
How do I generate a unit test project along with my new project in Visual Web Dev Express?

Taken from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd410597(VS.100).aspx ... If you are using the Standard or Express editions of Visual Studio, the Create Unit Test Project dialog box is not displayed. Instead, the new MVC application project is generated without a test project. Does this mean it can't be done? If it can...

How to prevent XSS with HTML/PHP?

How do I prevent XSS (cross-site scripting) using just HTML and PHP? I've seen numerous other posts on this topic but I have not found an article that clear and concisely states how to actually prevent XSS. ...

Is preventing XSS and SQL Injection as easy as does this...

Question: Is preventing XSS (cross-site scripting) as simple using strip_tags on any saved input fields and running htmlspecialchars on any displayed output ... and preventing SQL Injection by using PHP PDO prepared statements? Here's an example: // INPUT: Input a persons favorite color and save to database // this should prevent SQL i...

PHP: How to strip HTML tag while allowing < and >

Question: How do I strip HTML tags but allow the greater and less-than sign using PHP? If I used PHP's strip_tags() function, it doesn't quite work: $string = '<p>if A > B</p>' echo strip_tags($string); // if A B // but I want to output "if A > B" UPDATE Basically, I only want to allow/display plain text. ...

overlapping divs in my HTML template?

I am designing a few templates for my website. I am laying the divs out and specifying the height and width of each. I have a large container div named main_cont. Within the 'main_cont', I have three (3) container divs named 'cont_left', 'cont_center', and 'cont_right'. Each one of those divs have three divs within them named left_1, le...

Third-Party Storage Solution for a Website Application?

Hi Guys, I'm building a website that stores a lot of community-generated multimedia. I originally wanted to store the data in my own SAN, but for scalability purposes I'm looking for a solution to store all the images outside my network and request them by HTTP request connectors. I also want a solution that will let me grow in spac...

Coldfusion, dreamweaver website Sercurity

I'm creating a Coldfusion website, and am going to need sercurity for it. I know people can add code to comments and change background colour etc. I need to have some code to stop this, along with other issues. I have only managed to find php code for any site sercurity codeing. It would really help me to have any coldfusion code for my ...

How to change the Scroll bar color

Using Internet Explorer and FireFox I want to change my scroll bar color Code <div style="overflow: auto; width: 750px; height: 400px"> </div> The Above code is for Scroll bar, But How to change the scroll bar color. Tried code. <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> BODY { scrollbar-base-color: orange; scrollbar-arrow-color: green; scrollb...

How to create a jsp Form with validation and mail form details to administrator?

Hi, I am new to JSP and related technologies. I need to write a JSP form with some required fields (including Captcha), the form will require validation. Upon successful submission of the form, it should be able to email to a stated email address which is grabbed/parsed from a .txt file. That is basically the flow. But technically how ...

Is it wrong to configure a webserver to map both HTTP and HTTPS traffic to the same document root?

Is there anything wrong with configuring a webserver to map SSL traffic (port 443) to the same document root as normal traffic (port 80)? Using the same document root for both http and https means you need to implement the following: On each page that needs to be secure, there needs to be some application code that redirects the user ...

How to automatically process contents of <textarea> without user pressing a button?

On my page I have a textarea where users can enter a list of items, items being separated by a newline. I would like to process the user's input without him/her having to press a submit button. ("Process" means send the information the user entered to the server and update other elements on the current page.) I thought of two days of do...

PHP: how to perform htmlspecialchar() on an array-of-arrays?

How do I run the PHP function htmlspecialchars() on an array of array objects? I have the following code: $result_set = Array ( [0] => Array ( [home_id] => 1 [address] => 4225 Nasmyth Dr [city] => Plano [state] => TX [zip] => 76798 ) [1] => Array ...

how Configure::write works in cakePHP

I want to understand how Configure::write('Config.language','fre'), do I have to call this function in beforFilter() methode ? when i call it does it save the the configuration in session or it does not save at all ? ...

Image based CSS Dropdown menus

I'm building a website, and would like to make aa navigation bar with submenus. My menu items are entirely image based. I have an image for each item, and each item hover. I'm just not sure how to go about doing it this way, I only know how to make one without use of images. Thanks ...

using populated xml element from ajax

I have created a javascript object and associated method which looks very similar to this. "getUserInfo" is executed in $().ready(function(){} function userObject(userId) { this.userId = userId; this.getUserMachineList = function(infoId, machineListId) { jQuery.post(machDBPHPPath + "/listAllUserMachineAccess.php", ...

Override a CSS layout

I'm creating a navigation bar and its made using an unordered list. I want to override my style for the first one so it looks different. I tried changing its class, but the actual style overrides it. Thanks ...

HTML: can my favicon be on a CDN instead of /favicon.ico?

Does my favicon.ico have to be stored at the root of my domain? Or can I have my favicon stored on another domain? Meaning, from www.example.com, is this valid? <link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://MY-CDN.example.com/favicon.ico" /> What I want to do is serve my www.example.com favicon from my CDN. Is this okay? Any negatives I sho...

Pros and cons of writing complete view logic of a web application in a javascript library (ExtJS) ?

I am a newbie in web development using javascript libraries. But I recently saw a J2EE web application that uses ExtJS extensively (say 90%) for rendering the web pages. The web pages in question are either simple forms or grids (tabular reports). The JSPs are fairly threadbare and simply delegate to the ExtJS framework (using onReady fu...

What are the best sites to showcase my development skills?

Besides stackoverflow, what are the best sites to showcase my development skills? For those sites that are specific to a particular set of skills, I am a ASP.Net developer and I use c# primarily. Edit: Something to send potential employers, and something that they would find easily during a Google search of me. ...

How would I convert my .htaccess file to NGINX?

How would I convert my below .htaccess (Apache) file so that it could be used by NGINX? Options -Indexes Options +FollowSymLinks # Enable ETag #FileETag MTime Size FileETag none # Set expiration header ExpiresActive on ExpiresDefault A2592000 Header append Cache-Control "public" # Compress some text file types AddOutputFilterByType D...