
How to hide HtmlElement in webbrowser control

Hi, I have a webbbrowser control that navigates to a page that contains an image, and i want to hide or delete this image from my webbrowser. I've tried to set on DocumentCompleted event the method below with no luck: webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("imgToHide").Style = "display:none"; How to hide an htmlelement from a webbrowser...

Web browser control detect form submitted?

After a user submits a form, how do you detect that the form has been posted/submitted and the browser has navigated to the logged in page? ...

Set Proxy Credential in Web Browser Control

I am working on a legacy code where an application uses AxSHDocVw.AxWebBrowser (NOT System.Windows.Forms.Control) to open up web pages and am extending it to take proxy into considerations. I have following example on http://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx/wininet/internetsetoption.html to use InternetSetOption() to go through specified p...

Webbrowser control in C# weird behavior

I'm setting a HTML string value to webbrowser.DocumentText. Problem is, sometimes it worked and sometimes it hangs up and not go through the documentcompleted event. what might be the problem? Please reply, asap.. Thanks, Jepe ...

Webbrowser control: Get element value and store it into a variable.

Winform: Web browser Control The web browser has the following displayed content, within a html table. [Element] [Value] Name John Smith Email [email protected] For the example above, the html code, might look something like this <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><label class="label">Name</label></td> ...

Web browser control: Detecting changes in form content

A form contains many elements, such as labels, Textbox, radio options box etc How do you detect the user has changed a textbox input value, or has choosen a radio option within the content of a web browser control? (not the winform itself). Do you handle a winform event for when the mouse clicked or keyboard keys pressed? or is there a...

CHtmlView class and focus

I have an SDI application written in MFC. The frame is divided into 1 row and 2 columns using a splitter window. Below are details of Row and Column (R0C0 means Row#0 and Col#0) R0C0 view is a CFormView with multiple input controls like text box, combo box etc. R0C1 view is a CHtmlView that contains HTML content relavant to the contro...

How can I differentiate between the .net WebBrowser component and an actual browser?

OK, so we have an online downloads store accessed via our software. Recently we've had requests to allow downloads via normal browsers and it's fairly easy just to slap a download page on. The problem is that it would be confusing to people having two download links, one for the software and one for their web browser, so we want to diffe...

VB.Net Web Browser control - how do you handle popups?

I have a large project in Vb.net which drives a web browser control around. What's the best, and easiest, way to manage browser pop ups? Note, I am not just looking to cancel or close them. I need to manage them just like the main window. ...

When using WebBrowser control how do you have the text appear without margins?

I'm using a System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser control next to textboxes with the left margins of each control aligned on the same X axis. The appearance however is "ugly" because the WebBrowser control inserts a margin/padding around the content of the control. Therefore the text in the WebBrowser control is several pixels to the right of ...

Displaying local images in the web browser control

Hi, I am writing a Windows Forms application and am creating a report for users to view in the webBrowser control. The problem is that it does not seem to display an image which is situated on my local hard drive, it just display the "broken image" red cross symbol. The path of the image is correct and when I view the source code of the...

How do I develop browser plugins with cross-platform and cross-browser compatibility in mind?

My company currently has a product which relies on a custom, in-house ActiveX control. The technology it employs (TWAIN) is itself cross-platform by design, but our solution is obviously limited to Internet Explorer on Windows. Long term we would like to become cross-browser and cross-platform (i.e., support other browsers on Windows, s...

The Webbrowser DocumentComplited event wont fire c#

Hi. I have a problem using C# Webbrowser control. the problem is with the event DocumentComplited. Usually the event works fine. the problem is with this page:http://www.voiproblem.com/emulators/Netgear/WGR614v6/fw_forward.html when I (automatically) press on "add" the control navigates to:http://www.voiproblem.com/emulators/Netgear/WGR...

C# WebBrowser control not applying css

I have a project that I am working on in VS2005. I have added a WebBrowser control. I add a basic empty page to the control private const string _basicHtmlForm = "<html> " + "<head> " + "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'/> " ...

VB6: get onreadystate value from browser control

hi all, i'm trying to get the onreadystate value from the browser control do detect when the page has finished loading. unfortunately the event's .returnValue returns empty. what's wrong? here's my code - thx: Dim WithEvents m_doc As HTMLDocument Private Sub Form_Load() Set m_doc = WebBrowser1.Document End Sub Private Sub m_doc_...

How to set Content-Type of a Webbrowser Control?

Is it possible to set the Content-Type of a document in a webbrowser control? For example how can I show an XML document rendered as XML in a webbrowser control by using DocumentText? ...

Security Level for WebBrowser control

I am trying to migrate an .hta application to a C# executable. Of course, since it's an .hta the code is all HTML and Jscript, with calls to local ActiveX objects. I created a C# executable project and am just using the WebBrowser control to display the HTML content. Simply renamed the .hta to an .html and took out the HTA declarations....

I am looking for an actual functional web browser control for .NET, maybe a C++ library

I am trying to emulate a web browser in order to execute JavaScript code and then parse the DOM. The System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser object does not give me the functionality I need. It let's me set the headers, but you cannot set the proxy or clear cookies. Well you can, but it is not ideal and messes with IE's settings. I've been e...

Displaying html from string in WPF WebBrowser control

My data context object contains a string property that returns html that I need to display in WebBrowser control; I can't find any properties of WebBrowser to bind it to. Any ideas? Thanks! ...

WebBrowser created dynamically doesn't work

I'd like to create WebBrowser control programically in my code and then read page content. I think I'm doing the same thing as designer does but control dynamically created doesn't work (DocumentText return empty string) What I'm doing wrong ?? EDIT-2: Code change after @Axarydax suggestion (working) Main block code: WebBrowser brows...