
CSS background image ?

I have a div that is 200px by 200px. If I want to place a 30x30px no-repeat background image at the top left corner position of 120px from the left and 50px from the top ... while also allowing the text inside that div to be displayed on top of the background image ... how would I do that? I tried the following, but it doesnt appear to...

How is IE7 any better than IE6?

Oftentimes in the web development community, you hear people complaining about developing for IE6. However, if you are developing using a robust JavaScript framework like jQuery, is developing for IE6 any different than developing for IE7? ...

firefox plugin to test web application

is there any firefox plugin to emulate slow internet connection or emulate unstable internet connection to test web app? ...

How should I handle url routing in my application ?

I'm building a web app with custom components. I need a way to route requests to class / methods, is there any standalone java library that can achieve that (in a sexy manner [1]) ? [1] read : no xml! ...

Which web solution should I use for my project?

I'm going to create a fairly large (from my point of view anyway) web project with a friend. We will create a site with roads and other road related info. Our calculations is that we will have around 100k items in our database. Each item will contain some information like location, name etc. (about 30 thing each). We are counting on hav...

which is best server for developing java web applications?

I'm confused. There are lot of servers(GlassFish, Tomcat, Apache,etc.,). But which one is used to implement easy for developing web application? Please suggest me. Thanks in advance. ...

CSS browser safe way to apply a radius border?

I want to apply a 3px top left & top right radius border. How can I do this across all browsers (e.g. IE, WebKit, Mozilla)? And if the browser doesn't support the border-radius attribute, just default to no radius (square corner). ...

Help with shopping cart in javascript

Hey guys, (question edited) What I am trying to achieve is this: I want button where I can add my item to the shopping cart e.g AddToCart() so I can add my items with the number of quantities that the person will want. To do this I need global arrays like sum, quanitity and name. Except the way I have done it does not have this and I'm...

How To Make RSS Data Accessible

RSS data is nothing more than xml data, right? But is it some sort of special format that a webmaster have to follow inorder to be read from an RSS Reader? How do I make the XML data of my web site formatted for RSS readers? ...

How many developers does it take to build a site like eBay today from scratch?

And how long would it take to complete (minus the graphics polishing)? Please assume it's being built in PHP. (Any compelling reason not to go with PHP?) Many thanks, in advance! ...

Grab remaining text after last "/" in a php string.

So, lets say I have a $somestring thats holds the value "main/physician/physician_view". I want to grab just "physician_view". I want it to also work if the passed string was "main/physician_view" or "site/main/physician/physician_view". Hopefully my question makes sense. Any help would be appreciated! ...

J2EE fast track (Learning Enterprise Java real fast)

Hello, We just started a new project in J2EE in our office and i am required to participate effectively. I mostly work on web applications and I use PHP/MySql but I also know J2SE and have written couple of standalone applications. I need help and advise on how i can learn J2ee very fast so that i can blend into the project without diff...

which unit i should use in CSS, while designing web page

I deisgned more than 10 sites, still i had a doubt in mind of 'Whats the correct unit I should use'. Whether it is px, or em or %. Plz guide me to right direction EDIT 1: FOR LAYOUTS (Especially for container boxes) ...

Second CSS class not working in IE8.

I have the following div being rendered to the client, but on IE, the checked-yes class is ignored. If I view the target element in the 'Developer Tools', that class is completely missing from the Style panel. The shift-item-present class is attached server side, and the checked-yes class client side, depending on the present attribute...

What unit should I use for sizing boxes inside wrapper in CSS?

I have a wrapper of certain width. I want to float 3 boxes inside that wrapper. What unit should I specify the size of the boxes in — px, em or %? ...

Silverlight and Search Engines

Hi, I have recently started learning SilverLight (and Web developement in general) and have been advised by a friend that SilverLight isn't Search engine friendly (because Silverlight isn't HTML). Is there any way of getting around this and getting my site onto the Search engine lists (without paying)? (Any advise on getting my site on ...

A Java and PHP application

Is it possible to build a Java web application which has a PHP front end ? I want all my web pages to be coded in PHP. Most of them will be forms. I want all the data submitted by a form to go to a Java Code. I want to do all manipulation in back end and all rendering of web content on the front end. This is just a general question a...

Issues in Ajax based applications

I'm very interested in developing Ajax based applications. This is, loading almost all of the content of the application via XMLHttpRequest, instead of only some combos and widgets. But if I try to do this form scratch, soon I find some problems without an easy solution. I wonder if there is some framework (both client and server side) t...

what do you expect from flash in the near future?

The recent article of steve jobs link made me think about the future of flash. I'm learning actionscript 3.0 in my studies but is it the right decision still to go for it? I was pretty sure that I will be able to build application in as3 for iphones/ipads in the near future. It seems to me, while I would stay with flash, the market will ...

Project Performance Evaluation and Finding Weak Areas

I'm working in J2EE web project, which has lots of Java, SQL scripts, JS, AJAX stuff. Its been 5 years for project still running fine. I have assigned with work of performance evaluation on the project as there might be some memory usage issues, DB fetching logic delays and other similar weak performance areas. From where should I begin...