
How do I stop the Back and Refresh buttons from resubmitting my form?

I am doing web development. I have a page to do with credit card, which when user click "refresh" or "Back", the transaction will be performed one more time, which is unwanted. This include Browser top left "Back" & "Refresh" button, "right click->Refresh/Back", press "F5" key. This is to be done on certain cgi page only, not all of the...

What do you recommend for accepting in-browser user drawings?

I need to write an application that accepts very simple doodles by users, kind of like in tenthousandcents and thesheepmarket. For example, I might want users to write their name using their mouse. Any suggestions? I don't even need to host it myself. If there are services offered somewhere that I can just use that is fine. ...

Learning Trail for Java Web Development?

I've Inheritted a large Java Web project which I've got to make some modifications to, I'm a fairly competent Java Programmer when it comes the the basics but I've never done any JSP programming or EJB programming before. I remember vauguely doing some servlet programming 5 or so years ago in university, but I'm assuming that everything...

Best Practices and Etiquette for Setting up Email Notifications

If you were going to set up a Email Alerts for the customers of your website to subscribe to, what rules of etiquette ought to be followed? I can think of a few off the top of my head: Users can Opt-Out Text Only (Or tasteful Remote Images) Not sent out more than once a week Clients have fine-grained control over what they receive ema...

Does .live() binding work for jQuery in IE7?

Hi everyone, I have a piece of javascript which is supposed to latch onto a form which gets introduced via XHR. It looks something like: $(document).ready(function() { $('#myform').live('submit', function() { $(foo).appendTo('#myform'); $(this).ajaxSubmit(function() { alert("HelloWorld"); }); return f...

Justification for using the cloud?

I'm currently writing a large scale ASP.Net web app. One of the thngs I can't find out about is how to justify when to use the cloud. E.g. when should I use google app engine/azure? Also, when would I want to use bigtable over a standard dbms such as Sql Server? Thanks ...

Creating RSS/Atom feeds: template language or XML library?

I'm creating an RSS (and/or Atom) feed for my website. Now, I can immediately think of two ways to do this: Use the same templating system I use to generate the HTML (Clearsilver if anyone's wondering), basically just treating the RSS feed like any other web page that happens to be in RSS+XML instead of XHTML Use an XML library, or an ...

Calling a default servlet first in Java web application

Hi, I wand my SampleServlet to called first whenever my java web application is accessed in this manner : http://server:8080/appname/ Is there any way to implement this? Thanks, Veera. ...

How to show Unicode characters in IE using HTML

I'm trying to show the copyright and infinity signs at the bottom of my page using this code: &#x00A9 Copyright Mikle 2009 - &#x221E This works perfectly in Firefox 2, 3 and Chrome. IE7 though, is showing me the actual codes (like you see above) instead of what I expect and the other browser show: © Copyright Mikle 2009 - ∞ This is...

Where to log from a .net web app? - Can't use %APPDATA% because of privileges

I need a path I could specify in log4net file appender so that the log files would go there. However, aspnet or whatever account does not have write privileges to %APPDATA% folder. Is there any place I can write to without asking customer admins to give extra access privileges? Path.GetTempFile() is probably not a good idea. I need some...

UTF8, ISO-8859-x or 7-bit ASCII and entities

What's your opinion on encoding accented and special characters in XHTML and XML. Do you convert each and every non-US-ASCII character to named entity? You use ISO-8859-x or Win-125x and encode to entities anything else? Or do you directly write everything in UTF-8, without bothering about entities? Please elaborate on which and why...

Encrypted data in URL and salt

When passing symetrically encrypted data in a URL or possibly storing encrypted data in a cookie, is it resonable and/or nessassary and/or possible to also pass the Symetric Encryption IV (Salt) in the same URL? Is the idea of using Salt even valid in a stateless environment such as the web? (I understand how salt works in a database gi...

Pagination of Date-Based Generic Views in Django

I have a pretty simple question. I want to make some date-based generic views on a Django site, but I also want to paginate them. According to the documentation the object_list view has page and paginate_by arguments, but the archive_month view does not. What's the "right" way to do it? ...

How to enable notices on my development server

I have a development version of PHP on Apache. I moved it to production and got this weird notices in my website. I don't have it on development version. How to enable these notices on my development version of website to fix them? ...

In Struts, where should the computations reside?

Hi, I'm strating out web programming in Java and I want to know the best practices. I'm wondering where should my computations reside in let's say a Java MVC app or a Struts apps? ...

Firefox addon to remove cache and cookies of one domain?

I use Firefox to develop a web site and at the same time to browse the web, read my gmail, etc. The problem is every now and then I need to delete the cache and or remove the cookies of the web app, but I want to stayed logged in in the other web pages I am visiting. Do you know a Firefox plugin (or Firefox trick) that can help with th...

Any disadvantages of Silverlight?

We are planning to develop a web based application using Silverlight 2.0. The application will be used by our company employees. The application will be accessed using IE6 (Yeah IE6) and Silverlight is not installed. We will be rolling our Silverlight through our IT support to all the users. All employees use Windows. Is there any thi...

default web font

i am adding an asp.net ImageButton that contains text adjacent to a LinkButton. i am creating the image for the ImageButton using an image editor and i need to know what font the LinkButton is using. i've tried firebug but i still can't figure it. ...

Specific message catalog techniques for web application

I have a web application that has user-readable text in three places: C source for CGI programs, JavaScript in .js files, and .HTML files and we are considering internationalization. I once worked on I18N of a PC-based program written in C and Tcl. We used common message catalogs that we could access from both languages. I'm not at al...

Can the iframe access its parent if i changed its src to "about:blank" after loading it in the parent page?

Can the iframe access its parent if i changed its src to "about:blank" after loading it in the parent page? Note: the iframe is in another domain not the same as the parent page. ...