump the HTML code. ...

Can We Rotate Page?

Hi, I am not sure but there are many unbelievable things getting done each day. So my question is that can we rotate a generated page with 90 degrees like how we do this in pdf using either php or JavaScript? ...

How can i paint/highlight the line i m reading in gridview

Hi there, I'm building a web site and i want to paint/highlight the line that i m reading. here is my code: foreach (GridViewRow rw in gvHastalar.Rows) { rw.CssClass = "gvKontrolEdilenSatir"; } Thanks in advance ...

.htaccess mod rewrite automatically using php or something?

I've got a number of users, each with the website page like http://www.mysite.com/folder/artist%5Fid.php?id=33 The users need to be able to set their own easy URL such as http://www.mysite.com/userguy that would redirect to the above page. I know how to write these out manually in .htaccess with RewriteRule but, for example, users have...

Can JavaScript be a viable alternative to flash and silverlight?

Take a look at http://www.chromeexperiments.com/ I think JavaScript is very close to have everything that RIAs can offer. What's missing from or for JavaScript to make it a viable RIA development alternative? ...

Multiple items with PayPal button and PHP

I'm building a website where I basically want my checkout to work like this website: http://www.solutionkaizen.com/html/boutique.php It allows you to enter the quantity for each item and then press a button which brings you to PayPal and lists how many Products you have. On PayPal's website, all the info I found seems to lead to me ne...

Which is the best TimeZone settings for php mysql site?

hi, i am running a site and i need to set the timezone. which is the most preferable time zone?? my server is in GoDaddy.com. So any one help me to set the time zone via php. ...

Get a value from a form item in PHP

Basically Iv got PayPal items set up and I have for instance a text input feild called ItemQuantity1 When I press the corosponding add to cart button, I want it to use the value of ItemQuantity1 to fill the variable for quantity which PayPal uses. so if I have: |15___| |Add to cart| when I push add to cart I want it to say that I add...

Internet Explorer 8 doesn't finish downloading the page!

I'm currently finishing up testing a new Ruby on Rails app. Just recently, some of the pages do not seem to finish downloading in IE8. In FireFox, Chrome and Safari, everything works perfectly. The pages all validate successfully using the W3C validator. When I view the page source in IE8, the page has been chopped off around 75% of the...

Check the value of a text input (Web Programming / PHP)

I have a PayPal button with a quantity text field. How could I check to ensure this textfeild is > 0 so that it does not add to cart if quantity is not an integer >= 1? Thanks ...

Kill Session on browser close.

Here's my Application.cfc code: < cfcomponent> < cfset this.applicationname="cfGossip"> < cfset this.applicationname="true"> < cfset this.sessionManagement = true /> < /cfcomponent> My session is called "Session.MM_Username" I want to 'kill' it when a browser is closed. How do I do this? Can somebody try construct the code for ...

Round rectangles in website

I'm working on a web site with Expression Web. I came across this website http://www.ecodetox.ca and what I really liked was how everything seemed to be in round rectangles. I also noticed the background had a drop shadow. I'm wondering how I could achieve this type of effect in expression web without using loads of images from Photosho...

Using art from Expression Design, in Expression Web

I built a round rectangle in Expression Blend, and would like to bring it into Expression Web as a background for my #welcometext div. I want to be able to position it and then add text over it. I brought it in with CSS but it's too big, how can I resize it to fit the div? Thanks ...