
What is the best way to set up a PHP development environment on a Mac?

When I do PHP, I use XAMPP to set up a development environment on Windows, then upload to Linux servers, works very well. I'm now passing on a PHP project to a person who has a Mac so he needs a local PHP dev environment. I noticed XAMPP has a version for Mac which I will recommend. But knowing that Mac is always a bit different, has a...

Django: Template composed of Templates

In one of my Django templates, I have a chunk of HTML which repeats at several places in the page. Is there a way I could use another template for this chunk alone and "instantiate" the template where required? ...

How do you get a PHP page with arguments to point to itself?

I'm trying to make a page where, when a form is submitted, it returns to the page from where the form was called from. Normally, I'd just set the form action to basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); and it would work fine. The problem that I'm having is that the form on this page is now being called from a url like www.yaddayadda.com/articl...

Django: Implementing a referral program

Hello, I have an ecommerce website that works in a classical way: people sign up, buy a product with their CC. It uses the default Django auth system for users and registration and session framework. Now I want to implement a referral system to my system where people can invite other people by giving their referral link (ie mysite.com/...

PreMade Webdesign and Drupal

I'm terribly new to web development. I'm trying to make a pretty simple site with a friend. My friend has taken the time to design the layout for our site, and we have things looking how we want in a static HTML page. What I'd like to do now is move over to a Content Management System like Drupal but keep the same design that we have ...

HTML, XHTML, and CSS... what are some good resources?

What's a good book, or a good way to learn HTML, XHTML, and CSS? I recently graduated from school and I only know Java, and C++. I would like to learn some web development so I am looking for some good books and resources. ...

Setting up SVN (subvsersion) to manage our companies files, how to exclude large files from being versioned.

Me and two other guys recently started our own web development company. We each work from our homes and have decided we want to keep one central location for all of our files. These files include word documents, spreadsheets, client files, designs.. etc. Anything pertaining to our company. I have a pretty solid internet connection an...

Java Filter URL pattern specific to request params

We have a situation where we want to use filter for URL's containing some specific request parameters, e.g: http://mydomain.com/?id=78&formtype=simple_form&....... http://mydomain.com/?id=788&formtype=special_form&....... and so on, id are fetched at run time, I want configure filter in web.xml only if formtype=special_form. ...

How to create imaged scrollbars

Hello, How to create imaged scrollbars, for example: http://www.openstudio.fr/jquery/index.htm Basically, I want to create my own image slider with JQuery but I don't want to show default scrollbars. Instead, I would like to have imaged scrollbars. How do they create custom scrollbars? ...

Rounded Corners Image Change on Hover

Hello, I created a rounded box/button and sliced its first corner, the middle bar (which repeats horizontally to adjust the width of the button text/content) and the last corner and used following markup: <div id="left-corner"></div> <div id="middle-bar">About Us</div> <div id="right-corner"></div> These divs have corresponding image...

Recommendations for domain name registrar with API-support

I'm building a web application that needs to register domain names programmatically. What domain name registrars with API support fulfill the following requirements: Supports .COM Ideally cheap Reliable, trustworthy and should been so over an extended period of time What API-supporting domain name registrars have you used? What are ...

How to serve static content from tomcat

Hello I have a directory containing a number of static file (*.png, *.css, etc). I thought (mistakenly perhaps) that just creating a directory in my application's WEB-INF file would suffice and I would be able to access the files by just referring to them by name: Ex: <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/styles.css" type="text/css"> ...

Building a CMS in PHP: Development tools

I'm planning to build a CMS in PHP and MySQL, mainly for my own amusement and education. (Though who knows, I may come up with something useful and cool. Anything's possible.) I'll be asking questions about code architecture etc. later. For now, I'm more interested in development tools. So far, all my playing with code has been done on ...

Handling % character in web applications

Is there an elegant way of handling % character in web applications where the user is allowed to enter data? ...

Create a helper or something for haml with ruby on rails

Hello, i am using haml with my rails application and i have a question how the easiest way to insert this haml code into a html file: <div clas="holder"> <div class=top"></div> <div class="content"> Content into the div goes here </div> <div class="bottom"></div> </div> And i want to use it in my haml document like this: %ht...

(interactive) graph as in graph theory on a web page ?

Hi, I have to integrate a graph with nodes and edges on a web page. Ideally, i would like to be able to interact with it (like moving the nodes around). Actually, i'm beginning by representing trees, so i would appreciate to be able to collapse subtrees. How can I do that ? I was considering google-visualization api but i wasn't able ...

How to let one external stylsheet selectively overrule the other

I'm stunned by a simple thing that I want to accomplish but does not work. I have a website and I want it to support themes, which are a named set of CSS + images. No matter which theme is selected, I always include the main CSS file, which is the default theme. On top of that I'm loading a second stylesheet, the one that is theme-specif...

Any problem will occur for SEO if i use tables for html forms?

I am finding tough to align the label and textboxes using Div's. If i use tables for forms, it will be easy. Does this affect my seo, or not? Thank You all who answered this question!, Im decided to go with tables for forms. ...

Avoiding deployment when debugging an ASP.NET MVC application

Once an asp.net MVC project has a web deployment project associated with it, there doesn't seem to be a way to avoid deploying when you build the MVC project. I still want to be able to debug my MVC project locally and avoid deploying new versions of it. How do I configure the web deployment project to skip the deployment step when I'm t...

Programming image maps

Hello, I am looking for a javascript/jquery solution to build a map with selectable tracks. It will consist of area's map (image) with some river routes for boats that have to be selectable - route have to be made clearer on mouse hover and after user clicks on a route a popup window should emerge. Basically I am just looking for a solut...