
C#: Accessing and Modifying Values in a WebBrowser Control

I have a WebBrowser control where I want to edit a field in the HTML and then submit a form. Let's say that the field is called txtUname and that the submit button is called submit in form form1. How can I do this? I'm currently thinking of using something like this, but I haven't tested it: //Change value webBrowser1.Document.getElem...

C# Web Browser component is IE7 not IE8? How to change this?

So I have an C# Form application that utilizes the web browser component. Apparently Response.Write(Request.Browser.Version.ToString()); returns "7.0" when I visit my test page from the web browser component. How can I make this web browser component use IE8? Thank You! ...

close browser totally

is there any solution how can i close the browser completely? I need this because I am using Single Sign On from other page and on that page it is written that only closing the browser will log out the user. ...

Dynamically resize web browser control in Lotus Notes subform

I want to create a subform, which contains a web browser control in it. As this subform is going to be placed in different other forms, I'd like to be able to resize the width of the web browser control on postopen, and maybe some other events, so it fits nicely to the size of the parent form. I tried to check "Size object to fit window...

How to bring up PDF embedded in windows.forms.webbrowser control in VISTA.

Webbrowser1.Navigate("http://mysite.com/test.pdf") XP WEBBROWSER-CONTROL: brings up PDF embedded in webbrowser control, as desired. XP IE7: Behaves the same if you manually navigate to URL, as desired. VISTA WEBBROWSER-CONTROL: brings up PDF by separately launching Acrobat, won't embed in webbrowser control. Not desired. Vista IE7...

WebBrowser Controle

Hi,, Does any one have any custom web-browser control for windows mobile?. i tried using default WebBrowser control for windows mobile in c#, it gives me lot of problem like, it does't have gestures,it doesn't open some of sites like "icicibank.com" and many more..., i just done a quick googling on this i found this article given by Mic...

Running WinForms WebBrowser control as NETWORK_SERVICE

I need to use the WinForms WebBrowser control in an ASP.NET application in order to take screenshots of webpages. I'd much rather run it in a console app, and communicate to the app via the ASP.NET application, but it's not my call, I've been told it has to run as part of the website. It all pretty much works apart from every call to n...

Is it possible to get the index (start position) for the selected text in a WebBrowser control?

I would like to get the index (start position) for the selected text in a WebBrowser control. Similar to the index you would get when doing a regular expression search. I want to get the "line and column number" of the selected text. These can be determined based on the index of the selection. I have tried using an IHTMLTxtRange in com...

Detect TWebBrowser refresh event in Delphi 2009

Hi, I am using a TWebBrowser component which I use to load XML documents into which are linked to a XSL file. I have a default page I display when no XML document is loaded. However, if the user deletes the XML file whilst it is open in the browser and then refreshes I get the standard resource could not be found error. What I would l...

Getting Web page document in Windows mobile 6.0

Hi All, After searching lot on the internet we have found following code to get only body part of the web page loaded onto web browser control IPIEHTMLDocument2 *pHTMLDocument; IPIEHTMLElement* pBodyElement; CComPtr<IDispatch> spDispDoc; HRESULT res = m_spWebBrowser2->get_Document(&spDispDoc); if(SUCCEEDED(res)) { spDispD...

Why a RaceOnRCWCleanup error when closing a form with WebBrowser control on it?

VS2008, .NET 2, VB.NET, XP ... I have a Windows form, with a WebBrowser control and a Close button, which just does a Me.Close. The form's cancel button is set to the Close button, so that I can hit ESC to close the form. I set the DocumentText property of the WebBrowser control in the load event, and the HTML displays. Running the ...

webbrowser control on form2 vb windows application

Hi, I have a vb windows application with 2 forms, where form2 is called from form1 using form2.showdialog() I added a web browser control to form2, and I'm getting the following error at the point where form2 is called: Current thread must be set to single thread apartment (STA) mode before OLE calls can be made. Ensure that your Main...

keeping cookies after application restart c# webbrowser control

I want to be able to preserve the state of the web browser control when an application is restarted. For example if I log into to a site with a two hour cookie expiration, I quit the app and restart it within the two hours, I would like to continue the same session. (the same way the session would be kept if I had the control open the wh...

Saving webpage content using webbrowser IHTMLDocument interface

Hi, We need to save the complete web page including img, javascript, css and html using ATL webbrowser (IHTMLDocument) control, using IHTMLDocument2::get_all() method we have saved .html file but now how do we get external files such as .css, javascript and image files please help us with methods that internet explorer or firefox used...

c# webbrowser control printing

I'm using the web browser control in an application to display a report. The report is just straight HTML text but is fairly wide. When I preview the print using the .ShowPrintPreviewDialog() I see that the report is truncated on the right hand side, even when switched to landscape mode. Currently I am only calling the .ShowPrintPreview...

C#/WPF: interaction with web browser control?

Is it possible to interact with the source code of a local or remote page in real time through the use of the WPF browser control. A simple example of what I mean would be where the user can click a button that will bold the selected text. Sort of like a WYSIWYG HTML editor but using the browser control. Is there a way to interact with...

script to click a link at a certain time

I am interested in writing a script that goes to a website and clicks a link at a certain time. How do I go about doing something like this? ...

Prevent scrollbars with WPF WebBrowser displaying content

I'm using the WPF WebBrowser component to display some very simple HTML content. However, since I don't know the content size in advance, I'm currently getting scrollbars on the control when I load certain datasets. Basically, how can I force (or otherwise effect the equivalent of forcing) the WebBrowser to expand in size so that all c...

disposing and recreating a webbrowser control

I asked on the C# MSDN forum with no response. =[ Basically I have made a programme which automates a website with several different accounts, one after the other. However the website stores a cookie to save the account to the computer so you can't log another account into the site for about 4 days. I can delete the cookie; however beca...

Saving complete Webpage into local disk using IHTMLDocument ATL interface.

Hello Experts, In our win32 ATL project requirement we need to save the browsed web page into local disk in order to view it offline. Using IHTMLDocument2 interface we have retrieved html content using get_all() method and retrieved images from the get_images() method. now how do we extract other external files such as stylesheet (.c...