
Cocoa WebView cross-thread access

I have a C++ class running in its own thread that needs to execute some javascript in a WebView that's part of a Cocoa app. I have the C++ app call a method in the Cocoa window's controller and it in turns runs the javascript, passing in the data. It seems to work part of the time, but crash a lot of the time as well (somewhere in WebVie...

Programmatically take ScreenShot of Desktop in Ruby?

Hey there, I asked this question about taking a picture of a webpage programmatically, and I've downloaded and got webkit2png working (taking pictures of HTML pages like blogs and whatnot). So cool, thanks for showing me that! Now I would like to start doing more, like being able to take pictures of Flash websites after they have load...

How do I select arbitrary text on the page using javascript?

Let's say I have a contentEditable div, to the user can edit and change the text and elements inside it. How do I arbitrarily change the selection in this div with javascript? By "change" I don't mean "change the contents of whatever the user has selected", I mean actually change what is selected. The user should then be able to type ove...

How i can track Safari activity from my application

I have to develop an application to monitor Safari activity like all open url , tabs on particular window and loding time of particular url. I also need to track online streaming that is happening on particular opened htmm page URL of streaming source, which player is being used for streaming and all other basic information which open...

Making textarea display the same in WebKit as in other browsers

Webkit decided there weren't enough browser incompatibilities and added 2px of padding to my textarea. However, if I set padding:0 then it looks awful when typed in. Is there a way I can make it the same size without destroying the display? (It seems like -webkit-padding-start:2px and -webkit-padding-start:2px will fix the left and ri...

which delegate method will be invoked when click the tab of safari?

As we know , When we load frame from webpage of safari, we will invoke the delegate methods of webkit informal protocol(WebFrameLoadDelegate): webView:didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame: webView:didChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame: and When we click or change the tabs of safari,which delegate methods will be invoked? Thank you very much!...

Position:relative for anchors in webkit broken. Work-arounds?

In our project we used the following method to link users to some anchorred area on the page: <span style="position: relative; top: -100px; z-index: -1; visibility: hidden;" id="anchor">&nbsp;</span> This was used to leave a little space before the exact anchorred element like a form. http://gyazo.com/9f714647b5162...

How to access images loaded from css in Qt Webkit (java)

Hi, In Qt WebKit you can call QWebFrame.renderTreeDump() to see the render tree. For images in html <img src=...> you get something like: RenderImage {IMG} at (0,0) size 174x71 However, there is no render information for images loaded from ccs (backgrounds etc). Is there a way to access these? I'd also like to be get the urls of ...

Is it possible to enable the WebKit JavaScript Inspector in mobile web browsers?

I would love to use the Web Inspector development tools that come with webkit on a mobile browser. Does anyone know if it is possible to enable web inspector on say the Android web browser ?? ...

Really quick and dirty solution for embedding webkit in a Swing UI?

Hi, I am looking for a really quick and dirty solution for embedding webkit in a Swing application. What I am looking for is a way to implement a panel that contains a webkit browser running some JavaScript that will be able to do one or more of the following: Call a Java function of the containing application Send JSON objects to the...

How to enable cookie support with pyWebKit?

The documentation for pyWebKitGTK is pretty scarce. I've looked through their python .def files but they don't seem to contain the words cookie, session, (lib)soup or (lib)curl.. so maybe it isn't possible, huh. I've also looked through the WebKitGTK docs (for the C-based library) and aside from a brief mention of libsoup there doesn't a...

iPhone Safari Web App: Seeking overview of iPhone-specific features

I am trying to get an overview of what kind of native iPhone features I can get access to when I write a Web App (using html/css/javascript, running in Safari). Meaning: I like to know whether I can get access to features specific to "smartphones" in general and iPhone/iTouch in particular (accelerometer, address book, photo library, th...

Z-Index div hover overlay issues with [windows] Webkit (Safari, Opera, etc)

Edit: This ONLY occurs on Windows Webkit, does not occur on Macs I am trying to set up a grid with fixed sized cells with a background image. When you hover, the background image and height of cell is changed/increased and overlays the row below it. I tried a few ways to create this idea and came down to that a table with z-index ...

HTML Printing using Gecko or Webkit engine

Is there a way where I can directly print html file or url without invoking any dialogs in .NET? ...

Droid browser causing havoc on my site

I have a mobile-optimized site that uses a pretty simple trick of serving a different page based on browser width. This worked great until the Droid came along, with its very high pixel density screen. I understand that the default setting of the screen is 800 pixels wide (significantly wider than my width detect script, which is makin...

Can I access keychain from a webapp (javascript) on the iPhone ?

The question is pretty much in the title ;-) Do you know if there is a webkit API for reading/writing from the iPhone keychain ? That is, I would need to access the keychain from a webapp. Thanks in advance ! ...

Android Webkit in background

Is there a way to get webkit running in the background , or even small enough for the user not to know that the webkit browser is running? Basically i want to use this to have java and javascript integration while using the android UI. ...

Linking with .so files (webkit)

Hi, I'm trying to create a program that uses some of the code from WebKit/GTK+. Specifically, I want to load a string, use WebKit's parser to construct a DOM tree and then iterate over that tree. I'm trying to use a class called HTMLDocument. WebKit/GTK+ doesn't expose this as part of its API and I'm running into some trouble linking ...

Webkit browsers not fully rendering background-image

I've got a simple webpage with a centered background image around the main div. The background image renders fine in IE and Firefox, but on Webkit-based browsers (Chrome, Safari), the background image only partially renders when the page is initially loaded. It's almost as if the browser just quits trying to render it. If I resize the br...

Using local path with WebView (Webkit)

Hi! I'm trying to use Gtk port of Webkit. All works fine. But when I'm using local path in src attribute to load image from my HDD (src="file://...") I'm getting the next warning in console: not allowed to load local resource file://... And image doesn't loading. Any suggestions? P.S. I'm using load_string method with fake base ...