
Adding a global namespace to .net Webbrowser Control

Scenario: A widget developer codes using HTML and javascript. My vb.net application allows developers to create widgets for other users. in javascript you can call window.external to comunicate with the host windows scripting object and I would like to add a helper namespace with many functions to aid the development of widgets similar ...

HTML to XHTML WebBrowser control

I have been using the .NET WebBrowser control in edit mode as part of an interface for end users to create sections of HTML content for insertion into various websites. They have had a very cutdown list of tags available such as <p>, <br>, <a href>, <strong>, <ul> <li>... they could not apply any formatting on top of the tags as that was...

How to make a product catalog in C#?

I need to develop a product catalog (about 4000 products) application, which would be given to clients on CD or DVD. The catalog exists in webpage format using PHP and MySQL. IMPORTANT: the application is given to clients who maight have old PC, old System. For minimal requirements I would put Windows XP and Internet Explorer 6 (if nee...

How to read the html contents of the web browser control?

How to (i) read the html contents of the web browser control (ii) modify it and (iii) redisplay it on the screen? (simular to firebug, http://getfirebug.com/ where you can load a webpage, change the html tag value and it would display the change on the screen) ...

Getting content with images into the Web Browser control without temporary files

For a client server application, I'd like to display content with a web browser control with images without writing temporary files to the disk. I've tried using mht files via documentstream and documenttext, but the web browser control isn't smart enough to recognize mht files. I would use data URI images, however most computers this ...

Flash security popup is unclickable on a layered window

I have a layered (TransparencyKey is set) winform w/ a WebBrowser control on it that navigates to a page that contains flash (swf). Everything works okay except that when flash shows a security popup, none of the buttons on the popup respond to mouse click, so I can't click Allow/Deny. Right-click works but only shows the context menu t...

WebBrowser DrawToBitmap other methods?

I am trying to capture the content of the WebBrowser control. DrawToBitmap() would work perfectly, but it is not supported in documentation for the WebBrowser control. I have been trying to find another way to capture the contents of the WebBrowser control and save them to a local image file. Anyone have any workarounds or other metho...

VB.Net: How to fill in a form in a website, then click at a button and download the file using webbrowser control?

I am using a WebBrowser-Control to fill in a webform and then click at a button, this currently results in a standard Download File Dialog (you get these if you download a file using internet explorer), but instead, I have to catch this file and save it automatically with a by me defined name to a specific folder. I am trying to code a ...

send credentials to WebBrowser

Hi, I have a webbrowser control that navigates to sharepoint port. How can i send credentials to webbrowser control, so i can navigate to the site with custom credentials? ...

Confirm box before closing a tab

I want to have a confirm box when user tries to close the window. window.onbeforeunload = function (evt) { var message = 'Are you sure you want to leave, cause there are some unsaved changes?'; if (typeof evt == 'undefined') { evt = window.event; } if (evt ) { evt.returnValue = message; } return message; } The thing is i wa...

In WebBrowser control get Silverlight Canvas

I have a webbrowser control that loads an html page which contains a silverlight object. I want to use the webbrowser control to get the silverlight canvas so that I can pass it to a WriteableBitmap() object. The silverlight is being loaded into a div called SilverlightHostControl and I am trying to get it like this in C#: object elem...

Read pdf contents using webbrowser control in C#

I need to render pdf file to a webbrowser control like how ie render it. question is, i need to get the content of the pdf file from the webbrowser control. how can i do it? help please. Jepe ...

WebBrowser control won't display an https site that IE8 on the same PC will

In IE8, I get the follow warning, but if I choose to continue the site displays properly. There is a problem with this website's security certificate. The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website's address. Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any ...

Highlight text in a pdf file embedded in a site using C#

I need to render pdf file in a webbrowser then highlight some words on it. How can i do it? any sure 3rd party dll that i can use for this? Thank, Jepe ...

Convert PDF File to HTML in C#

I had a problem highlighting text in a pdf file embedded in webbrowser control and highlighting text using PDFLibNet.pdfwrapper so i'm shifting to another process where i'll just convert the pdf to html so i can manipulate the source code to highlight text. How can i convert pdf files to html files? Is there a better way? Thanks, Je...

Webbrowser control: auto fill textfields

I would like my custom browser to auto fill in a form when it is completely loaded Ok so inside private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) { } Ive inserted the following statements webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("FirstName").SetAttribute("value", "John"); webBrowser...

Winforms web browser control not firing document complete with AJAX web site.

The VB.Net desktop app uses the IE browser control to navigate the web. When a normal page loads the document_complete event fires and I can read the resulting page and go from there. The issue I am having is that the page I am driving is written with AJAX, so the document complete event never fires. Furthermore, when you view the source...

Iteration through the HtmlDocument.All collection stops at the referenced stylesheet?

Since "bug in .NET" is often not the real cause of a problem, I wonder if I'm missing something here. What I'm doing feels pretty simple. I'm iterating through the elements in a HtmlDocument called doc like this: System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("*** " + doc.Url + " ***"); foreach (HtmlElement field in doc.All) System.Diagnostics...

How do I find the vertical position of tags using .net webbrowser control?

I need to traverse through an HTML document and detect the position of each tag so I can insert HTML elements when I reach specific positions, such as the bottom of a page (9x11 paper) I am using the .NET web browser control. I cannot seem to get the code to figure out my current position. OffsetRectangle is dependent on the parent node...

Create controls from code - VB.NET

Hello everyone, I want to know if I can create a WebBrowser through code in Vb.NET, instead of dragging a webbrowser into the form. Simple enough to say, I would greatly appreciate your help. ...